
Suggestions for an Oracle version control system

At work we are using Oracle (ick) for the database of a client (this is a migration from a previous company's project, so the database was set in stone, unfortunately). This has not caused any major headaches (save from the usual Oracle vs. MSSQL stuff), until now: We're at a point where five seperate developers are developing five seper...

Passing SQL to an Oracle bind variable

Hi, I need to execute something like: select [very big SQL] where phone_number in(:SQL2) Is it possible to use bind variable for SQL2? I want to save the execution plan of the major SQL. Thanks. ...

How to clear all cached items in Oracle

I'm tuning SQL queries on an Oracle database. I want to ensure that all cached items are cleared before running each query in order to prevent misleading performance results. I clear out the shared pool (to get rid of cached SQL/explain plans) and buffer cache (to get rid of cached data) by running the following commands: alter system f...

JBoss 5 EJB3 MDB & Oracle AQ?

Has anyone had any success getting MDBs to work with Oracle AQ? Using oracleaq.rar I was able to receive some messages from Oracle AQ, but it wasn't reliable and the authors urge not use it. ...

What is a subobject for a type?

In all_objects theres a a column called SUBOBJECT_NAME, and the docs say that this is: Name of the subobject (for example, partition) If you do the following query: select * from all_objects where owner = 'MDSYS' and object_name = 'SDO_TGL_OBJECT_ARRAY' You find that MDSYS.SDO_TGL_OBJECT_ARRAY has a subobject called $VNS...

Oracle DML errors lacking detail

I am catching errors from a bulk insert operation like this: begin --bulk insert forall i in v_data.first .. v_data.last save exceptions insert into my_filter_table values v_data (i); commit; exception -- catch and print the saved-up DML errors. when X_DML_ERRORS then declare v_iteration...

Testing an Oracle database for common bugs/performance issues?

Are there any good scripts that I could run against my Oracle database to test for SQL defects or maybe common performance issues? Edit: Everything in an Oracle database can be queried. From the PL/SQL packages, indexes and sql running stats. The performance books say look in this place and it will show some absolute values that need th...

What would cause this query to stop working?

I'm working with a legacy Java app that's pulling data from Oracle. One of the queries appears to no longer work: select {hier.*} from ecadmin.dept_hier_cache hier connect by prior parent_deptid = deptid start with deptid = '1234'; When I remove the '{}' brackets from around hier.*, everything works as normal. Now, as far as I can tel...

How to resolve ORA-00937: not a single-group group function when calculating percentage?

I'm trying to get a percentage of the itemid that are available in a certain area. Using my query, I get an error ORA-00937: not a single-group group function All the details: I have these two tables: ALLITEMS --------------- ItemId | Areas --------------- 1 | EAST 2 | EAST 3 | SOUTH 4 | WEST CURRENTITEMS ---...

How to return a resultset / cursor from a Oracle PL/SQL anonymous block that executes Dynamic SQL?

I have this table: ALLITEMS --------------- ItemId | Areas --------------- 1 | EAST 2 | EAST 3 | SOUTH 4 | WEST The DDL: drop table allitems; Create Table Allitems(ItemId Int,areas Varchar2(20)); Insert Into Allitems(Itemid,Areas) Values(1,'east'); Insert Into Allitems(ItemId,areas) Values(2,'east'); insert ...

Creating view & performance in the database.,

IF a create thousands of view, Does it hamper the database performance. I mean is there any problem with creating thousands of view in oracle. Please explain as I am new in this area...I am using oracle... ...

In which cases will Oracle create indexes automatically?

As far as I know (this page) Oracle automatically creates an index for each UNIQUE or PRIMARY KEY declaration. Is this a complete list of cases when indexes are created automatically in Oracle? ...

Spring's Stored Procedure - results coming back from procedure always empty.

Hi, I am using Spring's JdbcTemplate and StoredProcedure classes. I am having trouble getting the stored procedure class to work for me. I have a stored procedure on an oracle database. Its signature is CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE PRC_GET_USERS_BY_SECTION (user_cursor OUT Pkg_Types.cursor_type , section_option_in IN Varchar2 , se...

I cannot calculate a division in my SQL code

The following code works without problems: select donem, mekankodu, count(yayin_kodu) yc, SUM(CASE WHEN iade =0 THEN 1 ELSE 0 END) yys from ( select donem, bayi_adi, bayi_kodu, x.mekankodu, mekan_adi, mekan_tipi, yayin_kodu, yayin_adi, ...

Know if a record is updated within Oracle?

Is there a option to see if existing table/record from a Oracle database is updated? ...

How to use existing Oracle sequence to generate id in hibernate?

I have legacy oracle db with a sequence named 'PRODUCT_ID_SEQ'. And here the mapping of Product class for which I need generate correct ids: public class Product { @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.SEQUENCE, generator = "etailerRaw_seq") @SequenceGenerator(name = "etailerRaw_seq", ...

Should CONNECT work in SQL*PLUS script?

I'd like to run a sqlplus script from a cron job. I thought I could put a line like: CONNECT "myuser/mypass@mydb" within the script and then just execute it with: sqlplus @myscript However, when I do so, I get: SP2-0306: Invalid Option SP3-0157: unable to CONNECT to ORACLE after 3 attempts, exiting SQL*Plus Am I misunderstandin...

Generic Database Code Table Editor

Where can I find a generic editor (JSP using Oracle's ADF) for create, read, update, and delete on any table? Example usage: User selects the name of a table. User then adds a new row, or updates/deletes an existing row. User saves the changes. Foreign keys would appear as drop-down lists, and all others as af:inputText. (The user-f...

oracle query to find priveleges on a stored procedure

What query can I run to simply see whether a user has privelege to execute a stored procedure. lets say user is UserA and stored procedure name is my_stored_proc I want to know whether UserA has execute permission on my_stored_proc UserA is not the owner of the storedproc. Some other owner grants him the permission. ...

Oracle refresh materialized view - Compile error

Hi, Im trying to execute a refresh on a materialized view, but I cant get the script to compile. CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE REFRESH_MV AS BEGIN exec DBMS_MVIEW.REFRESH('my_mat_view_mv','C'); END REFRESH_MV; I get the message: ORA-06550: line 3, column 9: PLS-00103: Encountered the symbol "DBMS_MVIEW" when expecting one o...