
How do I disable caching of an individual file in IIS 7 using weserver config settings

Is there any way to diable the caching of a single javascript file in my ASP.NET applicaiton without disabling the caching of any other files in the application? It is running on IIS 7 in Azure, so to me it seems that my only options of controlling this are within the webserver tags. I currently use the folowwing config, but this is di...

Is there a way I can implement this specific kind of output cache for ASP.NET?

I want to run a custom logic, before the page life-cycle, to decide what version of a cached page I want to serve to the user. Example: If the user is not logged, then I go to a cache dictionary, catch a version A of the page and serve to the user. Otherwise, if it's logged, then I'll see if I already cached a version of the page sp...

How can i highlight the current page on menu when using OutputCache with ASP.Net MVC 2 ?

Hi, I have a menu which is created from the database. When the users navigate through pages the current page is highlighted with the css class. Menu is rendered with the Html.RenderAction("Menu","Home"); Because of being datadriven menu i use the new ChildActionCache attribute which is in the ASP.NET MVC 2 Futures project to cache t...

WCF .NET 4 OutputCaching with Stream doesn't seem to work

Hello, I'm having problems with OutputCaching over a WCF REST service on .NET4-IIS7. My service has a custom Authorization scheme (by implementing ServiceAuthorizationManager), one which should take place on every request, and any caching must be done after the request is authorized. So far, this seems to work, only the caching part I c...

ASP.NET MVC View and Controller Output Caching

What is the difference between using output cache in view: <%@ Page Language="C#" Inherits="System.Web.Mvc.ViewPage<Mahmure.WebUI.ViewModels.NewsletterVM>" %> <%@ OutputCache Duration="120" VaryByParam="none" %> and in controller: [OutputCache(Duration = 120, VaryByParam = "none")] public ActionResult Index() ...

ASP.NET Cache and Output Cache for Controls

Hi there You know I have the way to Cache the data I've got from the SQL Server over data caching. In addition I can output cache web user controls. Whats about a web user control contains data from a SQL database? Does it make sense to cache the data and also cache the control? What is the best solution for the combination of these t...