
ASP.NET MVC: Get an action output within another action

In ASP.NET MVC application I have an action Page() which renders a page (like a wiki page). Now, I have another action RenderPdf() which should collect the HTML output of Page() and use HTML2PDF component to create PDF version of that page. How do I collect the HTML output of one action within another action. Note: not in the view, bu...

.net change client target to default

I have a base page class where i set client target with protected override void FrameworkInitialize() { base.FrameworkInitialize(); ClientTarget = "ie5"; } for standart rendering for all browser. I now i need to change it to it's original state (auto?) for a single page that inherits my base page class. How can i do it? ...

Output a watched Visual Studio variable to a file

Is there a way in Visual Studio (2008 if it matters) that I can, in debug/break mode, write the contents of a variable to a text/XML file? The scenario is that I have a long process running in debug and I have realised too late that I haven't logged enough detail about the events that the process has been monitoring, but fortunately a ...

java socket / output stream writes : do they block?

Hi all, If I'm only WRITING to a socket on an output stream, will it ever block? Only reads can block, right? I am asking because someone told me writes can block but I only see a timeout feature for the read method of a socket - socket.setSOTimeout(). It doesn't make sense to me that a write could block but I'd like to hear for sure...

When debugging on Windows where does stderr go?

When trying to debug a program on Windows I can't seem to find where the output I push to stderr is going. How do I get a hold of my stderr output? Is there a debugger-level setting (MSVC 9) I can change to redirect stderr to some part of the UI? Update: I have not looked into TRACE or OutputDebugString, but the code base is cross-platf...

Clearing output of a terminal program Linux C/C++

I'm interested in clearing the output of a C program produced with printf statements, multiple lines long. My initial guess was to use printf("output1\n"); printf("output2\n"); rewind(stdout); printf("output3\n"); printf("output4\n"); but this produces output1 output2 output3 output4 I was hoping it would produce outpu...

Reading Input and Error Streams Concurrently using BufferedReaders Hangs

First off let me apologize to the SO community for coming to you with something that ought to be so trivial. But I've been at this all day and I'm at the end of my rope. There is a section of my program that needs pull text from an input stream and an error stream from a process that is launched using Runtime.getrunTime().exec() and pa...

(Console.BufferHeight) I can't see/scroll to see all the console output with Console.WriteLine

When I run this code, the number at the top of the output window is 99701. Why don't I get to see all the way through 1? I actually see all the numbers getting outputted, but on the console window, I can only SCROLL high enough to see 99701 (I'm guessing). I'm using Visual C# express on Vista Home. :D using System; using System.Collecti...

Custom Output directory for a .NET Web Project

Whenever I choose a custom output folder in a WCF Service or Web project in VS .NET 2008, running the project always gives me errors or inconsistencies as far as finding the right referenced assemblies. For example, if the output folder is < solution root >\bin instead of < solution root >\Project\bin, the project will still attempt to ...

C++ writing HTML onto each of two already opened Firefox tabs from within extension

I'm seeking C++ help in writing HTML code to a new tab in Firefox within an extension. Our C++ code has been partially wrapped by an XPCOM wrapper and embedded within a Firefox extension thanks to the work of a consultant we have lost contact with, and still partially implemented by calling out to a standalone executable. To get our ou...

How can I suppress STDOUT temporarily in a Perl program?

Is there any easy way to tell perl "now ignore everything that is printed"? I have to call a procedure in an external Perl module, but the procedure prints a lot of unnecessary information (all through standard print). I know select can be used to redirect it somehow, but I am not too wise from reading perldoc on it. edit: I found th...

Fastest way to write string on Windows?

What would be the absolute fastest possible way to write a string to the standard/console output on Windows? I'm interested in the solution for both null- and non-null-terminated strings. ...

php output buffering callback problem

here is the code ob_start(array(&$dispatcher, 'outputCallback')); include($file); ob_end_flush(); function outputCallback($string) { if(ob_get_level() == 1) { $static =& ParserStatic::getInstance(); return $static->insertToppings($string); } return false; } the problem is when i return $string it b...

Output buffering and large MySQL result sets in PHP 5

Hey guys I'm trying to build an XML feed from a database with a ginormous table, almost 4k records. I want to use output buffering to get it to spit out the XML but the script still keeps on timing out. ob_start(); $what = 'j.*, (select description from tb_job_type as jt WHERE jt.jobtype_id = j.job_type_id) as job_type,'; $what .= '(s...

Bash: How to flush output to a file while running

I have a small script, which is called daily by crontab using the following command: /homedir/MyScript &> some_log.log The problem with this method is that some_log.log is only created after MyScript finishes. I would like to flush the output of the program into the file while it's running so I could do things like tail -f some_log....

Should I output warnings to STDERR or STDOUT?

I'm making a script that handles a predefined set of data, outputting to a file. I want to pop up a warning when one datum (which is always "Regular" in every set that I've had access to) is different stating that this value is unhandled (since I don't know how it affects the data). Should I output this warning to stderr or stdout? ...

parsing xml with jquery problem with output

Hey guys, i want to parse an xml file with jquery. This works so far, only the output confuses me:) probably you can help me. $(function(){ $.get("images.xml",{},function(xml){ var output = "<ul>"; $(xml).each(function() { smallImage = $(this).find("small").text(); //bigImage = $(this).find("big").text(); ...

How to color System.out.println output?

Question is simple: How can I color java output? For example in C and other languages I can use ansi-escape like \033[0m to do this. But in java it doesn't work. public static void main(String[] x) { System.out.println("\033[0m BLABLA \033[0m\n"); } ...

powershell basic syntax question for select

Background: Here the goal is to do some basic commands in powershell using select-string. For some reason, there are certain things that are not working as expected. Assume the following: $vfilter = 'c:/foo/bar/files/*.htm'; Select-String -path $vfilter -pattern ".*DOCTY.*" | sort LineNumber | where-object { $_...

PHP file print its own content

Is it possible for PHP file to print itself, for example <?php some code; ?> that I get output in HTML as <?php some code; ?>(I know its possible in c++), if not is it possible to actually print html version of php code with nice formatting and colors such as from this url inside code container http://woork.blogspot.com/2009/07/twitter-a...