
What is the difference between TopLink Essentials & EclipseLink

What is the difference between TopLink Essentials & EclipseLink, both originates from Oracle ? ...

.NET: How to retrieve the body of an Oracle 9i PL/SQL procedure or function

DISCLAIMER: Let's just say I have a pet project to satisfy my insane desire to write a decent Oracle client that isn't based on Java, while appeasing my coding hobby. END OF DISCLAIMER What I'd like to be able to do is retrieve the schema information for subprograms, functions, package specifications and package bodies from an Oracle 9i...

update in oracle 11g

i hv to update a field in a table. i m using following querries. help me which one is right? update table1 set col1=<value>,col2=<value>.... from table1 t,table2 s where and s.code='abc'; or update table1 set col1=<value>,col2=<value>.... where and table2.code='abc'; which one is right?or both ar...

PostgreSQL management and monitoring

Moving from Oracle to PostgreSQL, what (preferably free/OSS) software/tools are available that replace Oracle Enterprise Manager? I'm aware of pgAdmin, as well as some tools bundled into EnterpriseDB's Postgres Plus AS, but am looking for more context and a better overview of the PostgreSQL ecosystem. Specifically I'm interested in tool...

Create Black and White PDF from Oracle Reports

I have an Oracle Report that must be in pure Black and White. It contains two images which have been converted into Monochrome bitmaps before being inserted onto the report. When the report is executed, the resulting PDF appears to be in black and white. When I view the colour separations in Adobe Acrobat Professional, the image has C...

Oracle Database 10g VIEW performance

Hello, I have a view in one of my Oracle Database that is taking too long to execute. When the statement runs, it does not seem to stop. Is there anyway that we can verify the performance of this view or how we can check to see if the statement session is 'hanging'? Thanks, N2EE UPDATE I realised that the issue is with the underlyin...

How to compare Oracle XML Gateway Message Designer maps? (.xgm)

They are XML, but it seems that they seem to be recreated each time the map is being saved and the ids of the elements inside are changing each time. The tool (Message Designer) is quite old and not very convinient to use. Have you any hints how to version, track changes in such map? Or is there an alternative for Message Designer? ...

Oracle "Partition By" Keyword

Can someone please explain what the "partition by" keyword does and give a simple example of it in action, as well as why one would want to use it? I have a SQL query written by someone else and I'm trying to figure out what it does. An example of partition by: SELECT empno, deptno, COUNT(*) OVER (PARTITION BY deptno) DEPT_COUNT FROM...

Function or Procedure for an IN clause

I want to write a funcion or procedure that can be used in the IN clause of another procedure. The function or procedure would return ID numbers. The main procedure would say something like SELECT * FROM EMPLOYEES WHERE OFFICE_ID IN (GET_OFFICE_IDS); -- GET_OFFICE_IDS requires no parameters GET_OFFICE_IDS returns a VARCHAR2 with th...

Should I use a reference cursor here?

I'm writing a function which will eventually use one of several possible cursors, for simplicity sake I'll use two here. In the body of the function I want to be able to use a single variable to describe whichever cursor gets used. Do I use a reference cursor for this or something else? In the example below, I want the FOR LOOP to use e...

missing keyword error

Hi I am getting this error when trying to create this table. Can you please tell me how I can use on update cascade and on delete set null constraints. SQL> create table emp3 2 ( 3 Fname varchar2(15)not null, 4 Minit char, 5 Lname varchar(15) NOT NULL, 6 Ssn char(...

Pagination help in SQL

Hi, The below inner SELECT returns huge amount of rows (1000000+) and the outer SELECTs(alpha BETWEEN #startRec# AND #endRec#) is used for PAGINATION to display data with 25 in each page. Issue is:-This PAGINATION done below is very slow and slows the entire display of data.So could all please help me on doing this below pagination in ...

Fluent NHibernate - how to configure for oracle?

Almost certainly a stupid question but I can't find the answer anywhere. In the Getting Started tutorial the database is SQLite and so his session factory creation is done using the SQLiteConfiguration class in the FluentNHibernate.Cfg.Db namespace Great! But I don't see a Configuration class for using an Oracle database. How do I do...

Oracle: What exactly do quotation marks around the table name do?

I thought that the quotation mark (") was simply a type of grouping marker but I'm debugging some NHibernate code and notice that while SELECT * FROM site WHERE site_id = 3; Works fine SELECT * FROM "site" WHERE site_id = 3; fails with a table or view does not exist error. What gives? ...

Oracle Forms application direction

We have a big Oracle Forms 10 application and have been thinking about future direction. The choices seem to be: Continue development with Forms (Oracle has stated it will continue support). Do future development with Oracle Application Development Framework (ADF) and Oracle JDeveloper. This can co-exist with Forms. Migrate the whole a...

Split rows data to columns

Hi, I have a table, that has a simple structure: user_id, month, balance, balance_type I want to display selected balance types per month for each user that is: user_id, month, balance_1, balance_2, balance_3, balance_... So from data: ROW user_id month balance balance_type 1 5667 09 20 2068 2 5667 0...

Memory Leak with OracleCommand

I'm using ODP.Net version 11.1.0 to insert data into a database, and I'm seeing a memory leak. If I comment out the code below, it goes away. This code is called thousands of times in my application, and I can watch # of bytes in all heaps grow steadily as it runs. cmdStr contains an insert statement that inserts into a table with 375...

Inserting into Oracle the wrong way - how to deal with it?

I've just found the following code: select max(id) from TABLE_NAME ... ... do some stuff ... insert into TABLE_NAME (id, ... ) VALUES (max(id) + 1, ...) I can create a sequence for the PK, but there's a bunch of existing code (classic asp, existing apps that aren't part of this project) that's not going to use it. Should I ...

What can cause an intermitent ORA-12560: TNS:protocol adapter error?

I have a poorly written legacy .NET application that is in constant contact with the database throwing up a "No Connection" screen if it detects that connectivity has been dropped. All machines running this program are configured identically but on two of them we just recently started running into a problem where the No Connection scree...

Oracle Forms

Hi, we are using oracle forms... we have to protect (or) block a text item field from special charecters. like ( !@#$%^&*) please send some guidences.... thanks in advance... Regards, Vijay ...