
SQL server VS Oracle

I'm studying SQL Server but don't know much about Oracle. Can anyone give me a fair comparison of them? I've read a comparison about SQL Server 2000 vs Oracle 9i, but it's a little out of date. Have SQL server 2008 caught up Oracle 11g/i yet? (another question, what is the differences between i and g version of Oracles?) In addition, ha...

How do I bring an Oracle BLOB into SQL Server?

I have two databases: Oracle 10G and SQL Server 2000. Inside the Oracle database, I have several MS Word documents stored as BLOBs. What I need to do is extract the files from Oracle and place them into SQL Server. I am curious as to how I do this? I have heard something about DTS but not sure if that is something to look into. ...

Does SELECT DISTINCT imply a sort of the results

Does including DISTINCT in a SELECT query imply that the resulting set should be sorted? I don't think it does, but I'm looking for a an authoritative answer (web link). I've got a query like this: Select Distinct foo From Bar In oracle, the results are distinct but are not in sorted order. In Jet/MS-Access there seems to be some ...

How do I handle MS Access transactions in a multi threaded application, and how do I syncronise MS Access and Oracle tables?

I'm in a project to write a program using local database. We use Delphi, MS Access and Oracle. The issue are: There are several threads needed to insert and update MS Access DB. I haven't test it now, and I know access have a multi-thread issue here. Whether I need to use a lock or put MS Access DB operation into on thread? We need...

Oracle empty strings

How do you guys treat empty strings with Oracle? Statement #1: Oracle treats empty string (e.g. '') as NULL in "varchar2" fields. Statement #2: We have a model that defines abstract 'table structure', where for we have fields, that can't be NULL, but can be "empty". This model works with various DBMS; almost everywhere, all is just fine...

.NET 3.5SP1 ORM - database agnostic

Hi to all, we're working on an application that digs data from an Oracle DB and a SQLServer one. In need for a (possibly free) ORM solution, I'd like to use Entity Framework, but it does not support Oracle. Any suggestion? Thanks ...

Where to find an implementation of Modern Portfolio Statistics in Java or Oracle (eg sharpe ratio, sortinto ratio etc)

I require an a java component or oracle package that implements all of the formulas in "Modern Portfolio Theory". (They do not need to be open source, they can be commerical components.) My searching has yet to find anything suitable. Any help on this would be greatly appreciated, I would like to buy a component to do this rather than ...

Can you compile 32-bit Apache DSOs (Oracle HTTP Server) on a 64-bit machine?

I've migrated an Oracle database and Oracle HTTP server install from a 32-bit machine to a 64-bit machine - both machines running Linux. Oracle Database is 64-bit, but the (Apache) HTTP server is 32-bit. I use some non-Oracle DSOs (mod_ntlm for one) but whenever I run the standard "make install" type thing I end up with a 64-bit module....

How to Convert SQL server to Oracle ?

I have a SQL server database (Tables, Views, SP...). I need to convert this database to Oracle 10g. How can I do it? ...

Simple Java library - output Oracle query to CSV?

Is there a simple Java library or approach that will take a SQL query and output the result to a CSV file? Update: I found there were a couple other related SO posts existing (1, 2) ...

Upgrading Informix - Switch to Oracle, Sybase or stay with Informix?

Hi, Previously I posted a question so I could confirm our current (albeit archaic) version of Informix here: (Thank you Jonathan and RET for clearing that up) We are definitely planning on upgrading but are first discussing if it would make more...

Search XML Column in SQL

İ have an XML document to store against records in an Oracle Database. The table CourseXML will contain: Record_Number int XML_Type int XMLDoc clob ...etc İ would like to make a search in XMLDoc column by XML tags. The XML document has an XML Schema like this: <root> <UnitID="2" Name="Jerry" SName="Potter"/> <Unit...

Stored Procedure with optional "WHERE" parameters

Hi to all. I have a form where users can specify various parameters to dig some data (status, date ecc). I can producea query that is: SELECT * FROM table WHERE: status_id = 3 date = other_parameter = etc. Each WHERE is optional (i can select all the rows with status =3, or all the rows with date = 10/10/1980, or all the rows with st...

Problem with inserting date - Oracle and C#

Hi I have Date Var in Oracle, and I try to insert Data from my C# program sql = "insert into Table(MyDate) values (" + convert.todatetime(txt) + ")"; I get an Error, what can i do ? ...

How do I close an OracleConnection in .NET

Say I have these two objects: OracleConnection connection = new OracleConnection(connectionString); OracleCommand command = new OracleCommand(sql, connection); To close the connection or Oracle, do I have to call command.Dispose(), connection.Dispose(), or both? Is this good enough: using(connection) { OracleDataReader reade...

SQL Server / Oracle Linked -- Julian Date Error

I have a client who has a SQL Server 2000 database linked to an Oracle 8i database. They have dozens of views in the SQL Server 2000 database which reference the Oracle database, often with simple syntax such as: SELECT * FROM SERVER..DB.TABLE These views (and the sprocs which reference them) have worked for YEARS without issue. Sudd...

Oracle Datasource returning null connection

The oracle data source is returning null connection when the no of connection request is more. I have the implict cache enabled.The oracle specs says null is returned only is ConnectionWaitTimeout is set. I do not have a value set for ConnectionWaitTimeout in the cache properties. This is what the spec says about ConnectionWaitTimeout...

SQL Query Question (Possible Join / Subquery?)

Hi, I have two tables (Management and Employee). The management table tracks the different management teams that have managed company X in past few years. Each management team is given an ID (i.e: managementnr), and each team has a CEO (namely ceoname). The employee table tracks employees working for company X (basically just their ...

returning multiple columns using Case in Select Satement in Oracle

I have a sceanrio where i need to retreive values from different sub queries based on a condition in a main select statement. i was trying to use Case, but the problem is that Case does not support multiple columns. Is there any work around to this, or is there any other way to acheive this. My scenario in a simplified query select col...

MS .Net 2.0 Framework Oracle Data Provider OR Oracle 9i/10g/11g Data Provider?

For those that are knowledgeable in this subject (and hopefully faced a similar situation), could you please give your opinion on which provider would be best suited for a 2.0 framework application? The main points I am looking for are: Performance Functionality From what I have gathered online, it seems the Oracle provided...