
Oracle & Pagination

I have a oracle table with record count of 99896618. I need to fetch small chunk of data(lets say 100 records) to show it on a web page,(In web world we call it paging). Currently I am using the following query to accomplish that however users are not satisfied with the performance. SELECT * FROM (select rownum rnum,f.* from findings ...

Export oracle table data as sql Insert-String

Hi Guys, this is me Francisco that wrote the first question click-here , but now I've an account. I'll try to explain it. For a Job I need a .txt file that contains the SQl string inserts from an Oracle Table. I can't use a Software like toad because I need to do it with Java Code. I'm not trying to get the inserts's logging , I need a ...

How can I get the data from Plain Old Java Objects to Oracle BI Publisher?

I have a customer who uses Oracle BI Publisher. Today we have to write stored procedures and execute those from BI Publisher to get the data out. Similar to that we have to use DAOs to execute stored procs and get the data out. I wonder if it would be possible to integrate BI Publisher with DAOs that would get the data DIRECTLY from da...

What is a TNS:listener in the Context of Oracle?

Borderline ServerFault question, but figured I'd try here first since I've had luck with Oracle questions in the past. I'm trying to connect to an oracle database from PHP, and I'm getting the following error. ORA-12505: TNS:listener does not currently know of SID given in connect descriptor This is the error that PHP reports, and th...

How to export the result into different tabs of Excel in Toad for Data Analyst?

Hi, Does anyone know how to export results from more than one query into different sheets of the same Excel workbook using the report automation in TOAD for data analyst? Thank you ...

regist payment for each month of the year using oracle data

I have the following tables: Employees with level (rank or wtv you may call it): income_value,id, etc. INCOME that stores the rank vs. the income value (very tinny and static) REGIST_INCOME table with the following columns: ID_REG; ID_EMPLOYEE; MONTH_and_Year_OF_PAYMENT DATE (I want to format to; DATE_OF_PAYMENT DATE ...

Is there a good workaround to the Oracle IMPDP REMAP_SCHEMA issue with triggers (ORA-39083, ORA-00942)?

One can use the Oracle data pump import tool (IMPDP.EXE) to import one schema into another using the REMAP_SCHEMA option. However there is an issue in that triggers are not properly remapped. This leads to the trigger not being created at all with an error as follows: ORA-39083: Object type TRIGGER failed to create with error: ORA...

Oracle triggers - problem with mutating tables

My tables: TableA (id number, state number) TableB (id number, tableAId number, state number) TableC (id number, tableBId number, state number) So items in TableC are TableB's children and items in TableB are TableA's children. Vice versa - items in TableA are TableB's parents and items in TableB are TableC's parents. I'd like to con...

Visual Studio 2008 and Oracle 10g

At work we have just started developing in C#.NET using VS2008 and we need to connect to Oracle databases. The problem is that we are still using Oracle 10g servers and Oracle provide four install options: Install the Oracle 10g DAC with tools for VS2005 / VS2003 Install the Oracle 11g DAC with tools for VS2008 Install Oracle 10g DAC ...

Oracle Data Pump import to a sql file error :ORA-31655 no data or metadata objects

Hello, I'm using Data Pump to export/import data, one requirement is to import data to a sql file. The OS is window. I made the follow export : expdp system/password directory=dpump_dir dumpfile=tablesdump.dmp content=DATA_ONLY tables=user.tablename and it works, I can see the file TABLESDUMP.DMP in the directory path. then when I tr...

Can I detect the version of a table's DDL in Oracle?

In Informix, I can do a select from the systables table, and can investigate its version column to see what numeric version a given table has. This column is incremented with every DDL statement that affects the given table. This means I have the ability to see whether a table's structure has changed since the last time I connected. I...

Column-level privileges vs. legacy application

Hello, I got a request to implement Column-level privileges, for example: GRANT UPDATE("column1") ON "TABLE" TO ROLE; But I found that client applications ( in Delphi+ODAC ) always emits SQL updates like: update TABLE set column1=:column1,column2=:column2,column3=:column3,...etc where id_c=:id_c; what causes Oracle to always thro...

SQL: Search a list of columns with a given value (within a row)

I have a table with many columns. Is there a way to make a query that answers the question: "For a particular _id (the primary key), what field(s) in this row have a value of 10"? EDIT: Clarification: The table is set up properly. The querying I am doing is some manual querying as I track down some incorrect data. The table has be...

Problem with inserting data in Oracle database using PHP

The following error: "Warning: oci_execute() [function.oci-execute]: ORA-00911: invalid character in F:\wamp\www\SEarch Engine\test1.php on line 69" is being generated by this code: <?php include_once('config.php'); $db = oci_new_connect(ORAUSER,ORAPASS,"localhost/XE"); $url_name = $_POST['textfield']; $keyword_name =...

JPA/Hibernate with Oracle Label Security

I have an application built with Spring and JPA/Hibernate that is working very well, but I now have a requirement to add Oracle Label Security. This will require the creation of a proxy user assigned with certain roles in addition to the actual user. I am unclear what goes into persistence.xml and what goes in code. Also, if we want to g...

Where can I find the range interval partition tablespaces in the data dictionary?

For a range interval partitioned table, you can specify multiple tablespaces like: CREATE TABLE range_part_interval_table(col1 NUMBER, col2 NUMBER) PARTITION BY RANGE (col1) INTERVAL (10) STORE IN (ts2, ts3, ts4) (PARTITION VALUES LESS THAN (100) TABLESPACE ts1); But I can't find where the interval tablespaces are stored in the data d...

Hierarchical query in Oracle - out of control?

I have a hierarchical query in Oracle 10 SQL that used to work. However, I removed the materialized view it was based on, and now I can't get it to come out properly, even leaving that view out altogether. The original query looked like this: select, oh.description , sys_connect_by_path(groupname, ':') "Groups" , (select c...

How to work with Oracle, .Net, Winform, Windows Vista and XP

Hi, I have an application that is a WinForm in C# that work with Oracle as database. I'm developing in Visual Studio 2008 in Vista, with Vista Oracle Client (10.2.0) and ODP.Net ( The problem is that some users od this application work with Windows XP, so the Client isn't the same and the application says that it's "need" t...

Connect to an Oracle cluster in Java

We have a pair of Oracle servers which are set up as nodes in a cluster (apologies if my terminology is way off). In my tnsnames.ora file, we have an entry that looks like EXAMPLE.GOV = (DESCRIPTION = (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521)) (ADDRESS = (PROTOCOL = TCP)(HOST = = 1521)) (LOAD_...

error trying to make a trigger in oracle

Hello, i'm trying to make a TRIGGER in ORACLE using ORACLE SQL DEVELOPER, I would check that the dates entered as start date reservation to reservation date or date of a service charge will be equal to or greater than the current date is inserted in the record. these are the fields in my table Service (date_service, cost_variation, num...