
Update using a subquery SQL PL/SQL

I am trying to update a table, but I can't get my syntax to work. I added new elements from a temp table to my element table and I want to update column_name in metadata_attribute and table_name in metadata_table table. This is what I have: UPDATE METADATA_ATTRIBUTE SET C.ELEMENT_ID = (SELECT ELEMENT_ID FROM ...

Is it possible to retrieve a raw query from Oracle OCI library?

I am looking to retrieve the raw query bytes from an Oracle statement and copy them directly into a POD C structure. The reason for this is due to legacy code that must be ported to using Oracle from Informix. I'll illustrate what I basically need below. I have been looking into using the Oracle Template Library (OTL) but I have been una...

Regarding Oracle Stored Procedure not compiling because table does not currently exist

All, I have the following Package Description: CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE ashish.PKG_Customer AUTHID CURRENT_USER AS TYPE cursorType IS REF CURSOR; PROCEDURE CreateCustomerTable; PROCEDURE SelectCustomers(o_ResultSet OUT cursorType); END PKG_Customer; and here is the package body: CREATE OR REPLACE PACKAGE BODY ashish.PKG_...

Create oracle trigger that will update a new column with the concatenated values of the updated columns

I have firstName, lastName and fullName columns in oracle. I want to be able to create a trigger that updates the fullName column with the firstName and lastName values when they are either updated or inserted. I would think this would be possible to do in oracle. Does anyone have any ideas. Thanks very much. ...

Oracle 10: how to link for using Oracle 10 with ASP.NET MVC 2, VS 2010, and Microsoft IIS 7?

We have a wonderful ASP.NET MVC 2 web application using MS SQL 2008 and VS 2010. The customer wants to use Oracle 10g as a back end database. I want to point our MVC2 app to it and run our tests. I have no clue where to start with Oracle 10g. Anyone have a how-to link on how to setup an Oracle 10g database and use it in place of SQL ...

Literal does not match format string in Oracle


Oracle explain plan estimates incorrect cardinality for an index range scan

I have an Oracle database, and a query like this: select count( from LARGE_PARTITIONED_TABLE a join SMALL_NONPARTITIONED_TABLE b on a.key1 = b.key1 and a.key2 = b.key2 where = 1000 Table LARGE_PARTITIONED_TABLE (a) has about 5 million rows, and is partitioned by a column not present in the query. Table SMALL_NONPAR...

How do I create an instance of Oracle.DataAccess.Client.OracleException to use with NMock

I'm using the Oracle.DataAccess.Client data provider client. I am having trouble constructing a new instance of an OracleException object, but it keeps telling me that there are no public constructors. I saw other having the same problem and tried their solutions, but they don't seem to work. Here's my test code: object[] args = { 1, "T...

increasing the page width in oracle reports builder

Hi, I am designing a new report using oracle reports builder that comes with 10g. I have many columns to be inserted horizontally. But I couldn't increase the page width of the body section beyond 8.5 inches. But I can see the page width of some existing reports to be more than 16 inches. How do I increase the page width?. I have been go...

Migrating oracle 6i to 10g web performance problems

Hello We have recently migrated Oracle 6i forms with a native runtime to 10g to work with web and java. It works but with huge performance problems. For example, in the server which is running red hat, switching between two screens in the web version 10g uses 15% cpu per client!!! This is crazy and must be an error somewhere, because we...

Regarding Oracle Error

Hi, I am getting the below oracle error. I checked the test scheme for any constraint name CMF_CMP using toad. But i am unable to find it. How do i detect the reason for failure and how to resolve it. ERROR at line 1: ORA-20001: -2298: ORA-02298: cannot validate (TEST.FMF_CMP) - parent keys not found ORA-06512: at test.test_SYN", ...

Saving a report to a file on a client PC?

Friends, I would be grateful for a quick sanity check! When calling Oracle Reports 10g from Oracle Forms 10g, is it possible to run an Oracle Report and save it on the users PC to a specified directory? (I know that if an Oracle Report is run in such a format as PDF the user can save the report to x location). To call the Oracle repo...

Viewing oracle's metadata about primary/foreign key constraints.

Which table contains detailed information(For example the table the foreign key is referring to) about the constraints? The tables 'all_cons_columns' , 'all_constraints' contains only the name of the constraints which isn't very helpful. I am currently using dbms_metadata.get_ddl() but it doesn't work on all the databases. Thanks. ...

Source code for specific stored procedure or function

I can use all_arguments and all_procedures to list the procedures and functions inside any given package and with DBMS_METADATA I can extract the DDL for that package. Is there an easy way (other than lots of instring and substring calls) to obtain the procedure or function source code separately for each separate block of code in a pack...

Why cannot I select from more than one table in Oracle?

Hi, I'm using Oracle 10g Express Edition 10.2 and I use it from a C# application with Oracle.DataAccess 2.111 assembly. I can select data from one table, but if I try to select data from several tables, the set is empty. select * from Table1 works well, but: select * from Table1, Table2 select * from Table1, Table2 where Table1.Id ...

Oracle wm_concat query returns result set with odd characters

My Oracle query produces the correct result set, but data is being presented with odd characters as you can see by the blocks in the picture below. Any reason that you can think of as to why it would do this and what these characters actually are? Below is the query I'm using. Thanks in advance. SELECT wmsys.wm_concat(userFirstName) ...

SSIS connecting to Oracle 10g Error

Hi I am trying to connect Oracle 10g(Source/Target) from ssis using connection string as Data Source=Qrgo;User ID=sy;password=sa;Provider=MSDAORA.1; Qrgo is Servicename getting error Test connection failed because of an error in initializing provider. ORA-12520: TNS:listener could not find available handler for requested type of server ...

Oracle: Selecting all records where the table's date fields' hour and minute value are set to certain value

I have a table in a Oracle database containing a date field EXPIRYDATE. I would need to select all records from the table, where the hour and minute portion of the date field are set to 0 (i.e. midnight). How can I achieve this? I tried with the extract function (

Run 2 queries at the same time on Oracle SQL Developer?

I need to retrieve quite a bit of data from our oracle DB and to do so I need to run 20+ queries. Is there any way to run more than one query at a time on the same connection? I tried using / to separate the queries, but that simply opens multiple tabs and queries still run sequentially, although I don't have to start them one by one. ...

Oracle 10g Privileges revoked

I have a sql2005 server connected to oracle 10g , the account on the sql is given privileges to access certain tables. Intermittently the Oracle privileges get revoked.. Oracle DBA tells me that he had not revoked the permissions (I tend to believe him).. Is there a way to figure what is going on.. ...