
Native C++ SQL Framework

I need a high performance framework in native C++ for SQL. I need it to be able to use MySQL, Oracle and Microsoft SQL Server and provide abstraction from the lower level problems/idiosyncrasies found in every different syntax required for by DBMS from different vendors. Something like LINQ for C# and VB .Net. ...

Can't see all tables in datasource

I'm using Birt 3.4.1. I was able to create a datasource.. but I can't see all the tables in my database. When I try to create a database I see 1/3 of my tables in the Orace 10g database. ...

How do you use ExecuteScalar to return a single value from an Oracle Database?

Been using the code below to return a single record from the database. I have read that ExecuteScalar is the right way to return a single record. I have never been able to get ExecuteScalar to work though. How would I change this to return a single value in VB.Net using ExecuteScalar? Dim oracleConnection As New OracleConnection ...

Oracle: How do I get the sequence number of the row just inserted?

How do I get the sequence number of the row just inserted? ...

oracle left outer joins not showing right null values

hi, i'm having an issue with creating a query in oracle which doesnt seem to want to join on missing values the table i have is this: table myTable(refnum, contid, type) values are: 1, 10, 90000 2, 20, 90000 3, 30, 90000 4, 20, 10000 5, 30, 10000 6, 10, 20000 7, 20, 20000 8, 30, 20000 a break down of the fields i'm after is this: ...

adding oracle's timestamp to query results

Hi All, yesterday you had taught me to query record history within a time range here. What more I need is to add oracle's (historical) timestamp to the results as a column. Is it possible? Thanks in advance. ...

Connect to Oracle DB from VB 2008 application without installing Oracle software?

Imports System.Data.OleDb Public Class Log Private mConnectionString As String = "Provider=OraOLEDB.Oracle;Data Source=(DESCRIPTION=(CID=GTU_APP)(ADDRESS_LIST=(ADDRESS=(PROTOCOL=TCP)(HOST=xxx)(PORT=1521)))(CONNECT_DATA=(SID=xxx)(SERVER=DEDICATED)));User Id=xxx;Password=xxx;" Dim ds As New DataSet Dim da As New OleDbDataAdap...

What is your experience with Oracle's result caching feature?

We've recently updated to Oracle 11g and our DBA has suggested using result caching to improve the performance of some of our queries. A quick search of Google shows there is some criticism of the feature and how it scales. Like any cache scheme, there will be situations in which it wins big time and other situations where it fails mis...

Oracle XE for Linux...?

Is there a Linux version of Oracle XE? I could not find any info on Oracles official site. ...

Faster Insert Oracle Hash Cluster Table

Hi! Since I kicked off the process of inserting 7M rows from one table into two others, I'm wondering now if there's a faster way to do this. The process is expected to finish in an hour, that's 24h of processing. Here's how it goes: The data from this table RAW (word VARCHAR2(4000), doc VARCHAR2(4000), count NUMBER); should find a...

Advice Using Pivot Table in Oracle

Hi, i need a report and i should use pivot table for it.Report will be group by categories .It is not good to use case when statement because there are many categories.u can think Northwind Database as sample and All Categories will be shown as Columns and Report will show customers preference among Categories.I dont know another soluti...

How can I do Exp and Imp by using PL/SQL

How can I do Exp and Imp by using PL/SQL? ...

Reading an Oracle Lite ODB file without Oracle Lite

Is there a way to extract the data from an Oracle Lite ODB file without installing Oracle Lite? Is there a reader out there which will let me browse and copy the data? ...

BDE vs ADO in Delphi

Please note the Edit below for a lot more information, and a possible solution We recently modified a large Delphi application to use ADO connections and queries instead of BDE connections and queries. Since that change, performance has become terrible. I've profiled the application and the bottleneck seems to be at the actual call to...

How to document a database

(Note: I realize this is close to , but I don't think it's identical.) I've started work at a place with a database with literally hundreds of tables and views, all with cryptic names with very few vowels, and no documentation. They also don't allow g...

Filter table list in MS-Access Link Table?

WinXP Pro Oracle 10g Instant Client MS Access 2003 When I link a table in MS Access, the pick list that appears shows me every table and view in the system I have access to. This list is quite large. Normally, I really only want to look at the tables that I own. Is there a way to filter the items displayed based on owner, or an...

Oracle function concurrency

I currently have an INSERT TRIGGER which in Oracle 10g runs a custom defined function that generates a funky alpha-numeric code that is used as part of the insert. I really need to make sure that the function (or even trigger) is thread safe so that if two users activate the trigger at once, the function used within the trigger does NOT...

Can I use multithreading with Perl's DBI and Oracle?

Does anyone know of any gotachs or problems when writing multithreaded Perl applications using the Oracle DBI? Each thread would have it's own connection to Oracle. For the longest time I was told multithreading was not supported in Perl with Oracle. ...

SQL Server to Oracle10g conversion

I currently have a SQL Server (Express 2005) database to hold some transaction/metadata that I now want to migrate to Oracle 10g express instance. Can you do this programmatically or is there a decent software tool that anyone can recommend? ...

Cleanest way to build an SQL string in Java

I want to build an SQL string to do database manipulation (updates, deletes, inserts, selects, that sort of thing) - instead of the awful string concat method using millions of "+"'s and quotes which is unreadable at best - there must be a better way. I did think of using MessageFormat - but its supposed to be used for user messages, ...