
What is the algorithm for storing the pixels in an oval in Javascript?

How would one draw an oval in JS? ...

Oval shaped images in ASP.Net 3.5

Hi I need to generate oval shaped images on ASP.Net pages. Either I need to resize it to oval shape when it's being uploaded or show it as oval shape on the fly. Have a look at cac.mysiteportal.com to get an overview of what I am trying to achieve. I am talking about the 3 oval shaped image on the right hand side. Thanks in advance fo...

Get coords of an oval in Tkinter

I can't seem to figure out how to reterive the x,y position of an oval created on a Tkinter canvas using Python via c.create_oval(x0, y0, x1, y2) I understand that Tkinter creates the oval inside the box specified by x0,y0,x1,y2 and if I can get those coordinates that would also work. I need the coordinates to move the oval by an off...

How to achieve spring injection in oVal validation Framework?

This seems to be a big gap in it's spring integration. Has anybody done this or has successfully integrated Spring and Oval successfully? ...

Oval collision detection not working properly

So I'm trying to implement a test where a oval can connect with a circle, but it's not working. edist = (float) Math.sqrt( Math.pow((px + ((pwidth/2) )) - (bx + (bsize/2)), 2 ) + Math.pow(-((py + ((pwidth/2)) ) - (bx + (bsize/2))), 2 ) ); and here is the full code (requires Slick2D): import org.newdawn.slick.AppGameContainer...

Oval Validation

Can we access request object in isSatisfied() (class net.sf.oval.AbstractAnnotationCheck) method or can we pass an extra parameter in this method to use further. I have a scenario where I need to pass locale information to isSatisfied() method and apply some conditions. ...