I'm prototyping a Python app with the cmd module.
Some messages to the user will be quite long and I'd like to paginate them.
The first 10 (or a configurable number) lines of the message would appear, and pressing the SPACE bar would display the next page, until the end of the message.
I don't want to reinvent something here, is there ...
Would using linqs deferred loading be preferred when implementing pagination? or should i cache the results and make repeated calls to it as the page is selected? When the cache refreshes, I will reload the results, but the results may change and thus the pages with it.
Is there a rails plugin that will do alphabetical pagination/navigation?
I have a very large data set and would prefer something that gave users a more direct navigation cue in addition to 1..2...3...4...5 pagination.
I could code it myself but was wondering if there was a decent plugin out there already that would do it for me.
Hi Again,
I have a site that stores a bunch of records in an sql database that i want to pull onto a page based on the date, which is stored as Y-m-d in sql. But, I want to paginate the results based on day.
So for the index, i want to show all the results from the current day, for which i was going to use the php date() function as th...
<< 1 2 3 4 ... 15 16 17 ... 47 48 49 50 >>
<< 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 ... 47 48 49 50 >>
<< 1 2 3 4 ... 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 >>
(the bold is the selected page)
Is there any cleaver logic out there that creates scaling pagination like this? I have created one of these before but it ended up as a mess of logic statements.
The langu...
I have a SQL Server 2008 query
I'd like to get also the total number of the rows. The obious way is to make a second query
Is there an efficient method?
Hi, I am using JQuery for pagination. I have a button in that page, when clicked information is stored in back end and the page gets refreshed.
But after refreshing i am able to see the first page of pagination and not the page in which I ckicked.
I need to locate the index position of a record in a large database table in order to preset a pager to that item's page. I need an efficient SQL query that can give me this number. Sadly SQL doesn't offer something like:
SELECT INDEX(*) FROM users WHERE userid='123'
Any bright ideas?
EDIT: Lets assume there is an ORDER BY clause app...
I hope I'm not writing a duplicate, but I haven't found anything that answers my question. (Although it seems to me to be quite common problem.)
The problem occurs in nearly every web project: You have a table with many many entries and want them to be displayed on single pages.
Now I wonder what's the best way to compute the num...
I have a pretty simple question. I want to make some date-based generic views on a Django site, but I also want to paginate them. According to the documentation the object_list view has page and paginate_by arguments, but the archive_month view does not. What's the "right" way to do it?
Any tips on how to implement sorting and pagination on a resource in a Rails application and still keeping it RESTful?
How do I map the parameters for page number and sort field in a clean way? (I am currently using map.resources :x for every resource in my app)
Any other performace issues involved that I should know about? (eg. cachi...
Say if I have a set of objects contained in @set. Each of these objects has a description method which will return some text that I want to display on individual pages. How do I use will_paginate to paginate this?
The examples I've seen so far such as:
@articles = Article.paginate :page => params[:page]
look like they are referring t...
I'm using the will_paginate plugin and I get the following error only when I'm running on a server rather than locally:
undefined method `total_pages' for []:Array
Extracted source (around line #8):
5: <% session[:page] = params[:page] %>
6: <h2>Previous Scenario</h2>
7: <% end %>
8: <%= will_paginate @scenarios, :next_label => 'Old...
I have listing pages that take a page argument on the url like the following:
Should I just include the URL without params or should I list all pages in my sitemap.xml?
Paginated content are listings, like an index. Therefore their content is also (in more detail) found in detail pages. But...
Hi iam using infragistics ultarawebgrid in my appliccation when i use custompaging iam not able to retrive the specified no of records per page
the code i written is
string[] cusLabel;
in the grid initialise
grid.DisplayLayout.Pager.AllowCustomPaging = true;
grid.DisplayLayout.Pager.AllowPaging = true;
Classic scenario: Take user input, get a search-result and display it in pages to the user. I then need to display buttons for First, Next, Previous etc, and I maintain the users current page in viewstate. All is good, works fine.
Then I need to implement clickable page numbers, ie. 1-2-3-4-5-6 etc.
Rendering them is simple. I generate...
What are the best libraries available right now for client side pagination?
I have a listview that displays products. I have a datapager associated with the listview. I control the visibilty/population of product details by a query string value "prodID". I need to make sure that the right page is active when the page is loaded. So if prodID 10 exists on page 2 in the listview, then page 2 will be the active ...
I am using the Struts 2 framework but this question is not just Struts 2 related.
I am trying to have some sort of pagination in my website. Let's say I have a list of records that I want to show on a page. The list has 150 records but I want to show 50 on each page so in this case there will be 3 pages. Of course, the list will be fet...
This is a more generic reformulation of this question (with the elimination of the Rails specific parts)
I am not sure how to implement pagination on a resource in a RESTful web application.
Assuming that I have a resource called products, which of the following do you think is the best approach, and why:
1. Using only query strings