
Changing href attribute on pager elements of the cycle plugin in wordpress

Currently I have created a little slideshow in wordpress using the jQuery Cycle plugin. I have a loop pulling up posts in a category, and a pager that on hover slides through the posts. I want the pager elements to also be links to the pages within the site. One thing I've already done is to wrap the excerpt in an h6 tag within the loop,...

Looking for a good TTY pager output option for Perl

I'm looking to write an interactive terminal-based app in Perl and I need a good Pager module. This will likely be a Linux-only app, but I'd like a recommendation for an OS-agnostic module, if it exists, so I can use it for other projects. I'd like it to be less-like in terms of the key-bindings, able to detect the # of rows of the term...

PHP Pear Package - Pager on Awardspace Hosting Question?

Hi everyone! If you are using for free website hosting or have an idea does anyone know how to chnage the include path or my script hosted on awardspace such can correctly display data using the pager.php package. Currently my script has this option set: :::PHP CODE::: include_once 'pager/Pager.php'; While ...

Tablesorter and Pager: how to install?

I have my tablesorter with zebra up and running just fine but I can't seem to install the pager properly. When I include the pager.js file like you see below, it breaks my sorting all together. The sorting works fine when this file is not loaded but I get no pager. Someone, what am I doing wrong? <script type="text/javascript" src="/s...

Jquery tablesorter can't make pager work

Hello , i have this modified tablesorter and pager installed at : you could see both sorting and pager mess out ... I have the same version of this but without pager located at in the second version the sort work fine .. Does anybody know a wa...

jQuery Cycle with defined pager links

I built a player using cycle that cycles through various promos but I want to define the specific descriptive pager links for each page (other than 1,2,3, etc.) I know this should be possible but cannot figure out how... Even when I have added elements in the pager div they show up but the numbers that are auto generated are what control...

jqGrid columns width seem to go off after clicking on paginator

Using jqGrid version 3.6.5 Current pager extended options: { add: false, del: false, edit: false, search: false, refresh: false, position: "left" } Current grid options: $("#tblID").jqGrid({ url: '...', datatype: datatype, datastr: GridJsonData, mtype: 'GET', ...

How do you change the size of JQGrid's Edit Dialog Box?

In a JQGrid grid, when you select a row and press the edit button, a dialog box pops up to allow you to enter information in the fields of that row. How do you specify a default height, width, and location of the dialog box that pops up? ...

How can I set one JQGrid Pager to 2 different Grids

I'm trying to use only one Pager, the same functions, for 2 Grids, but it's not working like I wish it would... I set the element ID at the pager JqGrid property, but it's not working properly... How can I fix this problem? ...

How to page Doctrine2 results

I cant find Doctrine_Pager in Doctrine2 and really need a way to page my query results. Is there a way to use some alternative pager (Pear, Zend)? Please post some example code as well if solution is available. Google didnt helped me, so hope folks will :) ...

how to implement mvc pagination view

Hello all, Could you show me please the best methode to make pager fpr my mvc view? I have a typical table with posts, and they will be all showed at one time. If I have a 30 entries, i will preffer to show just 6 at the time. It will greate if I will have something like a menu to navigate ( like 1 - 2 - 3 ). It can be server si...

ASP.Net / C# - Ajax postback pager problem

Hi! I have a 'shop' page, where all the items in the shop is listed. I have a sortingfunction, to decide how many results pr. page I want to see. I also have a pager. The pager is built with two buttons (a Previous- and Next-pagebutton), and a textbox which shows the pagenumber. The pager is on both the top, and bottom of the page. Wh...

How can I format the numbers in viewrecord on jqgrid pager?

When a large number of pages are present, the format of the numbers in the pager is "11 223" but I would like it to be "11,223" View 11 026 - 11 031 of 11 031 should be View 11,026 - 11,031 of 11,031 I searched the documentation for JQGrid but couldn't find a way to do this. ...

jQuery slideshow: how do I modify this code to show a custom pager per slide ?

Right now the code is spitting out 1 pager item per slide existing. I'm trying to get it to show a custom pager graphic per slide. IE: slide 1 shows pager1.gif, slide 2 shows pager2.gif, etc. Thanks! appendControlls: function() { if (options.slideControlls == 'items') { var elementToAppend = options.appendControlls || slideWra...

Using doctrines findBy/getBy magic methods with the pager object?

Is it possible to use doctrines magic methods (in this case findBy*) with sfDoctrinePager? I'm getting the following error: Call to undefined method Doctrine_Collection::offset() Here is the code: $this->pager->setQuery(Doctrine::getTable('notification')->findByUserId($this->getUser()->getGuardUser()->getId())); I know I can build...

JQGrid pager says "1 of Nan"?

When I have no rows returned, our jqGrid pager says Page 1 of NaN. The JSON returned is: {"page":"1","records":"0","total":"1"} Why is NaN listed? Update: We only seem to have this issue when we use loadonce:true. Here's the source code: $("#list").jqGrid({ url:'NoData.json', datatype: 'json', mtype: 'GET', c...

How to set style of active page number in ASP.NET GridView Pager?

Hi guys. So I have GridView control and I would like to make a custom PagerStyle via css. The problem is that I do not know how to change the style (color) of number indicating an active page. If I change the color property it changes a color of all page numbers. I would like to change color for active number and link numbers separatel...

jqGrid prevent pager navigation?

We use a custom formatter to output html form text boxes. In the case that a user has entered in data and they hit the next/prev button, we want to tell them "you've edited data, hit ok to stay on this page and save your data". How can you do this? The 'onPaging' event fires when you use the pager but it doesn't seem to let you preve...

linux "more" like code in python for very big tuple/file/db records/numpy.darray?

Dear All, I am in looking for a buffer code for process huge records in tuple / csv file / sqlite db records / numpy.darray, the buffer may just like linux command "more". The request came from processing huge data records(100000000 rows maybe), the records may look like this: 0.12313 0.231312 0.23123 0.152432 0.22569 0.311312 0.54549...

Single pager for multiple jQuery cycles

I have the following two cycles: jQuery(document).ready(function(){ jQuery('.spinner').cycle({ fx: 'scrollLeft', speed: 750, timeout: 6000, pause: 1, next: "#recentWork .controls .next", pager: '#recentWork .controls div' /* before: ajaxNewDetails */ }); jQuery('.inner')...