
Does Oracle roll back the transaction on an error?

This feels like a dumb question, but I see the following in the Oracle concepts guide on transaction management: A transaction ends when any of the following occurs: A user issues a COMMIT or ROLLBACK statement without a SAVEPOINT clause. A user runs a DDL statement such as CREATE, DROP, RENAME, or ALTER. If the cur...

Querying multiple rows from Oracle table using package

I wrote a package to query rows from a table. This select query will call other functions and returns all the rows from table. But when i write a package with all functions and sprocs , my sproc with select statement gives me an error saying i cannot execute without into statement. But if i use into then it will return only one row. How ...

Obtaining more information on the cause of high figures shown in tkprof recursive totals

Friends, I am currently investigating a performance problem with our application. The problem is that an operation that should be completed almost instantly is taking several minutes. In case it is of importance the application architecture is Oracle Forms, Oracle Application Server and Oracle Database. All of which are 10.x The cus...

Exclusive table (read) lock on Oracle 10g?

Is there a way to exclusively lock a table for reading in Oracle (10g) ? I am not very familiar with Oracle, so I asked the DBA and he said it's impossible to lock a table for reading in Oracle? I am actually looking for something like the SQL Server (TABLOCKX HOLDLOCK) hints. EDIT: In response to some of the answers: the reason I nee...

converting stored procedures from sql server to oracle

We have a massive amount of stored procedures to convert from sql-server 2000 to oracle 10g. Does anyone know of any tool that would achieve this? We used Oracle SQL developer for this but it seems like it is creating extra cursors for each IF/ELSE condition that was on sql server side. Has anyone successfully used a tool that would ...

What is a good way to optimize an Oracle query looking for a substring match ?

I have a column in a non-partitioned Oracle table defined as VARCHAR2(50); the column has a standard b-tree index. I was wondering if there is an optimal way to query this column to determine whether it contains a given value. Here is the current query: SELECT * FROM my_table m WHERE m.my_column LIKE '%'||v_value||'%'; I looked at Ora...

Can a rowid be invalidated right after being inserted in Oracle?

I'm running queries that look something like this: INSERT INTO foo (...) VALUES (...) RETURNING ROWID INTO :bind_var SELECT ... FROM foo WHERE ROWID = :bind_var Essentially, I'm inserting a row and getting its ROWID, then doing a select against that ROWID to get data back from that record. Very occasionally though, the ROWID won't b...

how to backup oracle 10g

hi how i can backup oracle 10g like backup and restore in sql server ? i want to backup tables and data thank's in advance ...

Oracle JDBC select with WHERE return 0

Hi, Similar question to: but people didn't ask for this. My code: public int myMethod(String day) throws SQLException{ String sql = "Select count(*) from MyTable WHERE someColumn = " + day; Connection connection = ConnFactory.get(); PreparedS...

Oracle Partitioning

I have 1 table which contain 8 subtables. Each subtable contains another 3 to 5 subtables. Now my question is that is it possible to partition tables by hierarchy? That means i like to keep all the tables info in one table and then create partitioning on them. ...

Oracle table partition

Can any one help me referring a book for Oracle table partitioning. Oracle 10g complete reference contains the basics but i need elaborate with example. Thank you ...

ORA-00980 error when attempting export using the EXP command

I'm trying to export a schema in an oracle 10 database using the EXP command. Let's call the schema "myschema" and the tns name "mydb" to protect the names of the innocent. Anyway, here's the command line that I'm using exp myschema/mypassword@mydb file=myschema.dmp grants=y This works when I try to run an export on other instan...

Can I substitute savepoints for starting new transactions in Oracle?

Right now the process that we're using for inserting sets of records is something like this: (and note that "set of records" means something like a person's record along with their addresses, phone numbers, or any other joined tables). Start a transaction. Insert a set of records that are related. Commit if everything was successful, ...

ora-00979 not a GROUP BY expression

PL/SQL is not my friend recently. I am getting the above error with the following query: SELECT cr.review_sk, cr.cs_sk, cr.full_name, tolist(to_char(cf.fact_date, 'mm/dd/yyyy')) "appt", cs.cs_id, cr.tracking_number from review cr, cs, fact cf where cr.cs_sk = cs.cs_sk and UPPER(cs.cs_id) like '%' || UPPER(i_cs_id) || '%' and row_delete...

How to select in select where the inner select is a substring of return result

This is beset illustrate by an example that I think should work but doesn't: select * from TABLE_A where KEY in ( select substr(DYNAMIC_KEY,3) from TABLE_B where DYNAMIC_KEY like '$$%' and RECORD_ID='104251893783388824'); Basically, the inner select statement return a set of result which had a '$$' prefix. This is use as a lookup ke...

how to backup oracle 10g using pl/sql developer ver 7.1 ?

Exact Duplicate of: how to backup oracle 10g by the same user. hi how i can backup my entire database using pl/sql developer ver 7.1 ? (i work with oracle 10g) thank's in advance ...

Oracle 10.2 acting weird. Or is it me...

Please check out the following query. The SQL isn't as bad as it looks. Basically, we have a fact table and some simple joins to some dimension tables. Then we have a join to a derived table, given the alias ACCOUNTS-DIM-DEP SELECT dw_mgr.fa_trans_fct.period, dw_mgr.fa_trans_fct.asset_cost_company_code, dw_mgr.fa_tra...

Oracle Database 10g Express Edition AND Date Formats

I'm new to Oracle (I've been using MySQL mainly until now) so this might be a dumb question. But I have created this table (names are not english but ignore that, that is not important): CREATE TABLE Auta ( id_auto NUMBER(5) UNIQUE NOT NULL, typ CHAR(10), specifikacia_typu CHAR(15), SPZ CHAR(8), farba CHAR(20), datum_vyroby DATE, pocet_...

Oracle Missing Right Parenthesis

Here is my query: SELECT * FROM Auta WHERE SUBSTR(spz, 1, 2) = (SELECT SUBSTR(spz, 1, 2) FROM Auta WHERE typ = 'BMW' AND specifikacia_typu = 'Z1' LIMIT 1); And when I run it I get this error: ORA-00907: missing right parenthesis I'm getting a little desperate, I've already tried adding parentheses everywhere in the query and I sti...

Invoking sql statements in shell scripts

Hello members, I'm working on the Solaris environment and the DB i'm using is Oracle 10g. Skeleton of what I'm attempting; Write a ksh script to perform the following. I have no idea how to include my sql query within a shell script and loop through the statements. Have therefore given a jist of what I'm attempting, below. Copy file...