
Error when compiling code with the Protege API

I am new to Protege API and I have just created on Eclipse a small application which uses an external OWL file. Also I did import all the necessary libraries. import java.util.Collection; import java.util.Iterator; import edu.stanford.smi.protege.exception.OntologyLoadException; import edu.stanford.smi.protegex.owl.ProtegeOWL; import ...

Is there any killer application for Ontology/semantics/OWL/RDF yet?

Hi Guys, I got interested in semantic technologies after reading a lot of books, blogs and articles on the net saying that it would make data machine-understandable, allow intelligent agents make great reasoning, automated & dynamic service composition etc.. I am still reading the same stuff from 2 years. The number of articles/blogs/s...

What are the Jena methods used to access an ontology?

Hello I'm new to ontologies, my assignment is to create an ontology using Protege V4.0.2, (which I've done) and to create a website over that ontology(which I'm working on), i just need the basics on how to search the ontology using the Jena library I dont have any specifics because i haven't yet started. but i'm in a time crunch, and i ...

How to use OWL/RDL to represent and query a connected graph?

In PROLOG you can represent and query a connect graph, as in this tutorial: http://www.csupomona.edu/~jrfisher/www/prolog_tutorial/2_15.html How would you do this using an OWL/RDL tool such as Protégé (http://protege.stanford.edu/)? ...

Ontologies in .NET

I need to make use of some OWL ontologies in c#. Does anyone have a suggestion where I can start? Or if there are any libraries available for .NET please? ...

how to create Java Application and query about OWL using SPARQL/Jena and how to do it on local/remote?

I want to create simple application using Java Jena and SPARQL ,that insert, delete , update and query the OWL/RDF data I worked on protege to create the ontology and noticed SPARQL in it but I want to use SPARQL using java and jena ... 1) I saw this thread and I knew how to use SPARQL with jena (after http)stackoverflow.com/questions/...

A representation in OWL XML

I am trying to construct an ontology in protege. However, I was wondering how to represent the following in OWL XML: A hospital consists of various departments, wards, and the central administration Its a bit strange that I can construct the hardest of ontologies but i just can't solve this. Any help would be greatly appreciated. S. ...

Description logic, OWL and RDFS: what are the differences?

Can someone explain the relatioships to me between the languages Description Logic, OWL and RDFS? ...

Is ROWLEX 2.1 OWL2-aware?

Is ROWLEX 2.1 an OWL 2 or OWL 1 framework? ...

Do you know of any OWL 2 tools/libraries implemented in C#?

Do you know of any OWL 2 tools/libraries implemented in C#? There are some in Java, but am I to rewrite them to C# or invent my own ones If I prefer .Net? ...

How to use DL Query programmatically

Hello, I would like to know whether I can use DL Query in Protege programatically. Is it possible to enter a query in java and retrieve individuals like how it is done in SQL ? E.g. Query : hasCalorificContentValue value 723 and I would like to retrieve an individual called QuattroFormaggio. ...

OWL: get Class from an existent Antology

How can I get an existent Class from an Ontology with owlAPI? This is a fragment of my ontology: ... <owl:Class rdf:ID="StringDocu"> <owl:equivalentClass> <owl:Restriction> <owl:someValuesFrom rdf:resource="http://www.w3.org/2001/XMLSchema#string"/&gt; <owl:onProperty rdf:resource="#hasContent"/> </owl...

Inferring using Jena

InfModel infmodel = ModelFactory.createInfModel(reasoner, m); Resource vegetarian = infmodel.getResource(source + "Vegetarian"); Resource margherita = infmodel.getResource(source + "Example-Margherita"); if (infmodel.contains(margherita, RDF., vegetarian)) { System.out.println("Margherita is a memberOf Vegetarian pizza"); } ...

Problem of reading OWL/XML

Hello, I have a problem reading OWL/XML files from Java using Jena. I have no problem reading RDF/XML files, but whenever I create a OWL/XML file from Protege and try to read it, Java gives this error below : WARN [main] (RDFDefaultErrorHandler.java:36) Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NullPointerException at com.hp.hpl.jena.rdf.a...

Problem in inferring instances that have integer cardinality constraint

Hello, I have created an RDF/OWL file using Protege 4.1 alpha. I also created a defined class in Protege called CheapPhone. This class has a restriction which is shown below : (hasPrice some integer[< 350]) Whenever, a price of a phone is below 350, it is inferred as CheapPhone. There is no problem for inferring this in Protege 4.1 a...

Importing owl files

Hello, I have a problem with importing owl files using owl api in Java. I successfully can import 2 owl files. However, a problem occurs, when I try to import 3 or more owl files that are integrated to each other. E.g. Base.owl -- base ontology Electronics.owl -- electronics ontology which imports Base.owl Telephone.owl -- telephone on...

Cannot resolved class Reasoner in Pellet/OwlApi

I'm start to use Pellet to create a reasoner with my OWLApi application. As in the examples, I start with this code: Reasoner reasoner = new Reasoner( manager ); but Eclipse give me this error on "new Reasoner": The type org.semanticweb.owl.model.OWLOntologyManager cannot be resolved. It is indirectly referenced from required .class...

External input binding in OWL-S

Hi, I'm trying to figure out, whether input bindings for CompositeProcesses and AtomicProcesses in OWL-S can be defined externally. Example The OWL-S CompositeProcess has the rdf:ID "CompositeProcess". The two OWL-S AtomicProcesses are identified by "AtomicProcess_1" and "AtomicProcess_2" respectively. Each OWL-S Process has one inpu...

SPARQL - what does it take to find an ontology?

Hi. I'm pretty new to SPARQL, OWL and Jena, so please excuse if I'm asking utterly stupid questions. I'm having a problem that is driving me nuts since a couple of days. I'm using the following String as a query for a Jena QueryFactory.create(queryString), queryString = "PREFIX foaf: <http://xmlns.com/foaf/0.1/&gt;"+ "PREFIX ho: <http:...

DL Query Protege with JAVA

hi, I want to create simple application using Java Jena and DL Query,that query the OWL/RDF data I worked on protege to create the ontology. I want to use DL Query using java and jena ... there is an JAVA-API for DL Query? or included in Protege API? what is the advantage of "DL Query" to "SPARQL"? ...