
C# - How to get oracle long raw type value

How to get long raw type value with C#? ...

OracleDataAdapter returns no rows, but the query string works in SQLDeveloper [resolved]

visual studion 2008 oracle db oracle client for .NET I have a relatively simple query, that selects the rows from across multiple tables (up to 4) using joins. OracleDataAdapter returns no rows for the only dataset's table, but if I copy and paste that query in SQLDeveloper then I get the desired results. I can get the data fro...

Filling a LOV in Oracle Apex based on data in another text box

I am fairly new to Oracle Apex, and have a problem. Our application currently has a method of entering data, with several text boxes and Optional List of Values. I would like to have an LOV based on information in another text box like so: select APPOINTMENT_ID PATIENT_ID from APPOINTMENT where PATIENT_ID = :P9_PAT_NUM where P9_PAT_NU...

Hibernate sequence should only generate when ID is <=0

Hi all, I'm using the folowing sequence in my code. (I got the sequence and @Id @SequenceGenerator(name = "S912_PRO_SEQ", sequenceName = "S912_PRO_SEQ", allocationSize = 1) @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.SEQUENCE, generator = "S912_PRO_SEQ") @Column(name = "PRO_ID", unique = true, nullable...

Can I connect to an Oracle database in a way that will work in a Mono environment (on Linux) and in a ClickOnce deployment (on Windows)?

Obviously I'd like to not have to install an Oracle client (other than simply a DLL), because that would prohibit my ClickOnce goal. I tried System.Data.OracleClient, but it threw an exception, "System.Data.OracleClient requires Oracle client software version 8.1.7 or greater." Update: It seems that System.Data.OracleClient is not the ...

Strange behavior with large Object Types

I recognized that calling a method on an Oracle Object Type takes longer when the instance gets bigger. The code below just adds rows to a collection stored in the Object Type and calls the empty dummy-procedure in the loop. Calls are taking longer when more rows are in the collection. When I just remove the call to dummy, performance ...

how to find missing rows in oracle

Hi, I have a table called 2 tables create table ORDERS ( ORDER_NO NUMBER(38,0) not null, ORDER_DATE DATE not null, SHIP_DATE DATE null, SHIPPING_METHOD VARCHAR2(12) null, TAX_STATUS CHAR(1) null, SUBTOTAL NUMBER null, TAX_AMT NUMBER null, SHIPPING_CHARGE NUMBER null, TOTAL_AMT NUMBER null, CUSTOM...

using sql loader in ruby

Hi, I just wonder if you know where to find a tutorial or samples of a Ruby script using sql *loader? ...

Logging into oracle db as a global user

We are trying to shape up an old, 2 tier, Delphi based application. It originally uses database authentication, we'd like to transform the db user accounts to global users, so an OID server could perform the authentication instead of the database. The Delphi program can no longer log into the database if the account is a global user. I'...

Oracle Replication/Synchronization Across 3 Instances

I have 3 Oracle database instances with the same data and scheme that I want to keep in sync, the instances are geographically separated by large distances and will have reads and writes both locally and from over the WAN. Is there anything built in to Oracle for doing this? The synchronization doesn't need to be done in real-time, it ca...

Multiple database with NHibernate

Hi, I have two databases. One from Oracle 10g. Another from Mysql. I have configured my web application with Nhibernate for Oracle and now I am in need of using the MySQL database. So how can i configure the hibernate.cfg.xml so that i can use both of the database at the same application? My current hibernate.cfg.xml is: <?xml versio...

What is the difference between "ORA-12571: TNS packet writer failure" and "ORA-03135: connection lost contact"?

I am working in an environment where we get production issues from time to time related to Oracle connections. We use ODP.NET from ASP.NET applications, and we suspect the firewall closes connections that have been in the connection pool too long. Sometimes we get an "ORA-12571: TNS packet writer failure" error, and sometimes we get "O...

select for update with ruby oci8

how do I do a 'select for update' and then 'update' the row using ruby oci8. I have two fields counter1 and counter2 in a table which has only 1 record. I want to select the values from this table and then increment them by locking the row using select for update. thanks. ...

Muti-Schema Privileges for a Table Trigger in an Oracle Database

I'm trying to write a table trigger which queries another table that is outside the schema where the trigger will reside. Is this possible? It seems like I have no problem querying tables in my schema but I get: Error: ORA-00942: table or view does not exist when trying trying to query tables outside my schema. EDIT My apologies f...

No_data_found exception is propagating to outer block also?

In my code i am entering the salary which is not available in employees table and then again inserting duplicate employee_id in primary key column of employee table in exception block where i am handling no data found exception but i do not why No data found exception in the end also? OUTPUT coming: Enter some other sal ORA-01400: can...

Agregate rows in Oracle SQL statement

Hi, I have a table of items stored this way : A1 | B1 A1 | B2 A1 | B3 A2 | B1 A2 | B4 ... And I need to retrieve with a SQL Query : A1 | B1, B2, B3 A2 | B1, B4 ... ...

Convert byte array from Oracle RAW to System.Guid?

My app interacts with both Oracle and SQL Server databases using a custom data access layer written in ADO.NET using DataReaders. Right now I'm having a problem with the conversion between GUIDs (which we use for primary keys) and the Oracle RAW datatype. Inserts into oracle are fine (I just use the ToByteArray() method on System.Guid)...

How to (unit-)test data intensive PL/SQL application

Our team is willing to unit-test a new code written under a running project extending an existing huge Oracle system. The system is written solely in PL/SQL, consists of thousands of tables, hundreds of stored procedures packages, mostly getting data from tables and/or inserting/updating other data. Our extension is not an exception. M...

How to optimize an SQL query with many thousands of WHERE clauses

I have a series of queries against a very mega large database, and I have hundreds-of-thousands of ORs in WHERE clauses. What is the best and easiest way to optimize such SQL queries? I found some articles about creating temporary tables and using joins, but I am unsure. I'm new to serious SQL, and have been cutting and pasting result...

Problem importing Oracle .dmp file

So I have looked at all the suggested ways of importing .dmp files and non of them seem to answer this question: where does the data go once you import it? Context: I created a user like so: SQL> create user IMPORTER identified by "12345"; SQL> grant connect, unlimited tablespace, resource to IMPORTER; I then ran the 'imp' command as...