
paging and sorting using jquery

How can i see paging usng jquery,also should have facility to see amount of records selected from drop down.For eg Dropdown conains 10,20,30,40,if i want to see 40 records then i would select 40,by default it will show 10 records perpage,Secondly i also want to use paging and searching techniques.Please help. ...

CakePHP: Numbered Paginated Results

The title is a bit wonky but it's the best I could come up with at 4 in the morn'. I have a table of links that I am paginating, nothing fancy. Let's say there are 100 links that are displayed 20 a page for 5 pages. How can I number each link starting with 1 and ending with 20 on the first page and if we skipped to the last page would...

codeigniter pagination Problem

I want to paginate query results in CodeIgniter to look like this: Problem 1 : The Pagination class always outputs numeric links. I just want to show next and back links. Problem 2 : $data['links'] = $this->pagination->create_links(); returns all of the links as a string. How can I separate the next and back links and put next t...

Suggestion for a efficient Pagination tutorial?

I have looped data from mysql, and it's a pretty long list. What's the most efficient way to do pagination? Currently, I am looking at this one: Feel free to recommend a better one, thanks ! ...

How to get get current page row no into checkbox of one of the columns of displaytag in struts1??

I am using struts1.. my code is something like below.. When I try to delete any row from next pages.. the index starts from 1st once again.. how to get the actual row number??? Delete <% java.util.ArrayList< beanPackage.CustomerBean> al=new java.util.ArrayList< beanPackage.CustomerBean>(); daoPackage.DAOClass dao=new dao...

How to do pagination and filtering in MVC applications

I am having the same problem as this post but the answer does not work.... No overload for method 'Pager' takes '4' arguments Am I using old MVCContrib or the answer is deprecated? my code looks like this: in controller public ActionResult Index(int? clubid,int? page) { List<aspnet_Users> memberList = new List<asp...

How to do pagination for three divs separately in the same page in cakephp?

I have three divs (on the same page)with different id that I would like to use pagination for. I am using CakePHP's inbuilt pagination method to bring about this. The first page for all the divs are displayed correctly. But if I am in the first page of the second div and click the next link, I get the next items of the first div. And s...

Displaytag: Controlling the placement of the paginator

Hi According to the docs, Displaytag can be configured to put a paginator before or after the generated table element via the "paging.banner.placement" property. However, I would like to place the paginator in it's own row in the table footer. Does anyone have an idea how to do this within the displaytag framework? The only solutio...

Using will_paginate without :total_entries to improve a lengthy query

I have a current implementation of will_paginate that uses the paginate_by_sql method to build the collection to be paginated. We have a custom query for total_entries that's very complicated and puts a large load on our DB. Therefore we would like to cut total_entries from the pagination altogether. In other words, instead of the t...

Will_paginate for ASP.NET MVC

I was run across issue to paging my list object in mvc where my object is simply load by LINQ-to-SQL. Is it some kinds of will_paginates command? in rails, i can do like Users.paginate(:all, :page => 1, :page_size => 20) ...

HowTo: Using MvcContrib.Pagination without using MvcContrib.Grid View

This started as a question, but turned into a solution as I did some experimenting! So I thought I would share this with you all. My question WAS: How to use MvcContrib.Pagination without using MvcContrib.Grid View? My answer is below... ...

Using the HTTP Range Header with a range specifier other than bytes?

The core question is about the use of the HTTP Headers, including Range, If-Range, Accept-Ranges and a user defined range specifier. Here is a manufactured example to help illustrate my question. Assume I have a Web 2.0 style application that displays some sort of human readable documents. These documents are editorially broken up int...

is this a codeigniter vulnerability?

hello guys I'm having 3 months with codeigniter so today I discover an error on my pagination script : $this->db->where("by_id",$user_id); $this->db->order_by("date","desc"); $this->db->limit(10,$from); $query = $this->db->get("status"); well the url is look like this : server/demo/page/10 so if user type server/nedjma/baniss/10...

How to make pagination in XSLT

I have the following XSLT: <xsl:template match="/"> <div id="dokumentliste"> <xsl:variable name="alleNyheder" select="$currentPage//node" /> <xsl:for-each select="$alleNyheder"> <xsl:sort data-type="text" select="@createDate" order="descending" /> <xsl:if test="./data[@alias='manchet'] != ''">...

Pagination while using a GET variable

Hello, I have had a difficult time paginating the code below. I think it has to do with passing the GET variable $find on to the next page. Anyway, how would I paginate the code below, so that the table below shows only 100 rows per page? Thanks in advance, John <?php ob_start(); session_start(); $find = strip_tags($_GET['find']); ...

Pagination problem

Currently I have some xml documents which are converted via xsl into html. The html is converted via abcpdf into a pdf document. The content of the pages is dynamic. A page is represented by a div tag, however the amount of content going in could in fact be 3 pages long & I need some pages to have a header and a footer inserted and some ...

CakePHP pagination with HABTM models

I'm having some problems with creating pagination with a HABTM relationship. First, the tables and relationships: requests (id, to_location_id, from_location_id) locations (id, name) items_locations (id, item_id, location_id) items (id, name) So, a Request has a Location the request is coming from and a Location the Request is going t...

will paginate miscounting oddness with named scopes

I recently broke up my query into 4 named scopes to make it easier to re-sort and will paginate which otherwise always worked fine now has problems calculating the number of pages. named_scope :loc, lambda { |id| { :conditions => ['location_id = ?', id ] } } named_scope :datem, lambda { |*args| { :joins => :scannables, :conditions =...

How to enforce URI segments to Kohana pagination after the page URI segment?

I'm using Kohana's pagination library and it lets you specify the parameter uri_segment at initialization. When it generates the pages links, they will have that uri_segment you specified, and after that, the page link. Let's say: /some/uri/segments/6 where 6 is the page. Now, that enforces the page number to be the last uri segment. W...

How can we implement Paging using json, Need the records to be preloaded. Help

I am trying to implement paging in PHP, using Json. I need the data to be preloaded, before the user click next results. Please Give me some suggestions or some references. ...