
C# - ODP.NET and ora-01475 must reparse cursor to change bind variable datatype

Hi all, I'm getting ora-01475 whenever I try to insert a null value in a column (of type DateTime) after some records have already been inserted that have real date values. I'm using the OracleParameter constructor that takes the name and the value as an object (I assume the data type is then implied from the datatype of the object), bu...

SQL select statement in UNIX inside/within IF..THEN statement.

Hi - I just want ask the steps when trying to create a simple SQL select statement in UNIX inside/within IF..THEN..FI statement. I know how to use the 'select' and 'if..then' statements in SQL*Plus, but I'm having a difficulties having a UNIX script to point to variables: If 'ABC' to 'Select...' Example: if [ "$?" = 'ABC' ] then ...

Which webserver to use, for Oracle apps

Hi I am confused by J2ee webservers !! I downloaded a free Glassfish server from sun, then as I am an Oracle developer downloaded the latest JDeveloper, which comes with a Weblogic server from BEa/Oracle. One is free the other costs $1000s. What is the real difference. I want to write a SOAP interface to my Oracle database 10g, can I...

PL/SQL compilation fails with no error message

My installation of APEX has come pear shaped on a Oracle instance, all the packages are invalid. I've tried recompiling everything with DBMS_UTILITY.compile_schema, but still all the packages are invalid. So, tried recompiling individual packages, SQL> ALTER PACKAGE FLOWS_020000.WWV_FLOW_QUERY COMPILE BODY; Warning: Package ...

Oracle setting per user default scheme (not altering a session)

Hi all, is there a way to change an oracle user's default schema? I found it in the FAQ that I can alter it in the session, but it's not what I want. E.G. the user at log on always sees another schema as default. Thanks in advance. ...

Different backup location for DUPLICATE command

I am trying to clone a database from one machine to another using the DUPLICATE command in RMAN. For both machines the OS is Windows 2003 and the database software is The problem is that my clone only has a C:\ drive and my hosts backups are kept on the L:\ drive. Is there a way to tell RMAN that the backups it should use fo...

Best way to select out of millions of rows in an Oracle DB

G'day! I have one million different words which I'd like to query for in a table with 15 million rows. The result of synonyms together with the word is getting processed after each query. table looks like this: synonym word --------------------- ancient old anile old centenarian old darkened ...

Oracle why does creating trigger fail when there is a field called timestamp?

I've just wasted the past two hours of my life trying to create a table with an auto incrementing primary key bases on this tutorial, The tutorial is great the issue I've been encountering is that the Create Target fails if I have a column which is a timestamp and a table that is called timestamp in the same table... Why doesn't oracle ...

Best way to replicate db into other systems

What is the best way to replicate the update stream to a large (6TB) oracle db into another non-DBMS system? I don't need to "bulk load" the oracle db, but merely want to flow all updates into another home-grown system in near realtime (10s latency or less). Updates happen at the rate of 150 rows/second representing 10s of megabytes pe...

How do I query for the state of a session variable in PL/SQL?

I see that in PL/SQL it is possible to set the session state of a particular variable for the remainder of the session's lifetime. For instance: ALTER SESSION SET CURRENT_SCHEMA=<schema> How do I query for the current state of this schema so I can revert back to it after performing some other statements? ...

ORACLE SQL: Multiple SUMS dependent on CODE in One Statement

I believe there is a way to do this, but I'm not familiar with ORACLE 10g as many other people are. Here's the scenario: I'm currently converting Classic ASP pages to 2.0. I have a query that is creating a report. It's reporting Sales vs. Previous Sales. What is happening currently is one query is going out to the database and g...

Best way to select the row with the most recent timestamp that matches a criterion

This is something that comes up so often I almost stopped thinking about it but I'm almost certain that I'm not doing this the best way. The question: Suppose you have the following table CREATE TABLE TEST_TABLE ( ID INTEGER, TEST_VALUE NUMBER, UPDATED DATE, FOREIGN_KEY INTEGER ); What is the best way to select...

Is there a good alternative to SQL*PLUS for Oracle?

I am not a fan of using SQL*PLUS as an interface to Oracle. I usually use yasql, but it hasn't been updated since 2005 and can do with some improvements. A quick Google search shows yasql and SQLPal. I am using linux, so SQLPal is not an option. Are there any alternatives out there, or am I stuck with an interface that I do not lik...

Where can I learn more about Oracle databases?

Can anyone point me to some good references online where I can learn about Oracle databases? ...

Find out name of PL/SQL procedure

Can PL/SQL procedure in Oracle know it's own name? Let me explain: CREATE OR REPLACE procedure some_procedure is v_procedure_name varchar2(32); begin v_procedure_name := %%something%%; end; After %%something%% executes, variable v_procedure_name should contain 'SOME_PROCEDURE'. It is also OK if it contains object_id of that p...

Oracle Default Values

Hi everyone, I've got a quick question about default values in PL/SQL functions in Oracle. Take this program as an example; create or replace FUNCTION testFunction ( varNumber IN NUMBER DEFAULT 0 ) RETURN NUMBER AS BEGIN dbms_output.put_line(varNumber); RETURN varNumber; END; The idea here being that if no value is specified fo...

Where to upload policies in the Oracle Entitlement Server

Where to upload policies in the Oracle Entitlement Server? ...

Oracle packages in version control?

Lucky me, I have to work with Oracle. And packages. I have a package that a lot of different developers are touching and it's scaring me. Is it possible to put a package inside of Version Control? Is there some kind of software out there that already does this? If not, is there some kind of export procedure? Can I just grab a file off ...

In Oracle, how can I detect the date on which daylight savings time begins / ends ?

Is there a way in Oracle to select the date on which daylight savings will switch over for my locale? Something vaguely equivalent to this would be nice: SELECT CHANGEOVER_DATE FROM SOME_SYSTEM_TABLE WHERE DATE_TYPE = 'DAYLIGHT_SAVINGS_CHANGEOVER' AND TO_CHAR(CHANGEOVER_DATE,'YYYY') = TO_CHAR(SYSDATE,'YYYY'); -- in the current year ...

Oracle Rollback Segments and ADO.NET

I am using an ancient version of Oracle (8.something) and my ADO.NET application needs to do some fairly large transactions. Large enough to not fin in our small rollback segments. Now we have a large rollback segment as well but it is not used by default. Oracle has a command to select the rollback segment to be used (SET TRANSACTION U...