
Is is necessary to dispose DbCommand after use?

We use Enterprise Library 3.0 to access Oracle DB (microsoft oracle client). What happens when I do not dispose a DbCommand instance after a stored procedure or function is called? Does .NET automatically garbage collect them? Note that we do make sure that the transaction/connection gets closed and disposed properly. ...

How to progromatically know to rollback a transaction (can do it in SQLServer, but need oracle solution)

This seems like it should be something I already know. We need to run a bunch of sql updates in a transaction, and rollback if one of them fails. We also want to print a status message since we'll be running a large number of these. This would be simple if I were doing it in a general purpose programming language. But I am trying to...

Live Data Feed: Oracle + C#/ASP.Net

Hi, I have to monitor some data during the day (basically a log stored in a Oracle table), and it has to be as close to real-time as possible. So what I need is: A good way to get incremental data from the table (replication packets?); and A good way to display it on both a web page and a C# GUI monitor. Explaining the existence of ...

Oracle-sqlplus query

Hi All, I am giving a select statement in sqlplus,It is retreving the data but the column name is displayed every time after certain number of rows.I want column name to be displayed only once.For example- select emp_name from employee. output: emp_name ======== raman sunil rajesh dilip emp_name ======== rahul pramod ankita I...

NHibernate - could not find (oracle) dialect in configuration

Hi, I've got following hibernate.cfg.xml <hibernate-configuration xmlns="urn:nhibernate-configuration-2.2" > <session-factory> <property name="connection.driver_class">NHibernate.Driver.OracleClientDriver</property> <property name="connection.connection_string"> User ID=user;Password=password;Data Source=database </property> <prop...

Windows ODBC Datasources and .Net System.Data.Odbc: Which driver is used?

Hi all, I am confused on how to connect to Oracle via ODBC. I have created an ODBC datasource named "oracle" in my Control Panel > Administrative Tools, and used the driver "Microsoft ODBC for Oracle". In my app.config , I have the following connection strings <?xml version="1.0"?> <configuration> <configSections> </configSection...

Efficiency of storing an Oracle User Defined Type in an index organized table

Are there known issues with storing user defined types within index organized tables in Oracle 10G? CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE MyList AS VARRAY(256) OF NUMBER(8,0); CREATE TABLE myTable ( id NUMBER(10,0) NOT NULL, my_list MyList NOT NULL) CONSTRAINT pk_myTable_id PRIMARY KEY(id)) ORGANIZATION INDEX NOLOGGING; With this type...

What is the PL/SQL API difference between Oracle Express Edition (XE) and Standard Edition (SE)?

Aside from licensing issues and all the fancy add-on packages, what is the real difference between Oracle XE and SE from an API point of view? My application uses a large number of PL/SQL features/packages, and I am unable to get a definitive list of what works and what doesn't. I already know that, for example, the server-side Java VM ...

Is there an Oracle equivalent to SQL Server's OUTPUT INSERTED.*?

In SQL Server, you can do things like this: INSERT INTO some_table (...) OUTPUT INSERTED.* VALUES (...) So that you can insert arbitrary sets of columns/values and get those results back. Is there any way to do this in Oracle? The best I can come up with is this: INSERT INTO some_table (...) VALUES (...) RETURNING ROWID INTO :out_r...

How to avoid same subquery in multiple select in oracle?

This is three different selects using same subquery. How can I use subquery result instead of doing sub query again. SELECT * FROM Address WHERE address_key IN ( SELECT address_key FROM person_address WHERE peson_key IN (person_list) ); -- person_list := '1,2,3,4' SELECT * FROM ...

How do you add an edit button to each row in a report in Oracle APEX?

I'm using Oracle APEX and I have a report region in a page that displays columns from a SQL query. I want to add edit buttons to the first column of this report so that the user can click on it and edit/review one of the results. How do I add this edit button? Thanks. ...

How can multiple rows be concatenated into one in Oracle without creating a stored procedure?

How can I achieve the following in oracle without creating a stored procedure? Data Set: question_id element_id 1 7 1 8 2 9 3 10 3 11 3 12 Desired Result: question_id element_id 1 7,8 2 9 3 10,11,12 ...

A problem During running OracleDBConsoleoracle service

I am facing this problem when I try to run OracleDBConsoleoracle in oracle 11 "Windows could not start the OracleDBConsoleoracle on Local Computer.For more information, review the System Event Log.If this is a non-Microsoft service, contact the service vendor, and refer to service-specific error code 2." Noteice:I was online when I i...

Can an Oracle variable of type RECORD be passed between procedures without the procedures knowing its real type?

Using Oracle 10g PL/SQL. I'm trying to find a way to pass a custom defined RECORD type around without the procedures having to know its real type. Sounds like a job for SYS.ANYDATA but it doesn't look like Oracle supports wrapping RECORD types. For example: DECLARE TYPE t_rec IS RECORD (id number); v_rec t_rec; v_ad SYS.ANYDATA...

Bizarre Oracle 11 / ADO.NET Error

I am using Oracle and ADO.NET (System.Data.OracleClient) to run a query that works fine with Oracle 9 & 10 but on Oracle 11 we are getting the error: System.Data.OracleClient.OracleException was unhandled Message="ORA-01405: fetched column value is NULL\n" Source="System.Data.OracleClient" ErrorCode=-2146232008 Code=1...

Oracle to SQL Server Migration verification

Hi, We are in process of completing the migration of Oracle to SQL Server 2005 (schema, data and programming objects). We have about 1220 stored procedures to be tested. What would be the best way to test them? Is there any automation possible here? We are thinking of writing a small window tool which would take the stored procedure na...

How to SELECT sum of numbers less than 30 and sum of numbers greater than 30?

I'm trying to write a SELECT statement to select the sum of field but I want to return the sum of numbers less than 30 and also the sum of numbers greater than 30. I realize I can do this with two selects joined together, but I was hoping to find a "neat" way of doing it. ...

Oracle SQL Developer: how to view results from a ref cursor?

If I have a function which returns a reference cursor for a query, how can I view the result set of this in SQL Developer? Toad has a special tab for viewing the results of a reference cursor, this is the functionality I would like to find. ...

How do I set the window title for a SQL*Plus (Windows) instance?

I have multiple databases that I connect to using SQL*Plus in Windows (not the command window). I've been looking for a way to change the title of the window, so that I can distinguish one instance from another, from the task bar. Yes, I know I can change the prompt, but then I have to switch between the instances and read the prompt, ...

How can I connect to an Oracle database from Ant using the tnsname?

I am looking for something similar to the Ant sql task but that will accept a JDBC url of the format: jdbc:oracle:thin:@TNS_NAME One possible approach seems to be to write my own Ant task that uses an OracleDataSource to create the Connection, but is there a way to do this straight in Ant? EDIT: Thanks for the responses so far g...