
Alphabetizing methods in Visual Studio

Is there any sort of plug-in or tool available for Visual Studio 2008 to alphabetize methods? Ideally I'd like a tool that will alphabetize a selection, or specified type (i.e. only methods, not member variables), either automatically or on-demand. Thanks! ...

How is SharePoint (MOSS 2007) perceived in your company?

UPDATE: Our implementation is now kicking into high gear with some high profile projets going live in the coming weeks, so I am quite interested to see if the environment has changed out there. Original Question We have an issue within our working environment where the perception of SharePoint is either: a) The golden bullet, the answ...

OrgCharts - Did you write something custom or use shrink-wrapped tool?

I'm just wondering what other developers have done in this area. What does your organization do to get a hierarchical view of your reporting structure? Did you write something custom or use shrink-wrapped tool? How have you integrated that with other internal tools? ...

How to Organise a Domain Driven Design Project?

Hi Guru's, I've started learning about DDD and wanted to know how others have organised their projects. I've started off by organising around my AggregateRoots: MyApp.Domain (namespace for domain model) MyApp.Domain.Product - Product - IProductService - IProductRepository - etc MyApp.Domain.Comment - Comment - ICommentService - ICo...

What criteria have you used to determine whether or not to implement a Software Factory?

I was discussing with a co-worker the other day the similarities of implementing a Software Factory for your development organization vs. using more of a scaffolding solution like active record. We both thought that implementing a Software factory may be considered by some to be a good idea when you have a larger group of developers and ...

Scrum teams vs. traditionally organized teams

To those of you who started using scrum in your development teams: Did you maintain the traditional teams or form new ones? At our organization we are split into database, product development and frontend developers (simplified!). I am interested in whether others actually reorganized their whole team structure due to scrum or if you f...

Keeping VBScript Organized

I maintain a good number of vbscripts for performing various startup scripts on my network and have a handful of functions that I use in almost all of them. Short of copy and paste, does anyone have suggestions for how I can go about creating libraries of reusable vbscript code. I'm not averse to using a code generator for doing so as ...

Where can I learn about proper C# project architecture design?

I'm a homegrown programmer and have been coding most of my recent applications in C#. These applications are usually small tools that help me with my day to day tasks. I do tend to use good design patterns, but since my projects are usually on a very small scale, I just dump everything into one Visual Studio project (GUI, domain code, et...

Creating an architects network in a large organization

In our development lab there are several development organizations, working on separate products using different technologies, and practically no interfaces or relationship between them.Each development organization has its own technological team, CTO,architects etc. We would like to organize a forum for all architects in the company. I...

How do you organise your code library?

I am interested to know how people organise their code libraries, particularly with respect to reusable components. I am talking in OO terms below but I am interested in how your organise libraries for other types of language also. For example: Are you a stickler for class library projects for everything or do you prefer to keep every...

Svn organisation problem

I'm not sure how to organise these projects since they all depend on each other. Right now its all in the following structure, which is getting hard to manage -trunk |-bin - compiled common dlls |-lib - static libs for use with common dlls |-src - common dll source code |-include - headers for common dlls |-common.sln - VS 2008 so...

What do you use the svn tags directory for anyways?

Ok so we all know the standard SVN set-up of trunk\ branches\ tags\ And I realize that the recommendation is that tags should have "special" commits in it. I've never really used the tags directory however and I don't see why I ever would. My understanding is that tags\ would contain things like "Version1Release\, Version2Release\, ...

organizing gui code in c#

what are the best ways to manage code in a single-form app that has many different components? for example, think of a financial app that has a product picker for browsing/choosing a product to view; a handful of real-time tickers for prices, interest rates, or whatever; a scrolling news feed; various charts; a grid displaying locally ca...

What is the standard way to organize iPhone MVC code in XCode?

I have an iPhone application that contains several views and their associated controllers. Looking at sample code, I've seen different different ways to organize these files - either have all of the views grouped, then all of the controllers grouped, or group the views and controllers by functionality. Option 1 - Views and controllers ...

Best Practices - CSS Stylesheet Formatting

This may seem like a strange question...but here goes: I'm currently working on creating a fairly large site using table-less design/css (obviously the best way to go). Unfortunately, I have a requirement that is completely out of my control that states I must have only one stylesheet for the site. In some regards this is better becaus...

How do you organize your temporary workfiles?

I do alot of bugfixing and implementing new features for several different customers. These customers all report their bugs, change requests and new feature request into our Trac system. Sometimes these requests result in me creating some SQL change scripts, sometimes there are Excel documents or Access databases with testdata, Word doc...

Zend organization question

Hi guys, So I had a question on general organization of code for the Zend framework with regard to the layout. My layout is basically this: (LAYOUT.PHTML) <div id='header'> <?= $this->Layout()->header ?> </div> <div id='main'> <?= $this->Layout()->main ?> </div> <div id='footer'> <?= $this->Layout()->footer ?> </div> and so on an...

Project Layout (on disk) in Visual Studio

What's the best way to manage the physical layout of a Visual Studio project on disk? I'm getting to the point where I have several folders but I can't really continue categorizing the way I am now. For example, I have several custom controls, but sometimes those controls have to do with application settings, so do they go into the Contr...

Organizing hundreds of personal and example projects?

How do you organize projects when you have hundreds of them? Not layout within a project, but layout of the project root directories. I'm consolidating a decade+ of personal and example projects that are scattered all over the disks on several systems, and am looking for some organizational method that will let me keep the dozen or so a...

Company website - devise a custom-built solution or ride on top of an existing service?

I've been asked to devise a website for a small organization (with limited funding) - with internal and external facing sides. Internally it would allow sharing of documents, a blog, goal setting, more? Externally it would provide a simple but nicely designed public statement about the company's services. It may evolve over time. Sho...