
Scalability of Oracle Forms

What is your experience regarding the scalability of Oracle Forms? What's the maximum number of application users you would use Oracle Forms for: 100, 1000, 10000, 50000? I know that this question lacks many detail information for a well-founded answer. However, I am interested in the gut feeling of seasoned Forms developers. Thanks. ...

oracle commit kills

hi I got an oracle db 10g, here a table as an example create table Dienstplan ( Montag Number(2), Dienstag Number(2), Mittwoch Number (2), Donnerstag Number (2), Freitag Number (2), Samstag Number (2), Sonntag Number (2), gueltigAb DATE default SYSDATE NOT NULL, PersonalNr Number(10) references Mitarbeiter(PersonalNr) INITIALLY DEFERRE...

Perl DBD::ODBC Issues with Oracle Date Formats

I am using Perl's DBD::ODBC to connect to an Oracle database. However, an issue arises when I try to execute a select query using a date in the where clause. It seems this issue occurs because of the database's date format being DD-MON-RR (see DBD::ODBC::FAQ). Since I cannot change the database's settings, can anyone suggest a workaro...

Writing Triggers or implementing actions by programming?

I am a newbie. I am writing an application in Java which connects to Oracle 9i database. I need to enforce some rules in my application like: Chair of Committee A must be added/deleted as a Member in Committee B. There are around 10 such rules that need to be enforced. I am in a dilemma whether to enforce these rules by writing trigger...

Problem with Oracle JPublisher

Hey guys, Has anyone had any experience with Oracle's JPublisher? I am trying to call an external Web service. I've read the Callout Utility guide however after running JPublisher like this: ./jpub -user ... -sysuser ... -proxywsdl=/home/oracle/Radius.wsdl -endpoint= -package=interfaces.RADIUS -plsql...

Does anyone have a sample data migration script (Oracle 10g to Oracle 10g, but different schemas)?

I am trying to write a data migration pl/sql script to transfer some of the data in one schema to a different schema on another server. The second database started as a subset of the original database, but we have modified the schema. So I can't just use the following for each table: Insert into DB2.table_name select * from DB1.table_n...

Oracle bug? SELECT returns no dupes, INSERT from SELECT has duplicate rows

I'm getting some strange behaviour from an Oracle instance I'm working on. This is 11gR1 on Itanium, no RAC, nothing fancy. Ultimately I'm moving data from one Oracle instance to another in a data warehouse scenario. I have a semi-complex view running over a DB link; 4 inner joins over large-ish tables and 5 left joins over mid-size tab...

Is this a valid way to use the Oracle Recovery Manager with the Oracle Job Scheduler?

First, I am creating an executable job: BEGIN DBMS_SCHEDULER.CREATE_JOB(job_name => 'PIPE_JOB', job_type => 'EXECUTABLE', job_action => 'RMAN PIPE TEST_PIPE_1 target / TIMEOUT = 60'); END; Next, I am trying to execute the job with this series of Oracle commands: DECLARE pipename CONSTANT VARCHAR2(100) := 'TEST_PIPE_1'; create_r...

How to produce HTML new line by putting metadata in Oracle table.

We have a CRM solution where all metadata stored in Oracle table (don't ask me why). I am issuing an update statement but when get the data from database I see on front end '\n' as part of the text and not new line (like HTML's <br/>). I was trying to put directly in description but it shows as br/ on front end. What escape charact...

ODP.Net Stored Procedure performance issues on large datasets.

Hey guys, We are having some major performance issues with SELECT queries out one of our databases. Please see the simple procedure and associated code below. In the code the ExecuteReader() method is executing in around 10 seconds on a query returning 30K records. Iterating the Reader takes 2 minutes (even when I am not pumping the ...

.Net Oracle ORA-24338 'statement handle not executed' error and some error in one stored Procedure

Hi, I have the following Stored Procedures create or replace PROCEDURE WEB_AC ( v_iDocid IN NUMBER DEFAULT NULL , v_valor IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL , v_campo IN VARCHAR2 DEFAULT NULL , v_error OUT NUMBER ) AS v_campoid NUMBER(5,0); v_tipodato VARCHAR2(50); v_DOCTYPE NUMBER; v_tabla VARCHAR2(50); v_procedure VARCHAR2(70); BEGIN...

how to loop accepting user input with pl/sql?

I want to be able to insert a variable number of rows into a table based on user input? eg. Please enter value, enter "done" when no more values: value 1 Please enter value, enter "done" when no more values: value 2 Please enter value, enter "done" when no more values: done 2 Rows inserted successfully. I'm not sure how to store the ...

Filtering objects with many to many relationships

I have a two tables one for documents one for mapping to categories. Documents id | document_name 1 | somename.doc 2 | anothername.doc Documents_to_categories cat_id | doc_id 10 | 1 10 | 2 11 | 3 12 | 1 Some documents can map to multiple categories. What I want is to be able to select document...

Trying to connect to Oracle error - Keyword not supported: 'unicode'.

I have a project in ASP.NET that connects to an Oracle database. One of the page uses a series of table adapters to perform simple scalar lookups. The same dataset with the scalar lookups also has some table adapters that fill datasets. The datasets fill fine on both the production server(Server 2003) and my local development machine,...

How to read xml respone using in oracle sql

How to read xml respone using in oracle sql(I have one node status. I want read the status node and insert into a table) plz help me regards ram ...

Select query causing exception

When does the below sql function can cause an exception other than NO DATA FOUND? v_ExchangeRate is of type float.The datatype of rate column is NUMBER(14, 10) and this column can not contain NULL values. BEGIN SELECT rate INTO v_ExchangeRate FROM exchange_rate WHERE currency_code = CurrencyCode AND status = 'A'; The data type ...

dictionary data insert or select (oracle, java)

Hello, I have an table (in ORADB) containing two columns: VARCHAR unique key and NUMBER unique key generated from an sequence. I need my Java code to constantly (and in parallel) add records to this column whenever a new VARCHAR key it gets, returning the newly generated NUMBER key. Or returns the existing NUMBER key when it gets an ex...

sql server compatible queries for given oracle queries

I want Microsoft SQL server queries corresponding to the following Oracle queries //get schema of a table desc tablename; //get the names of all tables select * from tab; ...

Invalid IsolationLevel parameter: must be ReadCommitted or Serializable.

Hi, In my .NET 3.5 project, I have created an OracleConnection object called conn. Then i create a Transaction object as follows : using (OracleTransaction trans = conn.BeginTransaction(IsolationLevel.RepeatableRead)) WHen the control goes to the Transaction creation line, it gives an exception as System.ArgumentException was ...

Update based on subquery fails

I am trying to do the following update in Oracle 10gR2: update (select voyage_port_id, voyage_id, arrival_date, port_seq, row_number() over (partition by voyage_id order by arrival_date) as new_seq from voyage_port) t set t.port_seq = t.new_seq Voyage_port_id is the primary key, voyage_id is a foreign key. I'm trying to assig...