
@ in AndroidManifest.xml file

From the O'Reilly book "Android Application Development " by Rick Rogers, John Lombardo, Zigurd Mednieks & Blake Meike: page 23: <TextView android:layout_width="fill_parent" android:layout_height="wrap_content" android:text="@string/hello" /> page 44: <application android:icon="@drawable/icon2"> What is the meani...

AndroidManifest.xml <manifest> package attribute has no namespace.

From the O'Reilly book "Android Application Development " by Rick Rogers, John Lombardo, Zigurd Mednieks & Blake Meike: page 44: <manifest xmlns:android="http://schemas.android.com/apk/res/android" package="com.microjobsinc.mjandroid" android:versionCode="1" android:versionName="1.0"> The XML code above has the package attrib...

What makes a good technical book 'good'?

I'm writing a technical book (plug - all money goes to charity so it's not so evil). Though I'm half done, I'm still constantly trying to figure out what makes a technical book really good. I don't aspire to be in the realms of a K&R or Peter Norvig or Charles Petzold or Larry Wall. But when I pick up Adam Nathan's WPF book or any of J...

Ruby on Rails tutorial problem

Quick question which I hope is easily answered.. I am following this tutorial: http://oreilly.com/pub/a/ruby/archive/rails.html?page=2 and all is going well until I try create a controller and view it in my browser. The server is running and it shows the default page okay ( I ran ruby script\generate controller ...

Having trouble with uploading in php

I'm a very new programmer going through the O'Reilly book Learning PHP & MySQL 2nd ed. by Michele Davis & Jon Phillips. This is being stored on my home ubuntu server. I'm stuck on ex 11-28 where they want me to upload a picture and move it from tmp to an uploads folder if it meets certain conditions: file size, type, and whether or not ...

Which protocols are there, that can be used with WCF?

Am reading an O'Reilly book called "Learning WCF" and in chapter one, it mentions: For example, services can be accessed over a variety of supported protocols, including named pipes, TCP, HTTP, and MSMQ. And now I can't help but wonder... Named pipes, HTTP, TCP and MSMQ and what other protocols? Didn't they just mention all protocols th...

How to access the CGColor property of UIColor in CGContextSetFillColorWithColor?

CGContextSetFillColorWithColor(g, [UIColor greyColor].CGColor); I'm trying to follow O'Reilly's iPhone Game Development book on page 73 Chapter 3 but I'm running into a compile error that states error: request for member 'CGColor' in something not a structure or union According to the book's errata page this is an unconfirmed errata ...

O'reilly ebooks for android

In the Android Marketplace there are O'reilly programming e'books for $5.99. Has anyone used these, and how do they compare to the dead tree equivalents? ...

Forum for O'Reilly books?

I'm currently doing the tutorials from O'Reilly's 3D programming for the iPhone and have come across some difficulties, mainly one in particular. I searched their website to see if they hosted any forums where people could help with the tutorials in the book, but it seems as if they are fairly select about which texts they decided to h...

Example from Chapter 1 of iphone 3D programming book not drawing to screen.

Hello kind people, I'm currently trying to learn opengl-es using O'Reilly's 3D programming for the iphone. It's first tutorial involves drawing the background of the screen grey. I've entered in all the code to the letter and it runs without error. Thing is I get no color... just black. What makes this such a hard problem to solve is t...