
Format Describe In SQL*Plus

I like a large linesize in SQL*Plus so that data doesn't wrap between lines. The problem is that doing a describe on an object seems to be obligated to spread itself over the entire line size. This makes it so that I can only see the name part without scrolling to the right. What I want is one linesize for describes and a different li...

How can I fetch EXPLAIN PLAN FOR an Oracle SQL query from PHP?

I'm using Oracle 10g Express on Windows XP, and on a Macbook OS X 10.5.8 running PHP 5.3.1 with PDO and Oracle Instant Client, I run the following script: <?php $pdo = new PDO("oci:dbname=winders:1521/xe", "system", "XXXXXX"); ... $sql = "WITH NumberedBugs AS ( SELECT b.*, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY bug_id) AS RN ...

How can I enforce referential integrity for optionally present uniquekeys?

We have multiple offices, and within each office there are multiple departments (some departments have employees in multiple offices). We have two existing systems that identify employees in different ways: in one, employees are identified by IDA; in the other employees are identified by IDB. In the cases where an employee is identifie...

SQL Server parallels to Oracle Alter Table Set Column Unused?

Is there a parallel in Microsoft SQL Server (2005, preferably) for the Oracle functionality of setting a column to be unused? For example: ALTER TABLE Person SET UNUSED Nickname; Nothing turns up in searches, so my thought is this feature must be Oracle specific. ...

Check if a given DB object used in Oracle?

Hi does any one know how to check if a given DB object (Table/View/SP/Function) is used inside Oracle. For example to check if the table "A" is used in any SP/Function or View definitions. I am trying to cleanup unused objects in the database. I tried the query select * from all_source WHERE TEXT like '%A%' (A is the table name). Do y...

Is it better to create Oracle SQL indexes before or after data loading?

I need to populate a table with a huge amount of data (many hours loading) on an Oracle database, and i was wondering which would be faster, to create an index on the table before loading it or after loading it. I initially thought that inserting on an indexed table is penalized, but then if i create the index with the full table, it wil...

PLS-00306: wrong number or types of arguments in call to existing stored procedure

hi , I'm using an existing stored procedure in my C code. The stored procedure in question has been compiled and is proven to work without any errors. However, when I use the same in my C code, its failing with the above error. The Store procedure definition looks like : CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION SP( srq_id integer , ...

Oracle: "grep" across multiple columns?

I would like to perform a like or regexp across several columns. These columns contain tags, keywords, etc. Something that's the equivalent of: sqlplus scott/tiger @myquery.sql | grep somestring Right now I have something like select * from foo where c1 || c2 || c3 like '%somestring%' but I'm hoping I can get something a bit mor...

creating password field in oracle

What is the use of "The Secure External Password Store"? And can I create password field in my Oracle table using "The Secure External Password Store"? Or how can I create password field in my Oracle table without using "The Secure External Password Store"? ...

Where should I commit a transaction -- in the Stored Procedure or in the calling application code?

I'm using PHP + Oracle and was wondering if there are any recommendations on where to commit my transactions. I call stored procedures to do all my inserts/updates/deletes, and currently am committing at the end of my stored procedures. I was wondering: Is there any difference between calling commit/rollback in my stored procedure vs...

SQL To_Date table operations

Basically I have the following query that works but doesn't give the right data: SELECT a.* FROM ( SELECT a.*, rownum rnum FROM ( SELECT edate.expiration_date FROM ... ( SELECT To_Date(c.Value, 'MM/DD/YYYY HH24:MI:SS') expiration_date FROM ... ) edate ) a WHERE rownum <= 20) a WHERE rn...

Has anyone converted an existing .NET application with SQL Server backend to work with Oracle

I am looking to modify a .NET application that has a SQL Server backend to make it work with Oracle. Has anyone done this? Any pitfalls that I can avoid? ...

oracle help missing comma


can I use DESC oracle function to display just the column name?

I know how to do this using SELECT but how can I do this using DESC? ...

What's an efficient way to find rows where the timestamp and identity are not in sequence?

Background: I have a MS SQL application that reads data from our Oracle billing database once an hour, looking for new payments. It does this by storing a timestamp based on the CRT_DTTM of the most recent timestamp found each time it runs. e.g. SELECT * FROM V_TRANS WHERE TRANS_CLS = 'P' AND CRT_DTTM > TO_DATE('2010-01-25 12:59:44...

Using Unicode in oracle & php

Hi, I am new in this area. I am currently making a web application, I want to add unicode support in my application. My application is a search based application. I store some keyword and some text in my database, and show the result according to keyword in a search query. I am using Oracle 10g XE edition and PHP 5. I know nothing...

Oracle: pivot (coalesce) some counts onto a single row?

update: what I was calling coalesce I should have been calling pivot. I'm extracting some daily usage counts from a log table. I can easily get this data one row per date/item, but I would like to pivot coalesce the columns into a single row. e.g., I have: date item-to-be-counted count-of-item 10/1 foo 23 10/1 ...

SQL search and destroy duplicates

I have a table with fields (simplified): id, fld1, fld2, fld3. id is a numeric primary key field. There are duplicates: id differs but fld1, fld2 and fld3 are identical over 2 or more rows. There are also entries where the values occur only once, i.e. non-duplicates, of course. Of each set of duplicate entries, I want to retain only...

How can I learn to use Oracle DB with PHP?

I would like to learn to use Oracle some, just for the sake of learning it. Is there a way to do this without spending a lot of money? I looked on the oracle site and the cheapest thing I saw was this... Oracle Database Personal Edition Oracle Database Personal Edition is designed to provide software developers a cost effective, yet...

MySQL to Oracle help

I have a few questions about using mysql and oracle in a PHP app. 1) Is it possible to code my PHP app to easily switch between these 2 databases? (Use MySQL for a year and then easily switch a "DB" file and it will run on Oracle?) I believe some large PHP projects have support for multiple database types. 2) Does Oracle have some...