
How can I capture the stdout output of a child process?

I'm trying to write a program in Python and I'm told to run an .exe file. When this .exe file is run it spits out a lot of data and I need a certain line printed out to the screen. I'm pretty sure I need to use subprocess.popen or something similar but I'm new to subprocess and have no clue. Anyone have an easy way for me to get this don...

How do I jump to the first line of shell output? (shell equivalent of emacs comint-show-output)

I recently discovered 'comint-show-output' in emacs shell mode, which jumps to the first line of shell output, which I find incredibly handy when looking at shell output that exceeds a screen length. The advantages of this command over scrolling with 'page up' are A) you don't have to scan with your eyes for the first line of the output...

Python File Read + Write

I am working on porting over a database from a custom MSSQL CMS to MYSQL - Wordpress. I am using Python to read a txt file with \t delineated columns and one row per line. I am trying to write a Python script that will read this file (fread) and [eventually] create a MYSSQL ready .sql file with insert statements. A line in the file I'm...

PHP echo performance

I'm always using an output variable in PHP where I gather all the content before I echo it. Then I read somewhere (I don't remember where, though) that you get best performance if you split the output variable into packets and then echo each packet instead of the whole output variable. How is it really? ...

What are the different output streams built in to visual studio?

Are there output streams besides: Console.WriteLine(data) Trace.WriteLine(data) Debug.WriteLine(data) Any notable nuances or uses of each(for example: which by default go to command,output,immediate?) Also which if any are available to show as output from the external tools window when the target is a windows application (...

How to keep PHP 'View Source' html output clean

This has been bugging me today after checking the source out on a site. I use PHP output in my templates for dynamic content. The templates start out in html only, and are cleanly indented and formatted. The PHP content is then added in and indented to match the html formating. <ul> <li>nav1</li> <li>nav2</li> <li>nav3</li> </ul>...

Trying to grep cygwin output from cvs commands

Hi All, I am trying to find an easy way to see what files I have modified in my checked out code by running either cvs update or cvs status and limiting the output to the files I have modified. I started by doing variations on: cvs update | grep "M " // this did nothing useful. cvs update | grep -e "M " * // this got me all the files...

Java writeObject Vs. writeUTF

What is faster? out.writeObject(someString) or out.writeUTF(someString) ...

Output ordering in Oracle 10g

Helo, I am using oracle 10g and the output coming when SELECT command is in a zig zag format. How I can arrange coulumns in correct order? Is there any command? ...

Send output from a python server back to client

Hello, I now have a small java script server working correctly, called by: <?php $handle = fsockopen("udp://",12345); fwrite($handle,"vzctlrestart110"); fclose($handle); ?> On a remote server the following python server is running and executing the comand's #!/usr/bin/python import os import socket print " Loadin...

PHP output buffer stacking question/problem

The following is not achieving what I desire <? echo ob_start() . "<br>"; echo "1x<br>"; echo ob_start() . "<br>"; echo "2x<br>"; echo ob_flush() . "<br>"; echo "3x<br>"; echo ob_flush() . "<br>"; ?> The output is the following 1 1x 1 2x 1 3x 1 I am wanting something along the lines of 1x 3x 2x I assume the problem is its putt...

Redirecting console output to a Python string

Possible Duplicate: How can I capture the stdout output of a child process? I'm running a cat-like program in bash from Python: import os os.system('cat foo.txt') How do I get the output of the shell command back in the Python script, something like: s = somefunction('cat foo.txt') ? UPD: Here is a related threa...

How to keep a Python script output window open?

I have just started with Python. When I execute a python script file on Windows, the output window appears but instantaneously goes away. I need it to stay there so I can analyze my output. How can I keep it open? ...

How can I capture output from the Windows cmd shell?

Is there any way with, say Perl or PHP, that I can grab output from another process that outputs to the Windows cmd shell? I have a game server that outputs certain information, for example say 'player finished track in 43s' and I want to grab that line and use Perl or PHP to send a request to a webserver to update ranks on a web page. I...

Why would my application's window not show up when I run it?

Randomly and without warning (or apparent reason), VS 2008 decided to act as if debugging was working just like it always does, except for the fact that my application window never shows up on the screen. I’d been running my app from VS all morning, and I don’t see what I could possibly have changed that would make my window no longer sh...

Teach emacs recognize Boost.Test errors

This is an output of Boost.Test when test case failes: bjam toolset=msvc ...patience... ...found 1287 targets... ...updating 4 targets... compile-c-c++ ..\bin\test\Function.test\msvc-8.0\debug\link-static\threading-multi\Function.obj Function.cpp msvc.link ..\bin\test\Function.test\msvc-8.0\debug\link-static\threading-multi\Function.ex...

Is there a way to make PrintWriter output to UNIX format?

In Java, of course. I'm writing a program and running it under a Windows environment, but I need the output (.csv) to be done in Unix format. Any easy solution? Thanks! ...

Useful Hudson spew for .NET and XCode?

I wanted to know if there was a specific plugin I could use to filter the output log from Hudson. My engineers dont need the last 1000+ lines via email. I would like to specifically narrow down the failure to just the last couple. Regular expression or perl would help. Something like the warnings plugin would be great. (but instead o...

Latex Output

When I compile a latex file, it produces also a .txt, .bbl, .aux files. They are not useful as I can delete them without harm. My question is what are these files for and how can I opte not to generate them when I compile the .tex file? ...

Suppress find & grep "cannot open" output

I was given this syntax by user phi find . | awk '!/((\.jpeg)|(\.jpg)|(\.png))$/ {print $0;}' | xargs grep "B206" I would like to suppress the output of grep: can't open..... and find: cannot open lines from the results.sample output to be ignored: grep: can't open ./cisc/.xdbhist find: cannot open ./cisc/.ssh ...