
How to keep implementation/maintenance costs low in Pro*C?

Having experienced the horror that is Oracle Pro*C, when dealing with dynamically specified columns, and the need for bulk operations (ANSI METHOD 4), I simply must ask: What Ideas/Techniques can you share which makes it easier to develop/test/debug/maintain C and C++ CRUD applications which use Pro*C or Pro*C++? I am specifically int...

How update oracle heterogeneous services metadata?

I'm connecting from Oracle to different databases (MS Access, MySQL, ...). When opening the connection, the metadata (table and view definitions) from remote database is read by Oracle. But when updating a remote object metadata (add column on table, view definition,...) Oracle is not noticed. The only way I've found to refresh the meta...

Search PL/SQL Code

SELECT * from ALL_OBJECTS returns the names of various procedures/packages/tables/other db objects. I want to look inside the PL/SQL code for a matching string. How do I do this? Something like: (pseudocode) SELECT * FROM all_code WHERE line_of_code like '%mytext%' ...

Sqlprofiler for oracle

Hi, I recently started a new development project in .net with an oracle db. I never used oracle before, and I wondered if there is a sqlprofiler like tool for oracle as well? ...

My oracle listner to shuts itself down, what could be happening?

I am setting up a VM to try to duplicate our production environment so I can do deployment tests. The VM is VMWare Server running Windows Server 2003 with Oracle 10g. I am connecting to oracle through a tnsnames connection identifier. I got it up and running once, copied the VM files and thought everything was peachy. But now am enco...

What's the best way to store milliseconds in Oracle?

I'm using Oracle 9, but the system should work also for Oracle 8 and 10. The problem is: date fields cannot store anything beyond seconds, but I'm storing a series of events that occur with millisecond precision. The obvious solution is creating a new column to store the milliseconds. But is this the better solution? It does not seem...

Oracle: any replacements for DBMS_OUTPUT package?

especially one that doesn't have the 256 max chars/line and 1000000 max chars/buffer limitation. ...

TKProf Output: SQL*Net message from client

Hi all, I am currently in the process of debugging a database performance issue. I have run extended trace on the suffering oracle box to obtain a trace file which I have analyzed using tkprof. One thing that caught my eye straight away was the following output; Elapsed times include waiting on following events: Event waited on ...

oracle tables in one view

hi, i have 2 tables in an oracle database, which has the same column-names and types. for example: Table1: id, name, comment Table2: id, name, comment How can i show all data from both table in one view? ...

transaction timeout not working on hibernate with oracle

I am having problem setting the transaction timeout for hibernate on oracle. It does not work.Can anyone help? The "SaveOrUpdate" will not return within the stated 10 seconds. It will hang for a very long time. I am using Oracle 10r2. Hibernate Configuration File oracle.jdbc.driver.OracleDriver jdbc:oracle:thin:@

Obtaining client IP Address through ALUI Portal Gateway

Currently using Oracle/BEA/Plumtree ALUI Portal 6.1, and am trying to display a client's IP Address. Problem is that since this content is being gatewayed, the portal server's address is coming up when I call <%= request.getRemoteAddr() %> (<%= request.getRemoteHost() %>) I am pretty much doing the java equivalent of this link, and i...

Oracle stored procedures, SYS_REFCURSOR and NHibernate

I have a legacy Oracle (10.2g) database that I'm connecting to and I'd like to use NHibernate (2.0.1) to give me back objects from a stored procedure. The stored procedure in question uses a SYS_REFCURSOR to return results. According to the documentation this should be doable but I've found a few posts on the internet that suggest otherw...

SQL not equals & null

We'd like to write this query: select * from table where col1 != 'blah' and col2 = 'something' We want the query to include rows where col1 is null (and col2 = 'something'). Currently the query won't do this for the rows where col1 is null. Is the below query the best and fastest way? select * from table where (col1 != 'blah' or ...

How to disable XML DTD validation in Oracle DB?

Hi I am using following statement in select portion of the query: extract(XMLTYPE(doc.payload),'/SHOW_SHIPMENT_005/DATAAREA/SHOW_SHIPMENT/SHIPMENT/SHIPITEM/DOCUMNTREF/DOCUMENTID') it works well if the doc.payload contains XML without DTD declaration, but raises an error when DTD declaration is present as Oracle tries to validate the d...

Error importing oracle dump

I am trying to import a dump into two schema in the same oracle DB.Following a workaround to do this. I am trying to run the imp command with the INDEXFILE option to be able to modify the tablespace names in the sql. This is what I get : E:\oracle_10_2\BIN>imp atlantis/atlantis@orcl file=ABCD1_EXCLUDE_CLOB_TABS_BAK.dmp indexfile=in...

How can I issue a single command from the command line through sql plus?

Using SQL Plus, you can run a script with the "@" operator from the command line, as in: c:\>sqlplus username/password@databasename @"c:\my_script.sql" But is it possible to just run a single command with a similar syntax, without a whole separate script file? As in: c:\>sqlplus username/password@databasename @execute some_procedure...

How do I write StoredProcedure sub-classes to call Oracle functions?

I've written the following Spring JDBC API StoredProcedure sub-class: class GetLdapPropertiesStoredProcedure extends StoredProcedure { protected GetLdapPropertiesStoredProcedure(JdbcTemplate jdbcTemplate) { super(jdbcTemplate, "get_ldap_properties"); setFunction(true); declareParameter(new SqlReturnResultSet("rs", new Produ...

Validating Oracle dates in Python

Our Python CMS stores some date values in a generic "attribute" table's varchar column. Some of these dates are later moved into a table with an actual date column. If the CMS user entered an invalid date, it doesn't get caught until the migration, when the query fails with an "Invalid string date" error. How can I use Python to make ...

How To Check for an Index in Oracle

I am writing a schema upgrade script for a product that depends on an Oracle database. In one area, I need to create an index on a table - if that index does not already exist. Is there an easy way to check for the existence of an index that I know the name of in an Oracle script? It would be similar to this in SQL Server: IF NOT EXIS...

MS-Access ODBC Connection to Oracle for SQL

I'm trying to connect to an Oracle Database with Access 2003. I want to use an ODBC connection and I want to set it up so that the user doesn't need to enter a password. One of the problems I am having though is my sql query uses INTERFACE.Products and Access sees the period and thinks I'm trying to opening a file. IE Interface.MDB, w...