
In C#, how do I handle Oracle Float types? Receiving error "Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow"

I am using a generic approach to receiving a single row from any Oracle table and displaying it in a datagridview, using the code below. But, if the table contains a column of float type and the value has a large number of decimal places, I get "Arithmetic operation resulted in an overflow" at the line: MyReader.GetValues(objCells); ...

Convert date from one format to another using SQL*Loader control file

The data from the infile is in the format MM/DD/YYYY how do I tell the control file to load it into the database as YYYYMM? ...

ORACLE Numeric or Value Error

Hi everybody, I am trying to generate a report about the queries with the most disk reads. The generated report will be sent as email. I wrote some code as below. When i include top 15 query it works fine but if i increase hte count i get 'numeric or value error'. I guess this happens because i exceed some datatypes limit but could not ...

Should creating an index instantly update Oracle's query plan?

If you have an inefficient query, and you add an index to help out performance, should the query "instantly" start using the index? Or do you need to clear out the Oracle "cache" (v$sql I believe) by running alter system flush shared_pool;? ...

NHibernate to access Oracle stored procedure REFCURSOR and output parameter

Does the current version of NHibernate (v2.1.2) support access Oracle stored procedure output REFCURSOR in addition to an output parameter? I can access the output refcursor fine with my code. However i'm not sure i can access the additional output param in the same stored procedure. Some sample of calling syntax would be greatly appre...

PL/SQL Problem: Not a Valid Month Error when Selecting via Business Object report

This probably isn't as complicated as it should be, but Business Objects seems to be very, very strict in how types are used versus SQL Developer. Here's the piece of the statement in question: ship_date between '01' || '-' || w_current_ora_month || '-' || to_char(to_date(w_last_day, 'DD-MON-RR HH:MI:SS AM'), 'yy') and to_char(to_date(w...

Delaying the trigger invocation after an insert oracle

Hi, Is there a way to do this?. I found adding, DBMS_LOCK.sleep() to the beginning of the trigger code by googling, but it blocks the insert itself from happening. I would like to insert the data but the trigger should be fired only after an arbitrary delay. Thanks. ...

Using SEQUENCE(Oracle) in WHERE Clause

Possible Duplicate: Oracle sequences: CURRVAL not allowed here? In my program i am inserting a values using sequence. Procedure 1 Insert tablename(id,name) values(seq.nextval,somename) now i need to update this same table. how do i do it. I use another Procedure to update. Procedure 2 Update set name ='someothername' wh...

Why does the ResultSet get one char less in my query where a string is used as a value?

Or simpler, I have this code (Oracle database) SELECT TO_NUMBER (tkb.id_kucnog_broja) id, 'Buildings and home numbers' vrsta_pj, and in Java I have this for (int j = 0; j < rs.getMetaData().getColumnCount(); j++) { data = rs.getString(j + 1); } and the result it gets is 'Buildings and home number', meaning it 'cuts' the last char (...

How big is the performance difference between Oracle and PostgreSQL?

I'm wondering about how to scale a database. Currently it uses PostgreSQL. Would switching to Oracle be worthwhile inspite of the coding pain and expense? Or is PostgreSQL + more boxes a better/cheaper approach? ...

Entity framework with oracle database

Hi, I'm using entity framework with oracle database. I downloaded the provider from Today I converted my project to work with VS2010. Is there a way (free) to work with oracle db using VS2010? Thanks! ...

Importing a macro via a file

Hello, I'm wondering if there is a way to to include a header or something similar in deliminated text files that contains macros / format settings? Basically I create these files from Oracle to allow users to have thier own mini data warehouse and would like to present the data in a consistent way with data filters, summary columns, c...

User security in the database of my website

Lets say i have a website that will store some sensitive personal data (bank related) On this website i have an oracle database with a USERS tables that will store the logins and passwords of users from I have a few questions : How should i store passwords,encryption of course, but which ? What should be the pro...

Remove non-ASCII values from Oracle table

How can you remove non-ASCII values from a table in Oracle with PL/SQL? ...

Oracle stored procedure to return paged resultset

Is there a way for an Oracle stored procedure to return paged resultset (as refcursor) back? For example, I would like to pass to the stored procedure the number of records to return and the page number interested. Then I only want to see those number of records back to my client. How is that done on the Oracle side? i.e. var v_numreco...

how to get this order by working in oracle pl/sql


oracle distibuted database

a few basic questions, using vs08 c# and sql which oracle version should i download? oracle10g? does it have a disgn interface like sql server mangement studio.? will this distribution concept have a graphical tool which say "hi, on which servers would you like to distributed the database and on what basis? using a local applicat...

How to find all table references from Oracle 10G PL/SQL functions and procedures?

How to find all table references from Oracle 10G PL/SQL functions and procedures? I definitely can execute the following SQL statement: select * from dba_source where text like '%tbl_c%' but I wonder how to find all functions that call functions that refer to table used. For example I can have a function A that calls function B that...

does oracle database 10g express editon support the following

the designing.making/deploying/management of a distributed database? or do i need to buy the versions for the above? if it 10g express has this support, will there be a central point to which my web application will connect, or do i have to write connection strings to connect to each server making "the distributed database " please al...

I don't understand Collation? (Mysql, RDBMS, Character sets)

I Understand Character sets but I don't understand Collation. I know you get a default collation with every Character set in Mysql or any RDBMS but I still don't get it! Can someone please explain in layman terms? Thank you in advance ;-) ...