
Convertion from Sql server 2005 to Oracle 9i

Hi, I have devloped website using ASP and Sql Server 2005. I have not used any Stored Procedure and Views [All the queries are passed from the asp page]. Now i need to convert the database from SQL Server 2005 to Oracle 9i. Will it takes huge changes in my code? Is there any tool to convert Sql Server 2005 query to Oracle query? ...

what is Oracle Managed Files?

What is the exact usage of OMF? How init.ora files work? ...

Upgrading to Oracle JDBC thin driver results in SQLException: Unexpected exception while enlisting XAConnection

In Upgrading to Oracle JDBC thin driver results in SQLException: Unexpected exception while enlisting XAConnection (WebLogic Server 10.0, oracle version ) we are getting the error listed below. We did follow Oracle's advice to change the global timeout in weblogic, i.e. For the JDBC Connection Pools set the XASetTransactionTimeout to ...

How does a bitmap index work?

Is there anyone can help me to get the logical represntation of a bitmap index and reverse key index? ...

Get me the clear picture of outer joins in Oracle 9i

Outer joins seem to me a little bit confusing. Is there anyone can get me a clear picture of outer joins (right, left and full)? ...

Oracle connections exhausted by IIS

Our Oracle (9i) DBA called me to report that my IIS (v6) web server has exhausted the available connections. I created a test page (Classic ASP) that basically creates ADODB.Connection and ADODB.Recordset objects, connects to a database, opens a basic recordset, loops through it, closes the recordset and connection and sets the objects...

Oracle SELECT : Count of events per team and per year

As said in the title, I want to select the number of events per team and per year. The select statement below works fine but doesn't give me exactly what I am looking for. SELECT Team.team_id, TO_CHAR(Event.START_DATE_TIME, 'yyyy') AS year, count(event_id) AS events FROM Team LEFT OUTER JOIN Event ON Event.team_id = Team.team_id...

Is an extent used to add new data?

Is an extent used to add new data?what is segment and how is it releted to an extent? ...

Dynamic DB links in Oracle

Is it possible to have dynamic database links in Oracle? I am using Oracle9i database. Let me illustrate by what I require. I have several views that are formed using dblinks. For example: CREATE VIEW MYVIEW AS SELECT * FROM [email protected] mydbLINK.WORLD NEEDS TO POINT TO DIFFERENT INSTANCES OF THE DATABASE. SO AT ONE POINT IT ...

Automatically generate value for a column in database

I've an existing table with 'creation time' column in one of the table. I want the value of it to be generated automatically by the Oracle when the row gets inserted, instead of me populating in the application. Thank You ...

map default column value with annotations

@Entity @Table(name = "J_CNTRY") public class CountryEntity { @Id @GeneratedValue(strategy = GenerationType.TABLE, generator = "myTableGenerator") @TableGenerator(name = "myTableGenerator", allocationSize = 5, pkColumnName = "pkName", valueColumnName = "pkValue", table = "j_cntry_pk_table") private Long id; private ...

How to manually initialize a collection of RECORDs in PL/SQL?

Hi, guys. Here's a simple sample two-dimensional array in PL/SQL, which is working perfectly. declare type a is table of number; type b is table of a; arr b := b(a(1, 2), a(3, 4)); begin for i in arr.first .. arr.last loop for j in arr(i).first .. arr(i).last loop dbms_output.put_line(arr(i) (j)); end loop; end ...

Limit no of records fetched by a query.

I have a table with 100 K records. I am writing an XML file based on this recordset. I need to write 100 records to a file at a time. So I will have 1000 separate files. Currently to limit number of records getting written to a file, I am using the SELECT * FROM TABLE WHERE ROWNUM < 100; This fetches 100 records and writes them to ...

What is pctincrease in oracle?how the memory is allocated,resized,and autoextended while creating a table space

How the memory is allocated,reallocated and autoextended while creating tablespaces?what is meant by initial and default in tablespaces and how the next is a multiple of five times DB_BLOCK_SIZE? ...

How can you write this query?


SQL - Specified Alphabetical Order

I want a specific order for the Completion_Status column as in: Completed, Passed, Incomplete & Failed How do I do I order this? I want to define the order above. I tried CASE but it give me an error as in Expecting NUM not CHAR. select DISTINCT u.first_name || ' ' || u.last_name "Employee_Name", rco.title "Course_Name", deco...

Specify IBatis query timeout

Hi, There is a way to specify IBatis query timeout using oracle jdbc and Java? Thanks ...

How to remove more than one space in Oracle

I have an Oracle table which contains data like 'Shiv------Shukla' (consider '-' as space). Now I need to write a program which leaves just one space and removes all other spaces. Here is the program which I've made but it is not giving me expected result. DECLARE MAX_LIMIT VARCHAR2(50):=NULL; REQ VARCHAR2(20):=NULL; CUR...

Timezone offsets in oracle

Using Oracle 9.2i I need to get the offset of various dates from one timezones in relation to another timezone, previously I did this as such select (TO_DATE('10-Oct-2010 09:00:00','DD-Mon-YYYY HH24:Mi:SS') - TO_DATE(TO_CHAR(FROM_TZ(to_timestamp( '10-Oct-2010 09:00:00','DD-Mon-YYYY HH24:Mi:SS'), 'Australia/Victoria') ...

How can I use DataContext class to establish a connection to Oracle Database?

Is it possible to use the DataContext class to connect to an Oracle DB? I am reading some examples on MSDN I need an example where the context is used to connect to Oracle. ...