
Subsonic Vs NHibernate

What is the concensus on when to use one of these tools adversed to the other? I find Subsonic very useful in terms of getting things done quickly, but on large projects it tends not to scale, and its ties your domain model to your database model. That is where Nhibernate comes in as it gives you lightweight POCOs that are unrelated to y...

What are your favorite .NET Object Relational Mappers (ORM)?

What sort of Object Relational Mapping (ORM) systems do you use on various projects? What scale is the project? What features do you use and look for in an ORM? ...

Querying like Linq when you don't have Linq.

I have a project that I'm currently working on but it currently only supports the .net framework 2.0. I love linq, but because of the framework version I can't use it. What I want isn't so much the ORM side of things, but the "queryability" (is that even a word?) of Linq. So far the closest is llblgen but if there was something even li...

Class::DBI-like library for php?

I have inherited an old crusty PHP application, and I'd like to refactor it into something a little nicer to deal with, but in a gradual manner. In perl's CPAN, there is a series of classes around Class::DBI that allow you to use database rows as the basis for objects in your code, with the library generating accessor methods etc as appr...

Configurable Table Prefixes with a .Net OR/M?

In a web application like wiki or forums or blogging software, it is often useful to store your data in a relational database. Since many hosting companies offer a single database with their hosting plans (with additional databases costing extra) it is very useful for your users when your database objects (tables, views, constraints, and...

Best .NET Solution for Frequently Changed Database

I am currently architecting a small CRUD applicaton. Their database is a huge mess and will be changing frequently over the course of the next 6 months to a year. What would you recommend for my data layer: 1) ORM (if so, which one?) 2) Linq2Sql 3) Stored Procedures 4) Parametrized Queries I really need a solution that will be dynam...

PHP + MYSQLI: Variable parameter/result binding with prepared statements.

In a project that I'm about to wrap up, I've written and implemented an object-relational mapping solution for PHP. Before the doubters and dreamers cry out "how on earth?", relax -- I haven't found a way to make late static binding work -- I'm just working around it in the best way that I possibly can. Anyway, I'm not currently using p...

C# Database Access: DBNull vs null

We have our own ORM we use here, and provide strongly typed wrappers for all of our db tables. We also allow weakly typed ad-hoc SQL to be executed, but these queries still go through the same class for getting values out of a data reader. In tweaking that class to work with Oracle, we've come across an interesting question. Is it bette...

LINQ to SQL Mapping From Money to Double

I'm working with LINQ for the first time and wanted to get the Mapping to work when I have a money type in SQL, but my domain object property is of type double. How can I express this in the XML file, or in code so that the mapping does not throw the usual "invalid cast" exception? ...

Should DB layer members be static or instance?

I've seen projects where the classes in the DB layer have just static functions in them and other projects where those classes need to be instantiated to get access to the member functions. Which is "better" and why? ...

ADO.NET Entity vs NHibernate

So the ADO.NET Entity Framework has gotten a little bit of bad press (in the form of blog entries and a petition) but I don't want to rush to judgement. I'm limited in time for experimentation but I was wondering has anyone worked with it yet with more empirical feedback? Finally, what are thoughts on using NHibernate which has been ar...

Why do we need entity objects?

Ok, I realize I might be downvoted into oblivion for this question, especially given my stance on the matter, but I really need to see some honest, thoughtful debate on the merits of the currently accepted enterprise application design paradigm. I am not convinced that entity objects should exist. By entity objects I mean the typical t...

updating an auto_now DateTimeField in a parent model w/ Django

I've got two models: Message and Attachment. Each attachment is attached to a specific message, using a ForeignKey on the Attachment model. Both models have an auto_now DateTimeField called updated. I'm trying to make it so that when any attachment is saved, it also sets the updated field on the associated message to now. Here's my code:...

Switching to ORMs

I'm toying with the idea of phasing in an ORM into an application I support. The app is not very structured with no unit tests. So any change will be risky. I'm obviously concerned that I've got a good enough reason to change. The idea is that there will be less boiler plate code for data access and there for greater productivity. Do th...

Search strategies in ORMs

I am looking for information on handling search in different ORMs. Currently I am redeveloping some old application in PHP and one of requirements is: make everything or almost everything searchable, so user just types "punkrock live" and the app finds videos clips, music tracks, reviews, upcoming events or even user comments labeled th...

(N)Hibernate Auto-Join

I'm developing a web- application using NHibernate. Can you tell me how to write a NHibernate Query for the following SQL query: select v1.Id from View v1 left join View v2 on v1.SourceView = v2.Id order by v1.Position It's basically a auto-join but I don't know how to write this in Nhibernate. Lets say the property names are the same ...

Hibernate saveOrUpdate with another object in the session

Is there any way to save an object using Hibernate if there is already an object using that identifier loaded into the session? Doing session.contains(obj) seems to only return true if the session contains that exact object, not another object with the same ID. Using merge(obj) throws an exception if the object is new ...

NHibernate vs LINQ to SQL

As someone who hasn't used either technology on real-world projects I wonder if anyone knows how these two complement each other and how much their functionalities overlap? ...

Simple Object to Database Product

I've been taking a look at some different products for .NET which propose to speed up development time by providing a way for business objects to map seamlessly to an automatically generated database. I've never had a problem writing a data access layer, but I'm wondering if this type of product will really save the time it claims. I als...

Generating database tables from object definitions

I know that there are a few (automatic) ways to create a data access layer to manipulate an existing database (LINQ to SQL, Hibernate, etc...). But I'm getting kind of tired (and I believe that there should be a better way of doing things) of stuff like: Creating/altering tables in Visio Using Visio's "Update Database" to create/alter ...