
I have problem to connect oracle DB with SQL developer

I try connect to my oracle db with oracle SQL developer and received that message: pic (pictures 1 and 2) if i try connect with sql plus, all well. command : select userenv('LANGUAGE') from dual; result: Connected to: Oracle Database 10g Express Edition Release - Production SQL> select userenv('LANGUAGE') from dual; *USERE...

MERGE INTO With between production and test where the tables to be merged need a join

I'm writing a stored procedure that should sync a table from our production environment to our test environment (once a day). I have 2 tables. To make it easy lets call them Meters and Measurements. Meters = [Meter_id, Location] Measurements = [Meter_id, Value, MeasurementTime] I want to keep Measurements in sync and lets assume that...

Debug Oracle 10G Function returning Wrong Data

I'm trying to debug this function to get the desired results. Where am I going wrong ? See attachment for the function code and the test data insert script. CREATE OR REPLACE FUNCTION VC_CALC_WD_DATE(p_date in date, p_days IN NUMBER) RETURN DATE AS v_delta NUMBER(10,0) DEFAULT 0; v_start_id vc_workingdays.wk_id%type DEF...

Oracle Database Corruption Scenarios

Kindly provide me the List of Scenarios for Oracle Database Corruption and their Solution using Windows. I will be very thankful to you. Urgent reply will be appreciated. ...

How to use joins on Pro*C 10g?

While using inner join on Pro*C I am getting the below error: PCC-S-02201, Encountered the symbol "inner" when expecting one of the following: I've just used a simple inner join. When I searched for solution, I was told that 10g doesn't support these kind of syntax and I should use dynamic SQL instead. Is that true? How to achieve inn...

How to store an array of bytes in Oracle?

Hi, I want to store a short array of 64 bytes in Oracle database (a password hash). I thought char(64 byte) is what I need, but it seems like it doesn't work. In Microsoft SQL, I use binary and varbinary types. What type do I need to use in Oracle? Every example I've found uses blob to store binary data, but I suppose blob is intended ...

import and export using impdp/expdp in oracle10g/11g

I have two databases, one is production and second is a test. I want to export from production database and import into test database. My production db contains many users/schema out of which only few (<10) schemas contain actual objects. First time, i did a successful full export and full import into my test system without any problem....

Search for a specific value in a column in Oracle

Hello, I have a column MetaKeys in my employee table. It contains a value like the one shown below: MetaKeys="DocType=1***SubDocType=2***MinValue=123" How do I query my table and fetch just the SubDocType value from MetaKeys column? Select * from employee where Metakeys contains SubDocType=2 ...

Why does Oracle SQL mysteriously resolve ambiguity in one joins and does not in others

Hello. I'm an Oracle 10g user. I had to write some SQL queries, and spotted a mysterious (as I see it) behaviour. Let's pretend we have a table, which is able to join itself in some kind of simple two-level tree structure. The next query gives me "ambiguity error", which is expected: select title from table1 left join table1 on c...

How do I reference adjacent cells in an Apex tabular form?

Friends, I'm converting an Oracle Form to Apex and have run into problem(s?) which I hope you can help with. Put simply the problem is how do I reference adjacent cells in an Apex tabular form? Is it possible? The reason for asking is that I need to create a tabular form with 3 dependent select lists, lets call them: Divisions ...

Unique index on every column

So here I am looking at this huge oracle 10g table. I looked at its indexes and see that ALL of the columns are under one unique index. Does this provide actually provide any performance benefits? ...

ORA-12505: TNS:listener does not currently know of SID given in connect descriptor (DBD ERROR: OCIServerAttach)

I created a Windows 2003 R2 Virtual Machine running on VirtualBox and I installed Oracle (10201_database_win32). I assigned a static IP on the Virtual Ethernet too. Everything worked great right after installation. I listed(lsnrctl services) the services the listener knew right after installation and the result was: LSNRCTL for 32-b...

how to create types in oracle

I tried Create type schema."objectname" is table of number; It did not work please help ...

How to identify the current row in an Apex Tabular Form?

Friends, I have written the following JavaScript to ascertain which row of an tabular form the user is currently on. i.e. they have clicked a select list on row 4. I need the row number to then get the correct value of a field on this same row which I can then perform some further processing on. What this JavaScript does is get the i...

how can you enable partitions in Oracle 10g Enterprise Edition for Windows?

I installed Oracle 10g Enterprise Editions onto Windows XP. It appeared that Partitions were installed as part of the default install, however the partitions functionality is not enabled. I can find instructions for enabling partitions on Unix/Linux, but not Windows. Has anybody had any success enabling partitions in 10g EE on their l...

Oracle clob to String in JSP

I am using JSP to access Oracle 10g. One of the table includes a field with clob data type. When it is retrieved with getString API and be assigned to String type, it gives an error (java.sql.SQLException: Conversion to String failed) I found that it only happens if the Statement is prepared with parameter ResultSet.CONCUR_UPDATABLE (...

ODBC connection limit in WinXP not in Win2K?

We run a nightly process that generates a large number (~8000) of reports each night using Crystal Reports. This is really just about 14 different reports that get run once for each of our clients. The reports' data source is a windows ODBC connection (via the control panel) and connects to an Oracle 10g instance on our network. Our c...

Query in oracle

SELECT PRJ_CC_id , PROJECT_COSTCENTER_NAME , AREA_ID , AREA_Name , Activity_ID , Activity_Name , SUM(Total) FROM( ( SELECT PRJ_CC_id , PROJECT_COSTCENTER_NAME , AREA_ID , AREA_Name , Activity_ID , Activity_Name , (SUM(mon) + SUM(tue) + SUM(wed) + SUM(thu) + SUM(fri) + SUM(sat) + SUM( sun)) Total FR...

Oracle Performance terrible after changing Varchar2 fields to NVarchar2

Hi All Any help or suggestions would be greatly welcome on this. I've been developing a DotNet project on oracle (Ver 10.2) for the last couple of months and was using Varchar2 for my string data fields. This was fine and when navigating the project page refreshes were never more than a half second if even (it's quiet a data intensive p...

Oracle Text - Index a BLOB Field (which contains PDF data)

Hi all, Do any of you have any experience with using Oracle Text to search for content inside PDF files? I have a table, with a field called FILEDATA(blob). I would like to do the following query: SELECT id FROM ttc.contract_attachment WHERE CONTAINS(filedata, 'EXAMPLE') > 0; However, i'm not too sure about the type of index to add...