
paging through database results using jquery

I'm looking for info on how difficult it will be to page through a number of results from a database using jquery. I have already found a plugin but I don't think it's what I need. I have a form with 8 textboxes. I want to populate these 8 textboxes with the first database result and then show paging if there are more results. If there ...

server side paging with jQgrid

I just took a look at jqgrid. Has anyone tried implementing this plugin, or used jQuery, to achieve server side pagination? I am using struts2 and populating a html table with list returned from DB. This list is returned from an Oracle SP. The SP, along with some other parameters, is taking in 'start' and 'begin'. So I can pass numb...

displaytag external paging/sorting and getting true row number

I'm using external paging/sorting with a custom TableDecorator and the following DisplayTag table in a JSP: <display:table id="ixnlist" name="pageScope.itemList" sort="external" decorator="org.mdibl.ctd.pwa.displaytag.decorator.IxnTableWrapper"> <display:column title="Row" property="rowNum" /> ...more columns... </display:tabl...

Does Rails have a built-in pagination solution?

I've noticed that pagination gems like mislav-will_paginate are quite popular. Is this because Rails does not have a built-in pagination solution or because the built-in solution is not very good? ...

LIMIT 10..20 in sqlserver

I'm trying to do something like : SELECT * FROM table LIMIT 10,20 or SELECT * FROM table LIMIT 10 OFFSET 10 but using SQLServer The only solution I found looks like overkill: SELECT * FROM ( SELECT *, ROW_NUMBER() OVER (ORDER BY name) as row FROM sys.databases ) a WHERE row > 5 and row <= 10 I also found: SELECT TOP 10 * ...

How to get selected category id after 1st page in pagination?

//$id=$_REQUEST['category']; //$catid=mysql_escape_string($id); $catid = isset($_GET['category']) ? (int)$_GET['category'] : 0; $recordsPerPage =4; 0 // //default startup page $pageNum = 1; if(isset($_GET['p'])) { $pageNum = $_GET['p']; settype($pageNum, 'integer'); } $offset = ($pageNum - 1) * $recordsPerPage; //set the number...

How do I get PassedArgs to work in Pagination in CakePHP?

I have a page which returns results that are filtered on an organization_id. The URL looks like this: nameofview/organization_id:1/page:2/ I'm using the built in Paginator controls and I pass $this->PassedArgs into it like this: <div class="paging"> <?php echo $paginator->prev('<< '.__('previous', true), array('url' => $this->Pas...

Styling pagination Cakephp

How do you style the paginator with CSS used in CakePHP? I can't find a way to attach a CSS class / ID to each of the "span" generated by the default pagination helper in CakePHP. ...

Yui Datatable with AutoComplete and Pagination

I try to understand how use server-side Pagination for Dynamic Data (I see example : My problem is I can not customize my request, when I try the pagination, my request is : qct-list.htmlsort=geneid&dir=asc&startIndex=50&result=25 The request should be in the follo...

Django Paginated Comments .. is there any existing solutions?

Hi, is there any existing pagination solution for Django contrib.comments? What I need is just a simple paginated django comments, for the Basic Blog application (from the Django Basic Apps) I used, using a simple has_previous and has_next I have copied the django.contrib.comments and tried modify the code but with no success. The code...

Issues with pagination and sorting

Hi, I'm looking into situations in database-oriented web applications when one should rely on client side sorting of tables over sorting on the server side. One particular situation that is bugging me is pagination. When trying to paginate a large table (say 10000 rows), as well as sort it by a particular column, what would be the best...

Custom BusinessDataListWebPart Pagination (Next Button) - pageindex never changes

Pagination (Next button) doesn't work for custom BusinessDataListWebPart. I am adding BusinessDataListWebPart using code. Everything works fine. I can see 20 data raw at the same time but when I click "Next Button", I can not see next 20-40 data. A postback occurs, but the pageindex never changes. I am using following code to add Busi...

How do you handle Zend_Paginator ?

I was looking at Zend_Paginator in Zend Framework project using MVC, and it looks like an intersting tool. It looks like we can give a select object as argument to the factory, it's interesting because it means that i should return a select object from my model, is it a good way to do ? It seems to be a bit heavy to do this, since it w...

Easy pagination in Java EE with jsp

I'm looking open source pagination component, where I could just give list of items to method that would make pagination to my jsp page. I would get items from database by page parameter and pagination method would do the rest. Is there any good componenets for that ? ...

Repeater pagination with checkboxes issue

I have a repeater that displays data from database, each item has a checkbox that are used to "mark" items for deletion and etc. (there is no item in database for chekbox!). Because I use pagination (on data access and presentation levels), there is no way to preserve checkboxes values between page movements. How can I solve this issue...

Django: paginating differently on the first page

Hi At the minute, I'm using Django's object_list to handle pagination. I'm happy to move to the proper Paginator() class if you think I need it after you hear my problem: On the homepage, I want to paginate by 7, but on all other pages I want to paginate by 10. How would I go about doing this? I really can't get my head around it. The...

Maintaining page number after redirect in CakePHP

I have an index view that lists items, and it's a long list so I use Paginator to limit items to 50-to-a-view. Each item has an "edit" link that goes to an edit view with inputs/validations/etc. When that form is submitted, I redirect the use back to the index view. So far so good, but here's the rub: If a user is on page N of the in...

PHP pagination - problem displaying correct content on additional pages

I found this awesome code online to help with pagination, and it's working well, the only problem is: each page displays the same 4 rows. Any ideas will be much appreciated <?php //Include the PS_Pagination class include('includes/ps_pagination.php'); //Connect to mysql db $conn = mysql_connect("localho...

php pagination numbered page links

Hi, This is a pagination code used for the navigation, any ideas how to get this code to display simply a numbered list of the pages as links? if (isset($_GET['pageno'])) { $pageno = $_GET['pageno']; } else { $pageno = 1; } if(isset($_GET['niche'])) { $query = "SELECT count(*) FROM studies WHERE niche = '{$_GET['niche']}'"; $re...

Item's page and will_paginate

I have some photos that are split on successive pages through will_paginate plugin. When you open a photo and then return to all photos using a link, you always return to the first page (e.g. the photo is displayed on page 5, you open the photo, click a link to show all photos and expect that you are on page 5 again, but you are on page ...