
Deploying web server that uses Oracle.DataAccess results in various assembly errors

My development machine is Vista x64. I am using WCF web services to build web services interfacing to an oracle 10g database. When development started, I could not use VS2008's built-in WCF test tool [WCFTestClient] that launches when you press F5 [Go], on the 32-bit Oracle.DataAccess.dll, because I get System.BadImageFormatException o...

What do I need to install to use OraOLEDB

I have a Delphi 2007 app using ADO to connect to an Oracle database. I have found for the app to support Blob field types I need to use the OraOLEDB provider to connect. The connection string: Provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle;Password=pwd;User ID=username;Data Source=;Persist Security Info=False I have found that using MSDAORA.1 as...

Poll Oracle DB for changes

Hi, I am trying to figure out how I could poll for changes that are made to an Oracle Table without using a trigger. The only changes I currently care about are new/inserted records. Any suggestions would be greatly appreciated. I also don't really want to have to use other tables to keep track of what has changed. Thanks! S ...

Taking dump of tables in oracle 10g using PL/SQL procedure.

Hi Required immediate response, I want to take dump of some selected tables from schema, can any body tell me is it possible? Can anybody provide procedure by executing that we can take dump. e.g. I have schema, testuser, and tables (T1,T2,T3,T5,T9), i want to take dump of T1 & T5 only. Thanks in advance ...

Difference between not equal and greater than for a number

I have a query: select * from randomtable where randomnumber <> 0 The column "random_number" will never be a negative number. So, if I write the query as: select * from randomtable where randomnumber > 0 Is there any major difference? ...

self joining a table

Basically when do we need a self join on a table? ...

How to reduce undo tablespace size in oracle?

Undo tablespace size is 30 GB even not activities going on DATABASE. ...

OracleCommandBuilder - parameters named after columns instead of :p1, :p2, etc.?

I'm using an OracleCommandBuilder to autogenerate SQL based on a SELECT statement. The parameters in the generated UPDATE, INSERT, and DELETE statements take the form :p1, :p2, and so forth. In the course of researching how to use the OracleCommandBuilder, I could swear that somewhere I ran across a property I could set, or something I...

How to disable single radio button on JSFX page?

I have a customer who created an Oracle ADF/JSF 1.1 application. On one of the pages they have a table with first column as an enabled mutually exclusive radio buttons. I had to enhance the page and add the total line with disabled radio button. How can I disable it in Bean class or on the page without using JavaScript? I've tried to ...

Connection hangs after time of inactivity

In my application, Spring manages connection pool for database access. Hibernate uses these connections for its queries. At first glance, I have no problems with the pool: it works correctly with concurrent clients and a pool with only one connection. I can execute a lot of queries, so I think that I (or Spring) don't leave open connecti...

Oracle APEX - Setting up a Tabular Form with default values

Hey all, I pretty new to APEX and I'm having a bit of trouble working with my first Tabular form. The table I've linked it to is fairly simple. The columns are as follows: Primary key representing an internal code for a college major Foreign key representing the "real" code for the college major Description for the college major The...

Strategy for managing Oracle packages without breaking code

I'm curious to find out how people manage their packages in their applications. For example, in our development instance, an application developer may want a change to a stored procedure. However, changing the stored procedure will break the existing Java code until the DAO layer is updated to accommodate for the changes. My typical p...

Oracle shared memory error

The following query generates the error below in 10g: select DBMS_METADATA.GET_DDL('TABLE','TEST_TABLE','TEST') from dual; Got: ORA-04031: unable to allocate 128 bytes of shared memory ("shared pool","SELECT /*+rule*/ SYS_XMLGEN(...","sql area","qeeOpt: qeesCreateOpt") ORA-06512: at "SYS.DBMS_METADATA", line 1546 ORA-06512: at "SYS....

How do I change my password in multiple Oracle databases?

Is there a tool that allows me to change my password in multiple Oracle databases? It expires every month and I would like to change them all simultaneously. ...

Dump the body of a function or procedure in sqlplus

How can I dump out the body of a function or a procedure when using sqlplus to connect to an oracle database? ...

Executing Dynamic SQL in Oracle (PL/SQL) and Ensuring Security....

If I have a valid SQL string; is there anyway I can execute it in my PL/SQL - but guarantee that it is a SELECT statement only...without doing complex parsing to ensure it doesn't have any escape characters/nested commands or any of that jazz? EDIT: What I'm really trying to accomplish is a generic, built-in to my application, querying...

Zend_Db and Date Based Queries

I'm using Zend_Db to query a table. I have some WHERE clauses that need to be dates and it's not clear (at first glance) how to do this "the right way". Does Zend_Db provide an abstraction so I don't need to concern myself with how the backend (Oracle, MySQL, etc.) expects its dates? Or do I need to format things in the way my backend ...

Normalize columns names in ORACLE 11g

Hello, I need remove the quotes from the names of the columns in many tables in my schema. there is any way to automate this process?, any function in oracle or some tool that allows me to change the names of the columns removing the quotes. I am using oracle 11g. UPDATE I'm sorry, I had to rephrase my question. thanks in advance. ...

How to test an Oracle function that contains DML in PLSQL Developer?

Selecting the return value of an Oracle stored function that doesn't contain DML can be done by simply selecting the function: select function_name() from dual; If the function contains DML (in this case some inserts to log the arguments passed to the function), the above query is not allowed. (ORA-14551) How can I select/view the re...

ADO.NET for oracle doesn't close connections

When connecting to oracle server from .NET application using ADO.NET for oracle, even if i closed the connection, the connection remains inactive at the Oracle server, so new connections could not be established because of the sessions per user limitation, is there is any way to make sure that all connections are closed? from Oracle serv...