
Bewildered student vs. ORA-00257 Error--can I fix this? How?

Of course my boss is out the day something goes wrong. It's just me, an inexperienced little student here, trying to get our website back up and running. All alone. The oracle database our site pulls data from won't let me connect (throwing the error on our site), giving me the error: ORA-00257. In full: ORA-00257: archiver error. Con...

Oracle Parameters with IN statement?

Hi Guys, Got a app which I need to modify. The query at the moment effectively does this: select * from contract where contractnum = :ContractNum (very simplified, just to show we're using an = and one parameter) That parameter is read in from the Settings.Settings file on the C# app and has one string in it. I need to modif...

generate database & tables schema (ddl) on Oracle pl-sql

Hi, Anyone have a PL-SQL statement that i can use to generate database & tables schema for specific database on Oracle 10g? I need the schema in .sql file and if possible compatible with ANSI-92/99 sql implementation, so i can use the generated .sql directly on sql server 2005. Already heard about exp/imp, but it seems generated dump f...

Oracle - natural sort rows on multiple levels

Using Oracle 10.2.0. I have a table that consists of a line number, an indent level, and text. I need to write a routine to 'natural' sort the text within an indent level [that is a child of a lower indent level]. I have limited experience with analytic routines and connect by/prior, but from what I've read here and elsewhere, it seems ...

Joining 3 tables with similar structure

Hello all, I'm executing sql queries in oracle 10g. I want to join 3 tables into a single new table containing all the records from the 3 individual tables. The balance should be Summed up wherever the reg_id is duplicated between the 3 tables, such that there is just one entry per reg_id with the summed balance in my new table. Sampl...

Will delete user for Oracle 10g database deleted the data corrsopds to the user?

I am new to the Administration part of the Oracle server,Just want to know will deleting a user means data related to that user will also get deleted? Thanks you. ...

Oracle Collect Over Analytical Function

Is it possible to use the 10g collect command as an analytical function by using OVER PARTITION or some other way? e.g. SELECT COLLECT(x) OVER (PARTITION BY y) FROM table Every time I try this there is a ora 3113 exception saying 'end-of-file on communication channel' PS. I know I need to cast the result to make it useful, but for s...

how to run on 4 tables and make update any field on them ? - oracle 10g

hi how to rum on 4 tables and update any field on them ? in oracle 10g thank's in advance ...

OracleCommand execution blocks if has OracleDependency

I have the following code: OracleConnection conn = new OracleConnection(connString); OracleCommand command = new OracleCommand("select * from testtable", conn); conn.Open(); OracleDependency.Port = 2010; OracleDependency dependency = new OracleDependency(command); command.AddRowid = true; command.Notification.IsNotifiedOnce = false; de...

how to make procedure that update 5 table's ?

How to make procedure that update 5 table's ? for ex: ....update table1 set field1 = ....... ....update table2 set field2 = ....... ....update table3 set field3 = ....... in oracle 10g - pl/sql ...

how to remove spaces in and of text field - need it in and sql query for oracle

i have field X that contain text with spaces in the end of the text how i can remove them ? i need it in any sql query for oracle 10g ...

sequence generation in hibernate?

hi, I have one field in my table and values for that field willbe generated by the sequence which i have given in hbm mapping. now my question is, if i provide value for these field which has mapped with sequence , what will happen? 1. will hibernate ignore the value provided by me and it invoke its sequence? or 2. will it take the va...

Pivot rows to columns based on content in Oracle 10g PL/SQL

I have a table in my database, user_answers that stores users answers to a series of questions, with rows; user_id, question_id, answer_id and text_entry. Question text and answer text (if any) are stored in lookup tables. There are three types of questions, single-answer questions, multiple-answer questions and text-entry answer quest...

can i get procedure sample in oracle ?

hi i try to understand procedure..... but still dont..... i need simple sample for procedure. i need procedure that i'll insert Fname and Lname, and i get table with the result search how i can do it ? i need package ????..... or cursor ????........ work on oracle 10g thank's in advance ...

How can I use REF to reference row objects?

I have two entities, Customer and Order, both of which I have created types for. The SQL type declarations are: CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE "CUSTOMERTYPE" AS OBJECT ( customerId CHAR(6), name VARCHAR2(50), address VARCHAR2(255), telephone CHAR(11) ); CREATE OR REPLACE TYPE "ORDERTYPE" AS OBJECT ( customer REF CustomerType, orderId CHAR(10...

Migrating Oracle DATE columns to TIMESTAMP with timezone

Bakground: I've got a legacy app I'm working on that uses DATE types for most time storage in the database. I'd like to try update some of these tables so that they can utilize time zones since this is causing problems with users in different areas from where the db is(see A below). This is for Oracle 10g. Quetions: 1) Can I migrate ...

Oracle Dynamic SQL for columns

I am writing a stored procedure for which I need to populate a table based on the data being reported on. In this situation, I will be pulling in three values per day for a certain code in a date range. Say on a certain run of this stored procedure, I have code values X, Y, and Z for a date range as so: select abc.code, abc.da...

Materialized view with Oracle

Hello ! I have the following line in a script and I don't understand what the "using" part is used for. I couldn't find anything on google. Anybody familiar with that ? Thanks a lot !! CREATE MATERIALIZED VIEW "PVTRNDM"."DM_MVW_DAILY_CAL" USING ("DM_MVW_DAILY_CAL", (8, 'PLANVP.XXXX.INT', 1, 0, 0, "PVTRN", "DAILY_CAL", '2009-...

Oracle Secure Enterprise Search(SES) Intranet crawling problem.

I am using oracle Oracle Secure Enterprise Search(SES), and using the crawler to crawl the Intranet site. but i am getting the error. EQG-30008: http://site-name/: Not found I have added the Log on password and user name and also added the proxy settings. Any body who worked on SES crawling,please look in. ...

How to avoid duplicates while extract value from the composite key table?

**I have a table(table A) with composite primary key (3 columns)... i have to use one of the column as foreign key in another table(table B).. Now i want to extractthe values from the table A by the foriegn key of table B.. How to avoid the duplicates in table B? ** ...