
Oracle 10gr2: enforce dates entered are between 9am and 5pm?

I want to enforce that date-times that are entered fall between 9am and 5pm. How do I enforce this with ORACLE CHECK constraints? ...

Why does Oracle 9i treat an empty string as NULL?

I know that it does consider ' ' as NULL, but that doesn't do much to tell me why this is the case. As I understand the SQL specifications, ' ' is not the same as NULL -- one is a valid datum, and the other is indicating the absence of that same information. Feel free to speculate, but please indicate if that's the case. If there's an...

Why does running a script from SQLPlus not require a password?

I noticed its possible to run SQL scripts with Oracle's SQLPlus by providing only a username and no password. Isn't this like a horrible breach of any form of security for Oracle? Or am I missing something? ...

What is the syntax for inserting data into a timestamp(6) type field in Oracle

I need to insert some data into a table in Oracle. The only problem is one of the fields is a timestamp(6) type and it is required data. I don't care about what actually goes in here I just need to get the right syntax for an entry so that the database will accept it. I'm using the gui web client to enter data however I don't mind usi...

Sometimes can't delete an Oracle database row using Django

I have a unit test which contains the following line of code Site.objects.get(name="UnitTest").delete() and this has worked just fine until now. However, that statement is currently hanging. It'll sit there forever trying to execute the delete. If I just say print Site.objects.get(name="UnitTest") then it works, so I know that i...

What can cause intermittent ORA-12519 (TNS: no appropriate handler found) errors

We are running our Junit 4 test suite against Weblogic 9 in front of an Oracle 10 database (using Hudson as a continuous integration server) and occasionally we will get an ORA-12519 crash during script teardown. However, the error is very intermittent: It usually happens for the same Test class It doesn't always happen for the sa...

Migrating a Character Based Oracle Form

I have an OLD server running DG/UX that will in the near future be unsupported. I have some character based oracle forms that need to be migrated off of this machine. Does anyone know what sort of migration strategy Oralce has for upgrading these Character Based reports. It doesnt have to be the newest version, it doesnt even have to be ...

Oracle database allows invalid time portion of datetime column values under what circumstances?

This case arises in a real-life situation where invalid data was in (and continuing to come into) an Oracle database which is extracted into a data processing system in Focus. Focus would choke and die on some rows with invalid time portions. The Oracle DBA would then go and copy the datetime into the affected column from a good column...

Oracle: get list of all tables?

How do I query an Oracle database to display the names of all tables in it? ...

Dynamically look up column names for a table while in an sql query

I'm writing SQL (for Oracle) like: INSERT INTO Schema1.tableA SELECT * FROM Schema2.tableA; where Schema1.tableA and Schema2.tableA have the same columns. However, it seems like this is unsafe, since the order of the columns coming back in the SELECT is undefined. What I should be doing is: INSERT INTO Schema1.tableA (col1, col2, ....

Oracle ORA-12154: TNS: Could not resolve service name Error?

I am a SQL Server user . I am on a project that is using oracle (which I rarely use) I need to create an ODBC connection so I can access the some data via MS Access I have a application on my machine called oraHome90. It seems to allow a configuration of something called a listener in a “net configuration utility”, I think that a “Loca...

Oracle - Best SELECT statement for getting the difference in minutes between two DateTime columns?

I'm attempting to fulfill a rather difficult reporting request from a client, and I need to find away to get the difference between two DateTime columns in minutes. I've attempted to use trunc and round with various formats and can't seem to come up with a combination that makes sense. Is there an elegant way to do this? If not, is th...

What is wrong with my Oracle 10gr2 check constraint? Trying to enforce a date range

I want to enforce CHECK constraint on a date range such that all dates in column BIRTH_DATE are less than tomorrow and greater than or equal to 100 years ago. I tried this expression in a CHECK constraint: BIRTH_DATE >= (sysdate - numtoyminterval(100, 'YEAR')) AND BIRTH_DATE < sysdate + 1 But I received the error "ORA-02436: date or ...


The Oracle view V$OSSTAT holds a few operating statistics, including: IDLE_TICKS Number of hundredths of a second that a processor has been idle, totalled over all processors BUSY_TICKS Number of hundredths of a second that a processor has been busy executing user or kernel code, totalled over all processors The documentation I've ...

Manage large amount of data and images within... question is similar to other friend posted here...we are trying to develop an application that supports possibly terabytes of information based on a land registry in Paraguay with images and normal data. The problem is that we want to reduce the cost of operation to minimum as possible because it´s like a competition between...

Does oracle allow the uncommited read option?

In db2 a query with a 'with ur' clause allows the query to be an uncommited read and so does the 'with nolock' clause in mysql. Is there such an option in oracle too...If not why?? ...

Can we configure Oracle ADF Faces to produce valid XHTML?

We are using Oracle ADF Faces in a new web project. I am always looking for an unobtrusive user experience with progressive enhancement and valid XHTML output. It seems however that ADF Faces produce ugly, non-validating (table based) html output that reminds me of 1994 when using their standard components. Is there a way to configure A...

Search All Fields In All Tables For A Specific Value (Oracle)

Is it possible to search every field of every table for a particular value in Oracle? There are hundreds of tables with thousands of rows in some tables so I know this could take a very long time to query. But the only thing I know is that a value for the field I would like to query against is '1/22/2008P09RR8'. I've tried using this s...

Two foreign keys instead of primary

Hello! I was wondering, is there any possibility to create a table without a primary key, but with two foreign keys, where the foreign keys pairs are always different? For example, a STOCK table with item_id and warehouse_id as foreign keys from ITEMS and WAREHOUSES tables. So same item can be in different warehouses. The view of the tab...

ODBC x64 oracle problem

I have a workstation with Windows 2008 x64, MS Access 2007 and Oracle 11g x64 I use Access to connect to Oracle via ODBC. I am the administrator (in the administrator group) on the workstation. I run Access as administrator but when I want to make an ODBC call to Oracle it does not work. How do I do it: I start MS Access and creates a d...