
Where are the Java System Packages stored?

I want to see all the java packages. Where are the packages stored in my machine? Can anyone help. I did search in jdk folder and found awt.dll and all. But its only a few. Can i see all of them? ...

Actionscript 3 import package.* vs import package.Class

In Actionscript 3, is there any reel overhead between importing a full package versus importing independant classes? E.g.: import flash.display.* vs. import flash.display.Sprite I know it's a good practice to import only the needed classes from a package to avoid conflicts, but I've often been told it also has a cost in term of the com...

How to get the current package as a string at runtime in actionscript

Hi, Im trying to find some way (in actionscript 3) to output info for the current package at runtime. Given the following code snippet; package { import; public class Tester { public function Tester(){ Helper.tracePackage(); } } } I'd want the tracePackage method to trace out th...

problem in importing java class in jsp

i have created a java package in source packages in netbeans i have a jsp file in a web folder now i want to import this java package in jsp file but i am not getting my package name in import command ...

How to migrate packages to a new Python installation?

How can i quickly migrate/copy my python packages that i have installed over time to a new machine? This is my scenario; Am upgrading from an old laptop running python2.5 & Django1.0, to a new laptop which i intend to install python 2.6.2 & Django 1.1. In time i have downloaded and installed many python packages in my old machine(e.f p...

Sun's Java Package Naming Convention: sun vs. com.sun

In JRE, Sun's internal packages are prefixed with 2 top-level domains (sun and com). For example, It seems pretty random to me which prefix they choose. I am curious what rules Sun uses for this. ...

Python Packages??

Ok, I think whatever I'm doing wrong, it's probably blindingly obvious, but I can't figure it out. I've read and re-read the tutorial section on packages and the only thing I can figure is that this won't work because I'm executing it directly. Here's the directory setup: eulerproject/ ... euler...

Can I you use to define global variables?

I want to define a constant that should be available in all of the submodules of a package. I've thought that the best place would be in in the file of the root package. But I don't know how to do this. Suppose I have a few subpackages and each with several modules. How can I access that variable from these modules? Of cours...

Painless way to install a new version of R?

Andrew Gelman recently lamented the lack of an easy upgrade process for R (probably more relevant on Windows that Linux). Does anyone have a good trick for doing the upgrade, from installing the software to copying all the settings/packages over? This suggestion was contained in the comments and is what I've been using recently. First...

Using SQL Server Agent to Run a Remote SSIS Package Programmatically on the Server

Based on the example here from MSDN, how could one provide SSIS package level variables if one were to invoke the package via "sp_start_job" procedure? Here is the example code from MSDN: Dim jobConnection As SqlConnection Dim jobCommand As SqlCommand Dim jobReturnValue As SqlParameter Dim jobParameter As SqlParameter Dim jobResult As ...

MOSS features leave old leaf nodes in Database after retracting Solution

We have noticed that when after retracting a MOSS solution package, we are still left with incorrect leaf entries in the alldocs MOSS database table. This is an issue if for example we rename a feature that deploys the same artifacts - MOSS will then not let us deploy the solution as it thinks these items already exist. Would be interes...

When to Install, vs. when to just build, visual component packages that are part of a larger project

Context: I have been working on and off on an application which uses a number of custom frames-based components (which folks around here have been super helpful with as I've been learning!). Since I am modifying the visual component that the app uses very often, and those components are fairly numerous and interrelated (quite a bit o...

xCode Library Paths

I'm starting a new xCode project. I'm porting in some code from my last project, but I've re-ordered the directory structure, so that it makes more sense ala: Lib Package1 File1.h File1.m Package2 File2.h File2.m etc... Now my issue is that before I was using a flat file structure and using the xCode groups to ...

What’s the best way to distribute a binary application for Linux?

I just finished porting an application from Windows into Linux. I have to create an installer of the application. The application is not open source => I should distribute the application's binaries (executable file, couple .so files, help files and images). I found several methods to do it: - RPM and DEB packages; - installer in .sh fi...

Where should I put shared testing utilities in a multi-module Maven project?

I probably sholdn't obsess about this too much, but my project has a very structured layout that I have become very fond of. Having that much structure has actually proven to be useful, this time, so I don't really want it to become messy again. To start with, each module consists of several Java packages: com.mycompany.mysoftware.modu...

BDS2006 and Zeos installation

Hi all, I recently installed Zeos 6.6 stable on BDS2006 for both the Delphi and C++ personalities. In order to do so, and since Zeos is written in Delphi, I checked the "Generate all C++ Builder files" when building the packages. The problem I found was that, somehow, not all necessary .DCUs were generated during the building of the...

Java packages autoimports

Is there a tool/library that allows me to import the java packages automatically outside the IDE? For instrance if I type in notepad something like: JFrame f = new JFrame(); Then run this magic tool, and then have automatically written as: import javax.swing.JFrame .... JFrame f = new JFrame(); Is there something like that?...

How can I install several CPAN distributions at once?

I have recently started some Perl development and use CPAN to install all my packages. I was wondering if there are some "best practices" to manage required packages for a script or application. So far, I'm doing it the inelegant and cumbersome way. I have a script which looks like this : install Foo::Bar install Zulu::Car ... and the...

SSIS Loop a list of connection strings in a master package, executing two other packages for each connection string

I am trying to figure out how to loop a list of connection strings in an SSIS package. MSDN suggests I can have an Execute SQL task generate a result set into a variable and use a For Each task to loop the results, but it's none too clear to me exactly how to create this. So I have a table with a single nvarchar column with a list of Sq...

Application packaging

I'm using Visual Studio to create my installation package. My application use some bitmap and other data file. I currently include these files in my setup project. Is there a way to embed these file in a kind of bundle package? ...