
Newbie PHP question pagination

How would I do so that the page I'm on wont be clickable? $page = (isset($_GET['page']) && is_numeric($_GET['page']) ? (int) $_GET['page'] : 1); $limit = ($page - 1) * 15; $sql = mysql_query("SELECT * FROM log LIMIT $limit, 15"); $totalres = mysql_result(mysql_query("SELECT COUNT(id) AS tot FROM log"),0); $totalpages = ceil($totalre...

I want to display results from database 10 per page in jsp

I have the following code for my website, and I want to expand this result to display 10 results per page. If some one can help me I will be grateful. java.sql.PreparedStatement p = servlet1.DB.query("select * from user where userdate like "); p.setString(1,userdate); java.sql.ResultSet r = p.executeQuery(); ...

How can I display the same DataPager control in two places on a page at the same time?

I have a DataPager control that looks like this: <asp:DataPager ID="page1" PagedControlID="ExperienceList" runat="server" PageSize="3" OnPreRender="page1_PreRender"> <Fields> <asp:TemplatePagerField> <PagerTemplate> <asp:DropDownList ID="ddlPage" runat="server" AutoPostBack="true" CssClass="default" OnSelectedIndexChanged="ddlPage_Selec...

How do I do very large pagination in ASP.NET MVC?

I am following the NerdDinner MVC application as a guide to do my paging. What if my results are more than 1000 pages, I want to show perhaps the numbers 1 2 3 4 5 .. 10 on the bottom of my page and perhaps something like >> to move to the next set of 10 or 100 pages. How can I do this in MVC? ...

how do I implement a kohana pagination in MVC?

that's it. How do I implement the Kohana pagination library in MVC way? which code should go to the model? to the controller? to the view? I have seen tons of examples but none of them are implemented in MVC. ...

How to do pagination and filtering in MVC applications

I am using the example martijn Boland's to page. The url of my app changes when I click on the page numbers: http://localhost:1202/Issue?page=6 So far so good. The problem is when I add a dropdownlist that submits on change, I can not page as well as filter. If I change my dropdown, I should pass the projectId in the querysting, my...

Pagination for a variable content document

The project is developed using CakePHP. The page is of a news feed article. Pagination is simple when you want to return (x) number of records per page, or (x) number of images per page, or even limit the number of words/paragraphs/characters but what if you want to paginate by the visual length of the page? The issue came up because...

Django: How can you get the current URL tagname (for pagination)?

I'm trying to do pagination with the page parameter in the URL (instead of the GET parameter). I also want my pagination to be shared code across multiple different templates. Given that, I think I need to do something like this : url(r'^alias/page;(?P<page>[0-9]+)/(?P<id>.*)$', alias.get, name="alias"), tempaltes/alias.htm...

How to paginate blog posts in a Rails application

I tried the following code but it doesn't work class BlogsController < ApplicationController def index #@entry_pages =, Entry.count, 10, params[:page]) @entries = Entry.find(:all, #:limit => @entry_pages.items_per_page, #:offset => @entry_pages.current.offset, :order => 'entries.created_at DESC',...

Grid View Pagination.

Dear All, I have a grid view and I want to implement Pagination functionality.This is working fine. protected DataSet FillDataSet() { string source = "Database=GridTest;Server=Localhost;Trusted_Connection=yes"; con = new SqlConnection(source); cmd = new SqlCommand("proc_mygrid", con); ds = new DataSet(); da = new Sq...

How can I select rows in MySQL starting at a given row number?

Say I have 50 rows in a MySQL table. I want to select the first ten (LIMIT 10), but then I want to be able to select the next 10 on a different page. So how do I start my selection, after row 10? Updated query: mysql_query(" SELECT * FROM `picdb` WHERE `username` = '$username' ORDER BY `picid` DESC LIMIT '$start','$co...

Is it bad to paginate with query strings?

i.e. If query strings are used to control the pagination, won't search engines only be able to index the first page (i.e. the page without the query string)? This is usually how I've seen pagination done, but I'm wondering if there is a better way for search engine indexing? ...

Automatic multi-page multi-column flowing text with QtWebkit (HTML/CSS/JS -> PDF)

I have some HTML documents that are converted to PDF, using software that renders using QtWebkit (not sure which version). Currently, the documents have specific tags to split into columns and pages - so whenever the wording changes, it is a manual time-consuming process to move these tags so that the columns and pages fit. Can anyone ...

Overriding Rails mislav-will_paginate plugin

I'm working with the Rails mislav-will_paginate plugin to paginate my records. I want to produce the following output, regardless of whether there were multiple pages: X - Y of Z 1 - 100 of 1826 will_paginate in WillPaginate::ViewHelpers returns nil if there was only one page of records. I want to override this in the cleanest possibl...

Strategy for locale sensitive sort with pagination

Hi, I work on an application that is deployed on the web. Part of the app is search functions where the result is presented in a sorted list. The application targets users in several countries using different locales (= sorting rules). I need to find a solution for sorting correctly for all users. I currently sort with ORDER BY in my S...

UITextView Paging Enabled Text cut off

Hi, I am using a UITextView and enabling paging (in both IB and programatically toggling it on and off). There's a lot of text and when scrolling with paging enabled sometimes the first and/or last line of the currently viewable text ends up halfway in view and half out of view at the bottom or top of the frame so you can only see the t...

Pagination with special loading function?

I was searching for a script or at least a code snippet but haven't really made any progress. Anyway, I'm looking for a script that works like a simple pagination javascript but it should be accessable by linking from anywhere in the document and by calling it with the URL (e.g. on the third page of the p...

iPhone pagination dots??

Does anyone know how to incorporate the iPhone's (and iTunes) pagination dots into a web page? The web page I'm working is for the iPhone, but is not a native app, just an iPhone optimized web site. I figured out how to do horizantale finger scrolling - major headache - but not the client is asking for some pagination to display as the...

Pagination not working Subsonic

I am having trouble with the pagination. It does not work, i.e. List staffs count is always zero for the code below. If I remove the Paged method, correct results appear. How else can I solve this? I am using Subsonic 2.2. Pls help - thanks SubSonic.SqlQuery query = DB.Select().Paged(startIndex, pageSize) .Fr...

PHP Pagination, MySQL LIMIT problem

As some of you may know, use of the LIMIT keyword in MySQL does not preclude it from reading the preceding records. For example: SELECT * FROM my_table LIMIT 10000, 20; Means that MySQL will still read the first 10000 records and throw them away before producing the 20 we are after. So, when paginating a large dataset, high page num...