
How to connect to a Oracle Database from Web Services Published on IIS

The situation is this: 1. Oracle database 10g on one server. Configured to accept connections. 2. Web service on different server (IIS), connecting to the database. This doesn't work. 3. Same web services running on the VS 2005 web server, work without a problem and can connect to the database. The problem: Do not know what is the issu...

oracle materialized view refresh time

hey all, anyone able to tell me how often a materialized view is set to refresh with the following setting plz? REFRESH FORCE ON DEMAND START WITH sysdate+0 NEXT (round(sysdate) + 1/24) + 1 i think i read it as every hour but i'm not sure ...

Hidden features in Oracle

I enjoyed the answers and questions about hidden features in sql server What can you tell us about Oracle? Hidden tables, inner workings of ..., secret stored procs, package that has good utils... ...

What would be the sql to enter thousands of records into Oracle db with C#?

What would be the sql to enter thousands of records into Oracle db with C#? ...

What is the easiest approach to synchronize and duplicate oracle db schema?

I find it hard to generate the dbscripts from TOAD. I get errors when executing the scripts things like looping chain of synonyms or certain statement not abel to exceute etc. Is there any seamless way in said like connecting a remote oracle schema and just duplicate to my local environment? And also do synchronization along the way? ...

Oracle Modify statement - error.

I added a new column in my table. ALTER TABLE neue_buch modify preis not null; and I have got this error. print(" Error starting at line 40 in command: ALTER TABLE neue_buch modify preis not null Error report: SQL Error: ORA-02296: cannot enable (S1885872.) - null values found 02296. 00000 - "cannot enable (%s.%s) - null values fo...

Oracle SQL DATE conversion problem using iBATIS via Java JDBC

I'm currently wrestling with an Oracle sql DATE conversion problem using iBATIS from Java. Am using the Oracle JDBC thin driver ojdbc14 version iBATIS version 2.3.2. Java 1.6.0_10-rc2-b32. The problem revolves around a column of DATE type that is being returned by this snippet of SQL: SELECT * FROM TABLE(pk_invoice_qry...

How do I deploy an Oracle database?

I have an ASP .NET application that connects to an Oracle or a SQL Server database. An installer has been developed to install a fresh database to an existing SQL Server using sql commands such as "restore database..." which simply restores a ".bak" file which we keep under source control. I'm very new to Oracle and our application has ...

Tagging sql statements for tracing and debugging

We have a large enterprise consisting of many apps both old and new backed by Oracle 10G. When blocking sessions or deadlocks occur and we get trace reports it would be super handy to be able to have embedded some details in the sql so that we know both what app, and specifically where it was executed from. In addition to helping speed...

How do I limit the global memory resources of Oracle 10g database

The server I am running oracle on is suffering from out of memory errors. Anyone know if/how I can limit the global memory resources that oracle will use? I have SGA_TARGET_MAX = 500M and a session/process limit of 150, but our max concurrent sessions have not reached above 50. ...

Where to download and install Oracle Directory Manager?

Hello folks, Would someone please tell me specifically where can I download Oracle Directory Manager component? I know it's in one of the Oracle 10g discs but which one? Database, Client or Companion CD.. Please advice ...

Learning BPEL

How long do I need to learn BPEL using Oracle SOA Suite and start developing real processes using it? Also What is the best way to learn BPEL? ...

Compare Strings in Oracle

I need to query a table for values given a string. The table is case sensitive but I want to do a ToLower() in the comparison. Suppose I have a classes table with the following data. class teacher ----------------- Mat101 Smith MAT101 Jones mat101 Abram ENG102 Smith My query should be something like Select teacher From c...

How do I test for an Oracle connection

I'm trying to connect to an Oracle DB which is currently offline. When it's online it's not a problem, however, now that it's offline my program is getting hung up on the $connection = oci_connect() line and timing out. How do I simply check the connectio and bail out if it's not there? ...

Identify a table with maximum rows in Oracle

I have a set of tables in Oracle and I would like to identify the table that contains the maximum number of rows. So if, A has 200 rows, B has 345 rows and C has 120 rows I want to be able to identify table B. Is there a simple query I can run to achieve this? Edit: There are 100 + tables so I am looking for something generic. ...

How do I trim date in PLSQL?

I have a date variable as 24-dec-08 I want only the 08 component from it. How do I do it in a select statement? e.g.: select db||sysdate (this is the component where I want only 08 from the date) from gct; How do i do it? ...

Oracle: How can I programmatically arrange to have my current connection killed?

For testing exception handling in the case of a broken connection it is useful to be able to programmatically request the database to kill a connection. What's the best way to do that? ...

oracle 10G shrink datafiles

how do i shrink datafiles in oracle 10G? ...

rebuild indexes oracle 10G

When i need run process for rebuild indexes and how i can know what indexes i need to rebuild ? ...

Update in Oracle

I need to update the comments field in a table for a large list of customer_ids. The comment needs to be updated to include the existing comment and appending some text and the password which is in another table. I'm not quite sure how to do this. Here is some code that does this for a single customer id. How would I go about doing t...