
Get a message or notification when new mail form is opened in c# and outlook 2007

Hi I need an event/message/notification in an outlook addin, which fires when a new mail form is open by an user? I don't know how to determine which window is opened. Hope somebody can help me? thanks Mark ...

Installing Outlook Add-In

I have a problem. I've been installing my VSTO Outlook Add-In to the Outlook 2007 on the account that has no security limitations. For the setup, I am using a normal visual studio setup project. I've had the user install few versions of my application before and it worked fine. Recently, I've created a new version of my application (whic...

Handling Uninstall for Current User Installation

I have an addin for outlook which is installer per user.The installer copies the dlls and user specific registry entries.I using VS2008 vdproj for generating msi installer. When two user on a machine install this addin and if one of the user uninstall it, all the dlls will be removed from the ProgramFiles/App directory. Is there a wor...

Outlook addin exception

hi i wrote following code for save some mails (already imported to data grid using MAPI) to selected inbox folder in button click Outlook.MAPIFolder oMailFolder = null; Outlook.Application oApp = new Outlook.Application(); Outlook.NameSpace oNS = oApp.GetNamespace("MAPI"); MailItem moveFilteredMails = null; oMailFolder = oNS.PickFold...

Outlook eventID in Google calendar

I am writing an Outlook add-in which sync with Google calendar. EventID of Outlook calendar is in binary format which I can convert into HEX string (contains characters between 0-9/A-F). I wanted to know whether Google calendar eventID is HEX string or not. So that I can directly store Outlook calendar eventID in Google calendar and vice...

using Outlook 2007 addin ribbon

I am developing an add in for MS Outlook 2007 using VSTO 2008. I need to add user-friendly design for it using the Ribbon (which is provided by VSTO 2008 office addins). I need to load form in that menu button and need to apply a ribbon for that form. I already add ribbon and new form to outlook addin, I need to know how I can connect...

Problem with Outlook.Explorer.SelectionChange event

I attach to Outlook.Explorer.SelectionChange event. Event handler makes a call to an assembly that retrieves some data from web services. After one call to that assembly my event handler is no longer called when SelectionChange occurs. Any ideas? This seems to be somehow related to the assembly itself, not what it is doing. Simply cre...

List<> bind to datagride

private List<UnreadEmails> GetEmailsFromFolder(string folderName) { List<UnreadEmails> emails = null; object missing = System.Reflection.Missing.Value; try { Outlook.MAPIFolder fldEmails = null; emails = new List<UnreadEmails>(); Outlook._Application outlookObj =...

Outlook Add-in targeting 2007 & 2010

I have an Outlook Add-in that I have developed for Outlook 2007. I am working on having this add-in work on Outlook 2010 as well. My add-in is an adjoining region on the appointment/meeting request window that displays a WPF control. The add-in installs fine on Outlook 2010 but when I go to the appointment/meeting request window I have a...

Options programming Outlook -

Basically I would like a strater on programming outlook (2007+) which would let me know the different programming models available and pro / cons of each. The plugin I have in mind, will take email from a certain sender, whose body is in Xml format (I know email is not intended to deliver data, but this piece of communication is in pl...

Using vsto in Outlook, How do I trigger the new mail toast/alert?

Env: VS 2010 | .net 3.5 | Outlook 2007 | VSTO 3 I have an outlook addin that adds a new message type (by inheriting from PostItem). I'd like to trigger the Outlook New Mail Toast/Alert when a new message comes in. Any ideas? ...

Outlook add-in attachment handling

I need to be able to distinguish programmatically (from an Outlook add-in) between regular attachments and those signature images, backgrounds, etc. I can see that Outlook itself knows the difference (these files do not appear in the attachments row), but from the point of view of the API they appear to be completely identical! Thanks a...

Applicaion.AdvancedSearch not filtering when run on a Mounted mailbox contacts folder

We are using OL 2003 and are building an addin in which we use Application.AdvancedSearch. We use this API to get filtered contact lists. Works just fine on most machines. On some however, the search result brings back all contacts seemingly ignoring the filter. Its certainly not a code issue - it works fine on most machines. Advanced ...

DependentPlatformMissingException Microsoft.Vbe.Interop.Forms Version

I am running into a strange issue. I am developing a Outlook 2007 addin using Visual Studio 2010 with VSTO 3.0 and deployed using ClickOnce. I would like to check if there are any updates and if so prompt the user to restart outlook. However if I call ApplicationDeployment.CheckForDetailedUpdate or ApplicationDeployment.CheckForUpdat...

How do I append a User Mail signature in Outlook to an email created programmtically

I have an OL addin ( c# com using addin express) that is doing something like this mailItem = (Outlook.MailItem)OutlookApp.CreateItem(Outlook.OlItemType.olMailItem); mailItem.To = ReceipientEmailAddress; mailItem.Subject = "SOME TEXT"; mailItem.Body = NewBody; mailItem.Display(false); This is however causing the default signature to ...

Get Smtp email from ContactInfo stored in Exchange

Hi, I am using VSTO for my Outlook add-in. Currently I am processing email addresses from all Outlook contacts. There is no problem for instances of ContactInfo if EmailAddress1Type is "SMTP". But how to get email address for Exchange contact (Email1AddressType = "EX")? Redemption library is not solution for me as it is expensive just...

Difficulty starting VS 2010 debugger attached to Outlook to debug plugin

I'm trying to write an Outlook Addin in C# using Visual Studio 2010 and WPF and it's turning out to be difficult to debug. I would like to have VS automatically attach to OUTLOOK.EXE upon startup so that I can hit breakpoints easily. So, I went into the project's properties > Debug tab > Start Action and changed this setting from "Star...

Outlook Addin adding custom property which can hold max number of characters

I am working on a outlook 2003 addin using VSTO.Is there a way to add a custom property on ContactItem which can hold maximum number of characters, like body property of a MailItem. Currently a custom property of type TEXT can hold max of 4000 characters. Is there a way to increase this limit or using other type of properties to overcom...

WPF Control embedded in Winform causes App Crash

I am working on an outlook addin where we are using WPF user control embedded in a Windows form using ElementHost. This app crashes on only few machines intermittently.After analyzing crash dump,the WPF rendering thread seems to be causing this crash.The stack trace in the windbg looks like FAULTING_IP: msvcr80!memcpy+5a 7814500a...

Rewrite the RecievedTime property of a Outlook mailitem

Hi all, Here at my company we use a E-mailclient different then Outlook. When we copy our conversations to the Exchange imap folder, the recievedtime property is set to the current date. Is it possible to programmaticaly change this property? Currently I get the error that this property is read-only. My current code: private void Th...