
Can I send "batched" INSERTs to Oracle?

Scenario: I load some data into a local MySQL database each day, about 2 million rows; I have to (have to - it's an audit/regulatory thing) move to a "properly" administered server, which currently looks to be Oracle 10g; The server is in a different country: a network round-trip current takes 60-70 ms; Input is a CSV file in a denorma...

Why would you use Oracle database?

I'm curious for technical reasons why you choose Oracle database versus the latest flavors of: 1) Microsoft SQL Server 2) MySQL 3) PostgreSQL What features or functionality justify the extra cost. I'm interested in technical arguments, not a religious war. A friend asked me this and I've always used one of the 3 I listed. I didn't kn...

Configuring Eclipse for the OA Framework?

Anyone know the steps to configure Eclipse to work with the Oracle Applications Framework? Alternately, does anyone know of a resource to do this? I'd like to avoid using JDeveloper if possible. ...

Unable to connect to Oracle 10g Express Edition with ODBC

I am using C to write a DLL that provides basic database connection functionality to a couple of different applications, using ODBC. When I use this DLL to connect to an Oracle database (Oracle 10g Express Edition, specifically) I get the following error message: Specified driver could not be loaded due to system error 1114 (Oracle in X...

Oracle Logon Protocol (O3LOGON) in 10g

I have been studying Oracle's mechanism for authenticating against a 10g database. Although it is less documented than its 9i counterpart, I have still managed to find many of its details on various web sites and blogs. One piece remains a mystery, however. Before I mention what is missing, let me explain what is known about the protocol...

OCI connection string... need help

Does anyone know the OCI connection string used for the dbname parameter in the function OCILogon() for the oracle 10g C API ? I know you can specify the tnsnames.ora entry for the service, but does it have the ability to take something like: ? ...

Is it really better to use normalized tables?

I heard my team leader say that in some past projects they had to do away with normalization to make the queries faster. I think it may have something to do with table unions. Is having more lean tables really less efficient than having few fat tables? ...

Is it reasonable to use small blobs in Oracle?

In Oracle LongRaw and Varchar2 have a max length of 4kb in Oracle, but I need to store objects of 8kb & 16kb, so I'm wondering what's a good solution. I know I could use a Blob, but a Blob has variable length and is basically an extra file behind the scenes if I'm correct, a feature and a Price I'm not interested in paying for my Objects...

Best way to test a Delphi application

I have a Delphi application that has many dependencies, and it would be difficult to refactor it to use DUnit (it's huge), so I was thinking about using something like AutomatedQA's TestComplete to do the testing from the front-end UI. My main problem is that a bugfix or new feature sometimes breaks old code that was previously tested (...

Detecting the number of ORACLE rows updated by a OCI OCIStmtExecute call

I have an ORACLE update statement that I call using the OCIStmtExecute function call. Using an OCI function call I would like to know how many rows have been updated by the action, e.g. zero, one or more. How do I do this ? ...

How to call a Biztalk net.TCP service from Raw TCP request?

I have written a net.tcp based service in Biztalk 2006 R2 and it listens at a location, http://localhost:5060/WCFTcpService I need to call this service by using Raw TCP request. i.e. I don't want to create a proxy class and consume it in a .NET client application. How can I be able to do this? The real scenario is that an Oracle Stored ...

OracleParameter and IN Clause

Is there a way to add a parameter to an IN clause using System.Data.OracleClient. For example: string query = "SELECT * FROM TableName WHERE UserName IN (:Pram)"; OracleCommand command = new OracleCommand(query, conn); command.Parameters.Add(":Pram", OracleType.VarChar).Value = "'Ben', 'Sam'"; ...

How to troubleshoot Oracle database server errors?

My team inherited an Oracle-based web application and they are fairly inexperienced with Oracle database servers. The Oracle 10g server is running on a Windows 2003 Server with plenty of disk space and from time to time, all connectivity is lost, the application stops working, not even SQL Plus is able to connect to the database server....

ORACLE: UPDATE using two tables, Concatenation

I have two tables involved in this query I need to create, and I'm not exactly sure how to join these two tables in order to update. I have a ITEM and CONSUMER_ITEMS table. The ITEM table has a distinct code for each item and a UPC code. I need to concatenate a string with the ITEM.UPC_CODE to CONSUMER_ITEMS.NEW_ITEM_CODE where CONSUMER...

Platform Neutral SQL Statement for INSTR or CHARINDEX

I have a problem writing a SQL statement for both Oracle and MS SQL server. I'd like to write the SQL so that it works in both. I don't want to have to mess around with setting a database type variable and switching I have a column of course names that have values like this: 9RA923.2008W 1223.200710 P0033330.200901 I w...

For Oracle SQL, getting a distinct value across multiple tables and columns

I have the following sample query, select o.ENTRY_ID, o.DESCRIPTION, o.ENTRY_DATE, l.COMPANY_ID from TABLE1 o, TABLE2 l where o.ENTRY_ID = l.ENTRY_ID and COMPANY_ID in (10, 11, 12, 13) that would return a set of data similar to the following: ENTRY_ID, DESCRIPTION, ENTRY_DATE, COMPANY_ID 1, Description 1, 2/12/2008, 10 2, Descript...

How do you choose storage engines for Oracle?

Ok the question is obviously wrong as it stands, but I'm wondering how can I choose storage implementations on Oracle as I would for MySQL, say I want one table to MyIsam like and another for Archiving only and one Black Hole style for test purposes. How would I go around to doing this within a single Schema, or something similar that wo...

parameter in sql query :SSRS

Hi, i am using oracleclient peovider. i was wondering how do i use a parameter in the query. select * from table A where A.a in ( parameter). parameter should be a multivalues parameter. how do i create a data set. Thanks. Susan ...

Oracle client x32 and x64 coexistence

My client have an x64 server where he installed both x32 and x64 versions of Oracle Client. After he installed my web application and tried to run it he got "An attempt was made to load the program with an incorrect format (HRESULT 0x8007000B)" exception about Oracle.DataAccess.dll His IIS configured to 64 bit. I event asked him to ad...

How do you read the Oracle transaction log

Instead of placing triggers on tables everywhere in an Oracle database, is there a Java API that I can use to read transactions off the Oracle transaction log? My purpose is to be able to detect transactions going into a proprietary(vendor) database and react accordingly. We can't modify the database so that we do not void our maintenan...