
Consuming Oracle Data with Silverlight

So I want to get some data on the server side using OracleClient. Something like OracleDataReader rdr = OracleDataAccess.ExecuteReader(Conn, sQry); What is the best way to deliver this data to Silverlight? I set up a web service I just don't know the best data structure to package the result set. The silverlight CLR can not use the Or...

SQL Query to Collapse Duplicate Values By Date Range

I have a table with the following structure: ID, Month, Year, Value with values for one entry per id per month, most months have the same value. I would like to create a view for that table that collapses the same values like this: ID, Start Month, End Month, Start Year, End Year, Value, with one row per ID per value. The catch is that...

Monitor SQL queries executed by a Delphi application

I'd like to monitor SQL queries executed by my application while it runs. I'm using a dbExpress connection to an Oracle 11g database under Delphi 2007. This used to be possible under the BDE with the sqlmon.exe utility. Is there a similar utility for dbExpress? I've tried the Toad SQL Monitor, which logs two or three queries and then...

Oracle: Program not forking correctly in SELECT CASE statement on a date

I'm currently working on a project that behaves differently depending on whether it is a public holiday or not (amongst other constraints, obviously). To this end, I'm trying to create a table that contains the date and what day of the week it is (considering 'holiday' to be an eighth 'day of the week'). I have a table I'm sourcing the...

Looking for good tool to convert Oracle - sql server

Hi I'am looking for good tool that can convert from Oracle to sql server and from sql server to oracle. I found some, but there was many errors during the conversion thank's in advance ...

Client tools for Oracle?

I have a new project working with an existing oracle database. I've always been a SQLServer guy, so first time with Oracle. Any recommendations for a SQLServer Management Studio type app for Oracle? ...

How can I connect an oracle data base with a dbml file?

Hi, I think the best way to use Oracle with LINQ is to map the data base tables into the dbml file by hand. Am I right? When I have done it, then what? How can i connect the data base with the dbml file? ...

Windows Service in .net cannot resolve tns service name

I have moved a component of our application from a webservice to a Windows Service. It connects to oracle perfectly from the webservice but refuses to see the Tns names from the Windows service. I have given full control to the ORAHOME dir to the account the service is running under. I have also checked the service account permission t...

Creating new database under Oracle XE on Ubuntu

I've just installed Oracle XE in Ubuntu. Is there any way to create new databases, besides the one that comes with the installation, preferably from the command line so that I can do it from a script? It would be nice to have multiple databases started in the same time, if possible. If it is not possible to create new databases, then ma...

How do you work on Oracle packages in a collaborative, version-controlled environment?

I'm working in a multi-developer environment in Oracle with a large package. We have a DEV => TST => PRD promotion pattern. Currently, all package edits are made directly in TOAD and then compiled into the DEV package. We run into two problems: Concurrent changes need to be promoted on different schedules. For instance, developer...

Why does Oracle think I'm missing a right parenthesis?

In Oracle 10i, I'm running the following command: ALTER TABLE jnrvwchnglst ADD ( jnrvwchnglst_userid NUMBER(10) NOT NULL DEFAULT 1 ) Yes jnrvwchnglst is an existing table and no jnrvwchnglst_userid is not an existing column. The Oracle error message is: ORA-00907: missing right parenthesis What's wrong with this query and why...

SQL Server to Oracle?

How do you convert SQL Server table and procedures to Oracle? ...

Attaching an identifier to an Oracle session

My Java application uses db sessions, via Hibernate. What I want to do is somehow, when I create a session in my app, is to identify that session as an 'application' session. The reason is that I wish (via a before trigger) to restrict the updates that users can make to a table, while giving the application carte-blanche to do what it l...

ORACLE - Exporting Procedures / Packages to a file

I would like to programmatically export my Procedures / Functions and Packages into individual files (as a backup) and using Oracle 9.2. The closest solution i found was using DBMS_METADATA.GET_DDL , but how do i output the CLOB to a text file, without losing any parts (due to length or indentation) ? Or maybe do you have other solut...

Oracle Documentation Generation Tool.

Hi, I would like to know if anyone know of a good tool to auto generate documentation of an oracle 9i database schema. I did a reasearch and so far found DBSribe( but i'm having problem with it since it giving me an error when doing the document generation process. Any help will be appreciated. thanks in advance. ...

ORACLE SQL function that can be used in the where part of a select statement

I would like to create a function that can be used in the where part of a select statement. Like this: select 'x' from table where addNumber(4,3)=7; I know how to do this in MS SQL, but I would like to do this Oracle SQL. How can I do this? ...

Joining Information Across DB2 and Oracle Databases Best Practices

We are designing a fairly large brownfield application, and run into a bit of a issue. We have a fairly large amount of information in a DB2 database from a legacy application that is still loading data. We also have information in an Oracle database that we control. We have to do a 'JOIN' type of operation on the tables. Right now,...

Determining Oracle Database Instance

Other than querying the v_$database and v_$instance tables (or the views v$instance, v$database) is there any other way to programtically retrieve (from PL/SQL) the database name of an oracle database? ...

history rows management in database

hey guys, As in many databases, i am designing a database that should keep record of previous versions of the rows changed in each table. The standard solution to this problem is to keep a history table for each data table, and whenever a row needs to be updated in the data table, a copy of the current row gets inserted to the history ...

Strange Oracle problem

I tried to put it in a sentence but it is better to give an example: SELECT * FROM someTable WHERE id = someID; returns no rows ... some time passes (no inserts are done to the table and no ID updates) ... SELECT * FROM someTable WHERE id = someID; returns one row! Is it possible that some DB mechanism prevents first SELECT to retur...