
Error starting SQL Developer

HI everyone. I am trying to run sqldeveloper on my Red Hat Linux Enterprise 5 machine but get the following error: [root@machine plugins]# sqldeveloper Oracle SQL Developer Copyright (c) 2006, 2007, Oracle. All rights reserved. WARNING: error instantiating 'java.util.logging.FileHandler,' referenced by handlers, class not found java...

Nhibernate with Microsoft System.Data.OracleClient

I am trying to use Nhibernate with Oracle using Microsoft's System.Data.OracleClient Nhibernate Configuration (Is it correct for Microsoft Driver ?) <hibernate-configuration xmlns="urn:nhibernate-configuration-2.2"> <session-factory> <property name="show_sql">true</property> <property name="connection.provider">NHiber...

Is there a .Net interface to Oracle SQLPLUS?

Hi, I'm developing some automation to control the execution of SQL scripts. The scripts are run through SQLPLUS and contain PL/SQL calls in them (hence I can't run them through ODP.NET). I was wondering if there was a .NET interface to SQLPLUS? If so has anyone used it? Cheers Rich ...

error while truncating tables from oracle db

I am doing something like this in a procedure to clear all data from all tables in my database. LOOP dbms_utility.exec_ddl_statement('alter table ' || c.owner || '.' || c.table_name || ' disable constraint ' || c.constraint_name); END LOOP; . . . LOOP EXECUTE IMMEDIATE 'TRUNCATE TABLE ' || t.table_name ; END LOOP; Now ...

Running Oracle stored procs from C#

Hi, A beginner question: I have a stored proc (just a procedure, without any packages) in the Oracle Database: CREATE OR REPLACE procedure FII_DBO.CLEAR_UNIT_TEST_PRODUCT IS BEGIN ... END CLEAR_UNIT_TEST_PRODUCT; and it works fine in TOAD. However, when I try to run it from C# it complains: System.Data.OracleClient.OracleException...

Where are java classes stored in Oracle?

Where is the java bytecode for loaded java classes stored within an oracle database? Specifically, is there a view or table I can use to obtain the raw bytes for java class schema objects within Oracle? ...

Getting only one row in outer join using oracle

I've got a table and want to outer-join another table, getting only the first row (the one with lowest nr) of the second table using Oracle 10g. Edit: nr is unique within an id Table x Table y id id nr code 1 1 1 B 2 1 2 A 3 2 2 A Expected result: id nr code 1 1 B ...

The provider is not compatible with the version of Oracle client

I'm trying to use the Oracle ODP.NET 11g ( Instant Client on my project as a Data Provider but when I run the aspx page I get a "The provider is not compatible with the version of Oracle client" error message. Any help would be appreciated. I've referenced the Data Provider in Visual Studio 2005 and the code behind ...

How to connect Oracle to my C# program

Hi How to connect Oracle to my C# program ? thank's ...

What ORM would you recommend?

Here's my reqiurements: Supports C# Supports Oracle Supports LINQ Has ability to map business objects to database tables (not necessarily a 1-to-1 mapping) I know an Oracle Entity Framework provider would support all these, but I've been told that making the custom mappings is not very easy. What would you suggest? ...

How do I import a .dmp file into Oracle?

I have a .dmp file that I would like to import into Oracle 9i. How do I do that? ...

Oracle sequence but then in MS SQL Server

In Oracle there is a mechanism to generate sequence numbers e.g.; CREATE SEQUENCE supplier_seq MINVALUE 1 MAXVALUE 999999999999999999999999999 START WITH 1 INCREMENT BY 1 CACHE 20; And then execute the statement supplier_seq.nextval to retrieve the next sequence number. How would you create the same functional...

Why would "Where 1 <> 1" in a query return all rows?

I've come across a query in an application that I've inherited that looks like this: Select * From foo where 1 <> 1 As I parse that, it should return nothing (1 <> 1 should evaluate to false, right). However (at least on my Oracle box) it comes back with a full listing of everything in foo. When I try the same thing in MSAccess/Je...

oracle 10g - Monitor large row deletions

how can i monitor rows being deleted(say 20 rows)? consider, i am a dba and monitoring an oracle database.. i have to get an alert if someone deletes more than 20 rows.. i should avoid a trigger since it is costly.. is there any other way around? how can i parse the redo log and trap the sql that might have caused a bulk row delete? m...

Oracle Deadlock when Hibernate application loading data for readonly use

We are experiencing an Oracle Deadlock (org.hibernate.util.JDBCExceptionReporter - ORA-00060: deadlock detected while waiting for resource) error. It has been suggested that the issue is with a process that is performing readonly operations using Hibernate while another process is performing an update on the same row. The readonly proc...

SQL to replace smart quotes

Does anyone know a SQL command to replace MS Office smart quotes with their ASCII cousins? I'm using an oracle database and the fields are of type varchar2 ...

Migrating from Oracle to Sql Server

Hi all I need to create a new db in Sql Server, and move some data from an Oracle db to this Sql Server db; I read that this function can be implemented by using SSIS or the SQL Server Migration Assistant for Oracle; I wonder if someone can point me to a tutorial or a document where I can see how this task is performed step by step The ...

Oracle materialized view tuning

I am trying to perform tuning of materialized views in my application. I set out to execute: dbms_advisor.tune_mview() procedure, and wrote the following code into an SQL_Worksheet of Oracle SQL Developer: variable mvtask varchar2(100); variable mvddl varchar2(4000); execute :mvtask := 'MV_FOO_BAR'; execute select query into :mvdd...

Is there a way to specify a super-type sub-type relationship in Oracle Designer?

I was wondering if it is possible to create a super-type sub-type relationship in Oracle Designer. I would like to create something like this: Thanks. ...

What are the benefits of using Oracle Designer?

Why would I want to use Oracle Designer as opposed to simply maintaining SQL scripts and storing them in a version control system such as subversion? I need to decide if it is worth the effort to reverse-engineer an existing database into Designer. It seems like it would be easier to store DDL scripts along with the application source ...