
Reason to use DECIMAL(31,0)

What is the reason that some people from Oracle background are using DECIMAL(31,0) for integers. In MySQL it is not efficient. ...

Storing large prime numbers in a database

This problem struck me as a bit odd. I'm curious how you could represent a list of prime numbers in a database. I do not know of a single datatype that would be able to acuratly and consistently store a large amount of prime numbers. My concern is that when the prime numbers are starting to contain 1000s of digits, that it might be a bit...

Oracle 11g rename. Guaranteed to be atomic?

Hi, I have some (5) rename statements in a plsql script drop table new; rename old to new; "old" tables hold very valuable information. As I see it, if the rename command is guaranteed to be atomic, then I´d have one problem solved. Is it atomic? If not, is there a way to do a "safe" rename ? Thanks in advance ...

inserting one account for each row and every dates and payments associated with that account in one row each in (ORACLE)

This how the script run from the begin to the end INSERT INTO TAIWOS.TEMP_CAPONE_DATE_JUL2--------- This is working fine SELECT FACS_ACCT_NUM, PROMISE_DATE, PROMISE_AMT, '0' FROM MGMT.FACS_PDC_PROMISE WHERE CLIENT_CD IN ('CAP20J', 'CAP20U', 'CAP21E', 'CAP20E', 'CAP21J', 'CAP22E', 'CAP22J', 'CAP22U', 'CA...

NHibernate + Fluent NHibernate + Oracle Index

I have a table with more than 10 000 000 rows. In TOAD this query works very well on it: select /*+ INDEX(x IDX_CASHFLOW_COMPLEX)*/ * from MYPR.CASHFLOW x where fk_debet in (21856, 21854, 21855) IDX_CASHFLOW_COMPLEX is index on 5 columns created by following script: CREATE INDEX MYPR.IDX_CASHFLOW_COMPLEX ON MYPR.CASHFLOW (FK_DEBIT...

Update last row with data from second to last row

CREATE TABLE Landmark ( Indexc NUMBER Birth DATE Address VARCHAR2(50 BYTE) City VARCHAR2(30 BYTE) State CHAR(2 BYTE) Zip VARCHAR2(15 BYTE) ... Other properties ) ALTER TABLE Landmark ADD ( CONSTRAINT Landmark_PK PRIMARY KEY (Indexc, Birth)); CREATE TABLE MapPoint ( Indexc NUMBER Longitude FLOAT(126)...

Dropping Oracle index w/ .NET Oracle Data Access

So my .NET utility is performing massive amounts of inserts dynamically and it would make sense to drop the index while performing these and reconstructing it after performing the inserts. Is the best way to do this using OracleCommand and setting command text to literal SQL? So for example: OracleCommand dropIndexCommand = new Oracle...

Hibernate and padding on CHAR primary key column in Oracle

I'm having a little trouble using Hibernate with a char(6) column in Oracle. Here's the structure of the table: CREATE TABLE ACCEPTANCE ( USER_ID char(6) PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, ACCEPT_DATE date ); For records whose user id has less than 6 characters, I can select them without padding the user id when running queries using SQuirre...

Passing arbitrary number of parameters to an Oracle function in perl

Take an existing piece of perl code which calls an Oracle function with two params; my $func = $dbh->prepare (q { BEGIN :result := myStoredProc(value1 => :Param1, value2 => :Param2); END; } ); $func->bind_param(":Param1", $opt_a); $func->bind_param(":Param2", $opt_b); $func->bind_param_inout(":result", \$re...

Oracle Sql Developer: how to install extensions?

Specifically, the three extensions below. I have added them to the list in Tools/Preferences/Database/User Defined Extensions but I can't figure out what types to set them to, and where they should appear in the GUI.

Oracle streams and denormalization

I intend to use Oracle Streams for replication from Source to Target. The Target will be used mainly to run Reports. Earlier, all the reports used to run on the Source itself. Therefore, this arrangement gives better performance as all report queries are directed to a dedicated Target. I would also like to denormalize the tables on the...

Why does JDBC driver pad some blank characterS other a queried field, from an Oracle Database ?

So, here is the code which create the table in an Oracle 10g / UTF-8 database : CREATE TABLE TEST_SEMANTIC ( SEMANTIC_COLBYTE char(2 byte) , SEMANTIC_COLCHAR char(2 char) ); meaning, that I use two differents types of semantic for the two columns, byte and char. I then insert inside the database these corresponding data : insert in...

Best practice Java technology for developing web services?

Could someone please recommend a suitable FOSS Java technology for developing a webservice with these requirements: Needs to query an Oracle database, return XML data, and support rollbacks (so probably would have to maintain state in some way). Currently I have a webservice written in PHP, but I've found PHP's support for SOAP limitin...

MySQL vs. SQL Server vs. Oracle...

Hi Guys, I have always only used MySQL and no other database system. A question came up at a company meeting today and I was embarrassed I did not know: To a developer, what earth-shaking functionality do MS or Oracle offer that MySQL lacks and which allows MS and Oracle to charge for their systems? ...

generic stored procedures in oracle

i want to write a generic stored procedure in oracle .For example i want to take table name as input and then do maipulations on it. I want to learn some sample generic codes and the basica of writing generic stored procedures in oracle. Can any one provie code snippets/ links to websites or other material for this? ...

Keeping a DHTML tree expanded in Oracle APEX

Friends, I have created a list item to be used as the primary navigation within my apex application. When the application is run, the tree can be expanded and you can click on a leaf node and are taken to the correct page however on arrival at the new page, the tree is back at it's starting position\completely collapsed. My question...

Oracle: Set Query Timeout

Hello, i have a PL/SQL program which do a query to an AS400 database through Transparent Gateway. Sometimes the AS400 not responds to the query (may be network problems )and the PL/SQL program hangs. Is there any method to set a timeout to the Oracle query so that when certain amount of time passes an exception is risen? ...

resultout used in oracle workflow

what is resultout used in oracle workflow,function activity ...

Find package global variables from data dictionary

I have a package: CREATE PACKAGE my_pkg IS g_var NUMBER; END; / Is there any way I can query SYS views, to find that this package has this global variable? I'm interested in explicit variable name and data type. P.S. Parsing user_source does not count. Edit: I would like to do that without introducing getter/setter functions. ...

Help for extension Where() (this IEnumerable<CUSTOMERRow> source, Func<CUSTOMERRow, bool> predicate)

Using Oracle® Data Provider for .NET to generate strongly typed datasets. I could of course fill the entire table, but I would like to learn how to use the Where() extension with a delegate function that should limit number of collected rows based on certain table values. Parameters for Where() extension: (this IEnumerable<CUSTOMERRo...