
Overloaded method calling overloaded method

I have a method that I'm writing that is calling another overloaded method inside it. I'd like to only write one outer method, since the parameter to the outer method is being passed to the inner one. Is there a way to do this? I tried using generics, but I don't know enough about this so it isn't working: public void OuterMethod<T>(...

Override and overload in Cpp.

Yes, I do understand the difference between them. What I want to know is: why OVERRIDE a method? What is the good in doing it? In case of overload: the only advantage is you haven't to think in different names to functions? ...

Can you overload controller methods in ASP.Net MVC?

Im curious to see if you can overload controller methods in ASP.Net MVC. Whenever I try, I get the error below. The two methods accept different arguements. Is this something that cannot be done? The current request for action 'MyMethod' on controller type 'MyController' is ambiguous between the following action methods: ...

Function overloading by return type?

Why don't more mainstream statically typed languages support function/method overloading by return type? I can't think of any that do. It seems no less useful or reasonable than supporting overload by parameter type. How come it's so much less popular? ...

Graphics.DrawRectangle(Pen, RectangleF)

http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/system.drawing.graphics.drawrectangle.aspx FillRectangle, DrawRectangle, FillElipse and DrawEllipse all can take 4 Float (or "Single") parameters: x, y, width, height. DrawRectangle is the only one that will not take a RectangleF, though. I was wondering if anyone knew why this is. It sure seems ...

Overloads of inherited member functions

Can a class overload methods that also exist in the publicly inherited interface? It seems like this is unambiguous and useful, but compilers (VC, Intel, GCC) all complain, at least by my construction. Below is a toy example. The inherited rebound() function has two clear overloads, yet this will not compile. If you rename the rebound()...

function overloading in C

Is there any way to achieve function overloading in C? I am looking at simple functions to be overloaded like foo (int a) foo (char b) foo (float c , int d) I think there is no straight forward way, looking for workarounds if any? ...

Javascript function() literal overloading

I was always curious is there any possibility to overload function literal, something like you can do with Function: var test=Function; Function=function(arg) { alert('test'); return test(arg); } var b=Function("alert('a')"); var c=Function("alert('x')"); b(); c(); Of course you can guess that this is nice way of debuggin...

F# functions with generic parameter types

Hello, I am trying to figure out how to define a function that works on multiple types of parameters (e.g. int and int64). As I understand it, function overloading is not possible in F# (certainly the compiler complains). Take for example the following function. let sqrt_int = function | n:int -> int (sqrt (float n)) | n:int6...

Why does autoboxing make some calls ambiguous in Java?

I noticed today that auto-boxing can sometimes cause ambiguity in method overload resolution. The simplest example appears to be this: public class Test { static void f(Object a, boolean b) {} static void f(Object a, Object b) {} static void m(int a, boolean b) { f(a,b); } } When compiled, it causes the following error: ...

C++ overloaded function

Maybe Im to tired, but this seems to be a vary basic question. Suddenly my inheritance chain stopped working. Writing a small basic test application proved that it was me that was wrong (so I cant blame the compiler). I have a base class, with the default behavior in a virtual function. A child class derives from that and changes the be...

overload print python

Am i able to overload the print function? and call the normal function? What i want to do is after a specific line i want print to call my print which will call the normal print and write a copy to file. Also i dont know how to overload print. I dont know how to do variable length arguments. i'll look it up soon but http://stackoverflo...

typedef equivalent for overloading in c#

I have a bunch of code that has lots integers with different meanings (I'd rather a general solution but for a specific example: day-of-the-month vs. month-of-the-year vs. year etc.). I want to be able to overload a class constructor based on these meanings. For example int a; // takes role A int b; // takes role B var A = new Foo(a)...

Overloading, strings, and default parameters

Refactoring legacy code, I came across this function (pseudocode): int getMessage( char * buffer, int size = 300 ); Gee, look at that buffer just waiting to overflow. So I came up with a function using std::string, and thought it would be nice to use function overloading: int getMessage( std::string & buffer ); So far, so good. But...

VB.NET Continuously Adding One to a Text Box

I am trying to create a program that has a button and a text box. Everytime the button is pushed I want it to add one to the text box. I keep getting this error: Overload resolution failed because no accessible 'Int' accepts this number of arguments Also I am a huge n00b. Here is where I am at so far, thanks in advance. Optio...

Method Overloading Cost In .Net

Is there a cost associated with overloading methods in .Net? So if I have 3 methods like: Calculate (int) Calculate (float) Calculate (double) and these methods are called at runtime "dynamically" based on what's passed to the Calculate method, what would be the cost of this overload resolution? Alternatively I could have a single C...

JAR multiple download

I have this code on an applet. The applet works ok, but I get a lot of unnecessary duplicate download. In particular, I have noticed that each "getResource" triggers a download of the .JAR file. static { ac = new ImageIcon(MyClass.class.getResource("images/ac.png")).getImage(); dc = new ImageIcon(MyClass.class.getResource("image...

Is overloading really the only way to get default values for method parameters in Java?

I'm quite new to Java and from Python and PHP, I'm used to default values for function parameters. So I have a habit of writing methods that are designed to be called from slightly different situations where you want to set only some of the values. For example, in my PHP code, this would be common where I have factory methods that provi...

How do you override the ruby case equality operator? (===)

Hi, I have a class that I want to compare to both strings and symbols in a case statement, so I thought that I just override the ===() method for my class and all would be gold. However my ===() method never gets called during the case statement. Any ideas? Here is some example code, and what happens in a irb session: class A def i...

Pointer problems with overloading in C++?

Pointers present some special problems for overload resolution. Say for example, void f(int* x) { ... } void f(char* x) { ...} int main() { f(0); } What is wrong with calling f(0)? How can I fix the function call for f(0)? ...