
Snippets for productivity - collect good code

Hi folks! I was wondering whether there're recommendable sites, that host collections of good and useful code-snippets. Searching stackoverflow, to be honest, sometimes is priceless. - But if you know sites like commandlinefu (just for Shell stuff), you may also want something like that for Ruby, Java, Python or C#. There're some sma...

How to best organize files

Often, when doing a process or storing files I typically try to work with a workflow, or system. For instance, when I download a file, I sort it within a folder Programming/Downloads/Templates/ or Libraries, etc., and when I start a project I create a new folder for it within a workspace folder. This works fine, unless I need slightly ...

Organizing School Workspace/Writing Makefile

I am doing some C programming for school and I have found myself reusing libraries that I have created, over and over again (stacks, user input, error handling, etc). Right now, my personal SVN directory structure looks like this: trunk/ |-- 2520 | `-- assignments | |-- A2 | |-- Makefile | |-- README | ...

Folder and file organization for Python development

Hello guys. What is the best way to organize code that belongs to the same project in a Python development environment? What are the do and donts of Python project organization? Do you separate each class in a file? Project A Classes "subsystem1" class1 class2 subsystem1Module "subsyst...

How do you organize your work?

How do you work? More specifically, how do you keep your programming tasks organized. When I do Mac development at home I use software called an outliner to organize, keep notes and prioritize the tasks I need to do. I started out using a program called Deep Notes which is a nice simple free tool. But now I use The Hit List. I’ve be...

Organizational chart represented in a table

HI, I have an Access application, in which I have an employee table. The employees are part of several different levels in the organization. The orgranization has 1 GM, 5 department heads, and under each department head are several supervisors, and under those supervisors are the workers. Depending on the position of the employee, the...

How can I display an organized hierarchical data in 3.5?

Hi, I am working on a project that organizes the structure and hierarchy of departments. I want to view and display the whole structure of the organization visually, but I am stuck. I wanted to know what is the best way to do it in 3.5; my goal is to achieve something like this by code and each node is linkable and can have CSS. ...

How do you import your own convenience function modules in Python?

Python can only import files from the current working directory, or from its path, I guess, but this means that if I'm working in a subdirectory on a certain project, I can't import stuff from a parent directory that I wrote to simplify things or provide shortcuts. This is more for interactive work in IPython and the like, not developin...

Which CSS organization method is fastest?

If I have the following HTML: <p id="p1">Paragraph 1</p> <p id="p2">Paragraph 2</p> <p id="p3">Paragraph 3</p> <p id="p4">Paragraph 4</p> how should I organize the CSS to achieve the fastest page load time? I could organize it by HTML element, like this: #p1 { font-size:12px; color:red; } #p2 { font-size:12px; color:blue; } #p3 { fo...

Tool to track use of "best practices" for each of our apps

We have over 100 applications in my company and we are trying to come up with a dashboard to show which applications use continuous integration and unit testing and other best practices. I was going to put together my own database and a small website to start tracking this but first wanted to ask if there are any products on the market ...

Several function file includes in PHP

I read through the related questions and didn't find my answer. This isn't about require/require_once or the use of the __autoload function or even the name of the files. My company builds large sites and as we've grown, the practice we've grown into is splitting up functions by their relation such as: inc.functions-user.php inc.funct...

How to organize AJAX handlers in a large site?

Simple question...I am using an MVC structure to build my site (its fairly large, so it helps with maintenance. I am now starting to integrate a few fun AJAX functions to spruce things up for Javascript/AJAX friendly users. Since I am so anal about organization, I wanna store my ajax PHP handlers in a way that is logical, secure, and (h...

How to stay DRY? Do Not Repeat Yourself!

I find that one of the most frustrating aspects to software development is finding a solution to a problem, forgetting it, then being faced with the same issue in the future only to forgot how you previously solved it. Or to write a useful bit of code, then on a later project not be able to find this code. My general question is this: H...

What do you use for organizing SQL snippets?

What do you use for organizing SQL snippets? I've been using a directory structure with separate SQL files. I work as an consultant and the customer wants some of their people to have an "easier" interface for organizing/searching for SQL snippets than directories and operating system search. What solutions are others using? Seems lik...

jquery or extjs plugins for creating organization chart

I know we can create organization chart with but my clients server doesn't have internet connection. is there any jquery or extjs plugins for creating it? thanks :D ...

Application Architect vs. Systems Architect vs. Enterprise Architect?

So many buzzwords. Not sure if I need to start playing BS Bingo or not. And I'm not trying to be cynical. But I've heard many people with these various titles. There never seems to be a clear delineation between the three. Or there's a lot of domain crossover between the three. Actually, another I've seen while looking around here on Sta...

Reorganize Classes into Static Libraries

I am about to attempt reorganizing the way my group builds a set of large applications that share about 90% of their source files. Right now, these applications are built without any libraries whatsoever involved except for externally linked ones that are not under our control. The applications use the same common source files (we are ...

List of Languages, where to look for

It is not programming related but surely is development related. I need a list of Human Spoken Languages (Normally we see on every other site to choose from), required in one of our projects. would be great, if holds Language Codes information as well, and in .txt format or any other, extractable one. Is there a resource over the w...

Work in several projects at the same time

Hi, I wonder who of you can work on several projects the same day, dedicating only a short piece of time for each one. Or if you are able to work in the same hour, on two or three or more projects at the same time. I have so many things to do, that I am starting to wonder how could I do this? I thought about using several workspaces, a...

Writing Python packages with multiple C modules

Hello, I am writing a Python C extension which uses the pygame C API. So far so good. Now I wonder how I organize my source code so that I can have multiple submodules in the package. All the tutorials out there focus on one .c file extensions. I tried looking at some projects files but they blew my mind with complexity, and I ...