
Oracle SQL Optimization: SQL Query taking very long time

SELECT DISTINCT 'LRS-TECH 1' || rpad(code,7) || rpad('APPTYPE',30) || rpad(licensing_no,30) || rpad(' ',300) AS RECORD FROM APPS WHERE L_code = '1000' AND licensing_no IS NOT NULL This seems to be the primary culprit in why I cannot export these records to a textfile in my development environment. Is there any way I can ge...

Oracle: TNS-12532: TNS:invalid argument

Trying to establish a connection between my windows box (2003 server) and the oracle (11g) database. I'm able to successfully ping the oracle host from the windows box. However tnsping command fails with the error tns-12532 error. Any ideas to solve this issue? ...

What does dbms_transform.compute_transformation do?

In 10gR2 (first available in 9.0.1) if you Describe dbms_transform it shows a procedure compute_transformation not listed in the documentation. Google searches show it's undocumented... d'uh. Has anyone explored what this does? PROCEDURE COMPUTE_TRANSFORMATION Argument Name Type In/Out --------...

What does "Standard" mean in the datatype column of describe

if you Describe dbms_transform PROCEDURE COMPUTE_TRANSFORMATION Argument Name Type In/Out ------------------------------ ----------------------- ------ MESSAGE STANDARD IN TRANSFORMATION_SCHEMA VARCHAR2 IN TRANSFORMATION_NAME ...

Print from a windows App - data from an Oracle DB on Linux

We have an Oracle DB running on Linux. When data is ready to report, a value is placed in a table in the DB. Presently an app is scheduled to run every 10 seconds to check for the value and if it's there it prints out the report. NOT prety. How can I make this pretty? I sort of envision the Oracle DB somehow triggering the windows s...

Does SQLDeveloper support executing scripts?

I was trying to follow some instructions today, and it starts with the comment REM In SQLPlus I manually copy in each line and execute it. That's nice, I don't have SQLPlus, I have SQLDeveloper. The lines that were pasted in were of the type: @\\server\dir\dir\dir\commandfile1.txt; COMMIT; ...etc. It didn't like it when I tri...

Use Oracle Exception

I want to use Oracle exception to handle errors that might happen in the code below. If a user provides the book ID and/or employee ID that doesn't exist in the database, NO_DATA_FOUND exception will be raised. Thus, how can I know which statement raises this exception. CREATE OR REPLACE PROCEDURE TEST_EXCEPTION ( book_id_in IN boo...

Is Oracle really all THAT different from other SQL databases?

So many companies today want someone with Oracle experience. I have none, but it seems to me that it shouldn't be hard to figure out quickly. However, when potential employers ask me if I've worked with Oracle, the line "No, but I'm an expert with Microsoft SQL Server, Borland Interbase, PostgreSQL, and MySQL, and I have no doubt that I ...

In SQL, can I use a variable scoped outside a nested select within the nested select itself?

I'm trying to get the following SQL statement to work: UPDATE myschema.tableA update_tableA SET field_id = ( SELECT src.field_id FROM myschema.srcTable src INNER JOIN myschema.tableB tableB ON = AND SDO_ANYINTERACT( tableB.shape, src.shape ) = 'TRUE' ); Whe...

Oracle Check Constraint

I've been struggling with this check constraint for a few hours and was hoping someone would be kind enough to explain why this check constraint isn't doing what I think it should be doing. ALTER TABLE CLIENTS add CONSTRAINT CHK_DISABILITY_INCOME_TYPE_ID CHECK ((IS_DISABLED IS NULL AND DISABILITY_INCOME_TYPE_ID IS NULL) OR (IS_DISABLED ...

Software to Synchronize Oracle Schema

Does anyone know any software to synchronize or compare Oracle schema? For e.g. SQL Compare of Red Gate is used to compare two schemata of SQL Server database. Moreover, could you tell me how to put the code of Oracle stored procedures, stored functions, views, and so on into version control? Currently, I'm using sub version. Thank yo...

Can I use ODAC 11g to access 10g

I am developing an application with VS208 for different Oracle versions. I am wondering if I need to install different version of ODAC to do this, or does the latest release has backward compatibility? Thanks in advance, ...

If I'm posting a question about Oracle SQL query performance, what should I include in my question?

If I am posting a question about a query against an Oracle database, what should I include in my question so that people have a chance to answer me? How should I get this information? Simply providing the poorly performing query may not be enough. ...

Why can't my Perl CGI script find the Oracle DBD?

Hello Perl, DBD, and Oracle Masters: I have a Perl web application that is behaving oddly. I am using it to read some stuff from an Oracle DB and report. I have version of Oracle's Instant Client installed. I'm running on WinXP and have the PATH environment variable set to the instant client location. I have Apache2 for my...

Oracle - Using Package

I have read some PL SQL programming books, and they recommend me to group procedures, functions, cursors, and so on in a package. Packages provide modularity and information hiding, which is the OO design. However, I'm just familiar with stand alone procedures. Would anyone kindly provide some examples in code and how to call package fro...

Beginning oracle and sql

Which books would you suggest for someone who wants to learn SQL on Oracle? Assume he has no idea about SQL and doesn't want to buy two separate books - one for SQL and other for Oracle.Also what are some cool websites for learning SQL on Oracle? ...

In Oracle what does 'Buffer Gets' actually refer to?

I'm dealing with an Oracle DBA at the moment, who has sent me some profiling he's done. One of the terms in his report is 'Buffer Gets', any idea what this actually means? My guess is bytes retrieved from a buffer, but I have no idea really. Here is some sample output: Buffer Gets Executions Gets per Exec %Total Time (s) Time (s...

Readable SQL aliases

Since I'm sure many people have different standard, I've made this post a community wiki. My question is, what's a good naming scheme for table aliases? I've been using the first letter of every word from the table name, but it's been getting quite unreadable. Here's a quick example. FROM incidents i FROM cause_attack ca FROM obscure_t...

Slow Update Statement

Hi, we're dealing with a very slow update statement in an Oracle project. Here's a little script to replciate the issue: drop table j_test; CREATE TABLE J_TEST ( ID NUMBER(10) PRIMARY KEY, C1 VARCHAR2(50 BYTE), C2 VARCHAR2(250 BYTE), C3 NUMBER(5), C4 NUMBER(10) ); -- just insert a bunch of rows insert into j_test ...

@ symbol in Oracle SQL

What is the '@' symbol mean in Oracle? here is an example select * from question_answer@abcd where id = '45' ...