
PL/SQL exception and Java programs

Hi Business logic is coded in pl/sql packages procedures and functions. Java programs call pl/sql packages procedures and functions to do database work. pl/sql programs store exceptions into Oracle tables whenever an exception is raised. How would my java programs get the exceptions since the exception instead of being propagated from...

Invoking SQL Loader with a DSN

I'm trying to load some data to an Oracle database using SQL Loader. Is it possible to invoke it with specifying the server to load the data into using a DSN instead of a TNS? Right now my command line looks like this: sqlldr uesr/password@tns_id..., I'd like to replace tns_id with a DSN that points to tns_id. Can SQL Loader figure out ...

Disabled Checkboxes

Hi, Hoping someone can assist or point me in the right direction to another thread/url with regards to disabled checkboxes. I basically have a couple of checkboxes in my form, that are not database items but am retrieving the source value based on a database column. As I do not want the user to be able to change these checboxes, I hav...

[Closed] Oracle JDBC connection with Weblogic 10 datasource mapping, giving problem java.sql.SQLException: Closed Connection

Oracle JDBC connection with Weblogic 10 datasource mapping, giving problem java.sql.SQLException: Closed Connection I am using weblogic 10 JNDI datasource to create JDBC connections, below is my config <?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?> <jdbc-data-source xmlns="" xmlns:sec="

Replace CHAR with VARCHAR2

How can I replace CHAR with VARCHAR2 in all tables in a schema? Note: I'm content with a query that returns the ALTER TABLE statements so I can save the script and run it again. ...

What are the BIN$... tables in Oracle's ALL_TAB_COLUMNS table?

When I query ALL_TAB_COLUMNS in Oracle, I see tables called BIN$frKctA83wMPgQEOSh0Az+A==$0 BIN$frKctA8cwMPgQEOSh0Az+A==$0 BIN$frQ1pdU2TgXgQEOSh0APxA==$0 BIN$frQ1pdVGTgXgQEOSh0APxA==$0 There is no corresponding entry in ALL_TABLES. What are those? ...

Oracle - Update statement with inner join

I have a query which works fine in MySQL, I'm trying to get it working on oracle but get the following error SQL Error: ORA-00933: SQL command not properly ended 00933. 00000 - "SQL command not properly ended" The query is: UPDATE table1 INNER JOIN table2 ON table1.value = table2.DESC SET table1.value = table2.CODE WHERE table1.UPDAT...

WebLogic job scheduling

Hello, overflowers :) I'm trying to implement a WebLogic job scheduling example, to test my cluster capabilities of fail-over on scheduled tasks (to ensure that these tasks are executed on fail over scenario). With this in mind, I've been following this example and trying to configure everything accordingly. Here are the steps I've don...

(outofmemoryerror: java heap space) when iterating through oracle records...

hello fellow java developers. I'm having a bit of an issue here. I have code that gets a resultset from an oracle database, prints each row to a file, then gets the next row - and continues till the end of the resultset. Only this isn't what happens. What happens is that it gets the resultset, starts iterating through the rows, print...

Is Oracle AQ/Streams of any use in my situation?

I'm writing a workflow system that is driven entirely at each step by explicit human interaction. That is, a task is assigned to a person, that person selects from a few limited options {approve, reject, forward}, and then it is either sent along to the next person or terminated. Just curious if Oracle Streams/AQ has anything to offer ...

How do I know the number of keywords coming from a database?

hi, select name from suggest where name like 'aero%' and rownum<=10; I am getting only 8 keywords ( database has 8 keywords) but I want to count the number of keywords from database to my JSP program. This gives 8 keywords: rs.getparameter("name"); But I want to count the keywords. Can you give me any sample program? than...

LINQ to Entities for SQL Server and Oracle

Can I write the same queries (select, insert, update etc.) in LINQ to Entites that will be validate for SQL SERVER and Oracle database? I thinking that if I write now query for SQL SERVER, it will be ok for future Oracle db...? It's exist pattern which provide interface for something like that ? ...

best way of oracle database partitions?

hi, I have one table of 50k keywords and I am providing the auto-complete feature for these keywords based on count mechanism. But still getting the keywords takes time.. In what way would the database partitions have to be done for fast retrieving.... help me plz..... ...

Where can I get SQL for default Oracle's "HR" schema?

I'm studying Oracle database and have to do some exercises with default "HR" schema. But I think that data in my tables is changed from default values (many students have access to DB and may be someone changed data). Where can I get SQL to construct default "HR" schema? ...

Creating Custom Assertions in Oracle Web service Manager (OWSM)

I am trying to create example given at this site: but While compiling I get following errors: Error(63,64): cannot access oracle.annotation.logging.Publish Error: error: in class file D:\Installations\Oracle\Middleware_11g\oracle_commo...

How do I return the rows from an Oracle Stored Procedure using SELECT?

I have a stored procedure which returns a ref cursor as follows: CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE AIRS.GET_LAB_REPORT (ReportCurTyp OUT sys_refcursor) AS v_report_cursor sys_refcursor; report_record v_lab_report%ROWTYPE; l_sql VARCHAR2 (2000); BEGIN l_sql := 'SELECT * FROM V_LAB_REPORT'; OPEN v_report_cursor...

PHP Transferring Photos From One Oracle Database Table to Another

I am attempting to transfer a set of photos (blobs) from one table to another across databases. I'm nearly there, except for binding the photo parameter. I have the following code: $conn_db1 = oci_pconnect('username', 'password', 'db1'); $conn_db2 = oci_pconnect('username', 'password', 'db2'); $parse_db1_select = oci_parse($conn_db1,...

Extract ODBC Data Source information

I've gone through ODBC API searching for a function that can extract information of a data source. The closest I found is SQLDataSources that enumerates all data sources and gives you the DSN name/description. But specifically I would to extract the TNS service name of an Oracle data source. This property appears in the registry under ...

SQL optimization: deletes taking a long time

I have an Oracle SQL query as part of a stored proc: DELETE FROM item i WHERE NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM item_queue q WHERE q.n=i.n) AND NOT EXISTS (SELECT 1 FROM tool_queue t WHERE t.n=i.n); A bit about the tables: item contains about 10k rows with an index on the n column item_queue contains about 1mil rows also with index on n...

Environment variable (NLS_LANG) value altered in Java process?

This was noticed in some legacy Java application (jre1.4 on HP-UX). Parent process (shell script S1) is starting Java process, which on its own is starting child process (shell script S2). Schematically it's: S1 > Java > S2. NB! Java application connects to Oracle DB using OCI driver. What is strange here is that process running S1 h...