
How to recreate an oracle 9i database from backup files (ora files)

I'm a developer so I'm a little lost in the DBA world. Our systems guys have given me a backup of an Oracle 9i database. I have installed oracle 9i on my pc and am now trying to 'import' the backup files so I have a normal database to work with. The backup folder has on SNCF[SID].ora file and around 150 [SID]-[Date]-[counter]-[soemnum...

How do I find out when a stored procedure was last modified or compiled?

I think the question title pretty much says it all, I'm preferably looking for a PL/SQL query to accomplish this, but other options might be useful too. ...

How do you programatically identify a stored procedure's dependencies?

Is it possible to write a PL/SQL query to identify a complete list of a stored procedures dependencies? I'm only interested in identifying other stored procedures and I'd prefer not to limit the depth of nesting that it gets too either. For example, if A calls B, which calls C, which calls D, I'd want B, C and D reported as dependencies ...

SELECT COUNT(*) vs. fetching twice with an explicit cursor

I have read a book whose title is "Oracle PL SQL Programming" (2nd ed.) by Steven Feuerstein & Bill Pribyl. On page 99, there is a point suggested that Do not "SELECT COUNT(*)" from a table unless you really need to know the total number of "hits." If you only need to know whether there is more than one match, simply fetch twice with a...

How can I clean up dead connections using Oracle?

Right now I have a few new applications being developed against an Oracle Database, and sometimes they crash or fail to end correctly, etc... anyways the problem is they sometimes seem to leave their connections open, and I need to cleanup after them. My question is if there is a way from the database-side of things to determine dead con...

Production Release Best practises for Oracle Applications or any ERP system

Hi, Can we have the best practices for Production release when working with ERP system like Oracle Apps. What is the best way to automate the release ? I am thinking of a typical Development -Test - Production environment. Regards, Kedar Hukeri ...

Oracle to Excel - PL/SQL export procedure

Hi, I’m writing pl/sql procedure that exports data from Oracle to Excel. I need data formatting so I can’t use CSV. I’ve already tried with XML but it generates too large files when I want to export e.g. 70000 rows with 50 columns (almost 300 MB!!!). That’s why I decided to use HTML tags to generate XLS file – it is smaller than XML a...

Access Web service from Oracle stored procedure

Is there anybody who has successfully accessed a Web service from an Oracle stored procedure? If so, was it a Java stored procedure? A PL/SQL stored procedure? Is there any reason why I should not be trying to access a WS from a stored proc? Here are a couple refs that I found so far Database Web Services Calling external Web Servi...

ORACLE SQL: Need to sum two values, but one may not exist... Is this possible?

I've been running into some problems duplicating some old ASP files into some newer .NET 2.0 code. One of the tasks is to merge the 4-5 SQL statements into one. While I have done this and had some success in performance boosts, Oracle is a new bag for me. This problem however surpasses my own SQL skills as I haven't done this before. Ba...

connecting to remote oracle via cygwin sqlplus

I'm trying to use cygwin sqlplus to connect to a remote oracle installation located at port 1530. When I try sqlplus [email protected]:1530/orcl I get the error: ORA-12154: TNS:could not resolve the connect identifier specified When I set ORACLE_HOME to /cygdrive/c/oracle/product/10.2.0/client_...

help on integrating oracle BI into existing application

I have an existing application written in perl. Now i need to integrate this application with ocbi. The plan is having button that user can click on to open ocbi in iframe. The ocbi resides on a different server from the running application. Has anyone done this before, know what is the best practice of doing this, and what is the effort...

Simple Oracle SQL date syntax question

I am trying to convert a working MS Access query to run on an Oracle database being accessed via VB Script (.asp). This is the last section of the WHERE clause: sql = sql & "WHERE (UAT.HB.MB_MODE = 'A' AND UAT.HB.PRINT_DATE >= '" & SD & "' AND UAT.HB.PRINT_DATE <= '" & ED &"' )" The variable "SD" (i.e. "start date") is a text str...

How to read the parameters of URL in oracle form

Hi, I am using Oracle form 10 I want to know how can I access the parameters of URL in oracle form Ex: whenever I run the form it opens in a browser and the URL for the same is I just want to know how can I access the value of 'config' parameter inside oracle form code. when w...

PL/SQL: How do I declare session variables ?

How do I declare a session variable in PL/SQL - one that will persist for the duration of the session only, without me having to store it in the database itself? ...

How to select a related group of items in Oracle SQL

I have some data of the form Key ID Link 1 MASTER 123 2 AA 123 3 AA 123 4 BB 123 5 MASTER 456 6 CC 456 I would like to be able to select in the same select all linked items matching the selection criteria, plus the linked master. For example, if I have an ID of 'AA', I...

Oracle logon trigger not being fired.

I'm using the following logon trigger on an Oracle 10.2 database: CREATE OR REPLACE TRIGGER AlterSession_trg AFTER LOGON ON DATABASE BEGIN EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'ALTER SESSION SET NLS_COMP=LINGUISTIC'; EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'ALTER SESSION SET NLS_SORT=BINARY_AI'; END AlterSession_trg; This is intended to make case sensitive queries a thin...

Problem inserting multiple rows quickly to Oracle database from VB

I'm trying to insert multiple rows, one after another, to a database. Here is the relevant code. Private ConnectionString As String = "Provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle;Data Source=(DESCRIPTION=(CID=GTU_APP)(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=xxx)(PORT=xxx)))(CONNECT_DATA=(SID=xxx)(SERVER=DEDICATED)));User Id=xxx;Password=xxx;" Private SQ...

How do I bind an ArrayList to a PreparedStatement in Oracle?

I was wondering if there was a way to bind an ArrayList (or any kind of List, for that matter) to a PreparedStatement which will eventually be used to access an Oracle database. I found: And that seems similar to my issue, but this qu...

In SQL*Plus, how do I change the prompt to show the connected user and database?

To show, for example.... USER@SID > I thought this was potentially helpful to a few people so I'm going to answer it too! ...

IDE for Pl/SQL development

Is there any free IDE for Pl/SQL development ...