
How to pull data from xml and break it in pages (pagination)

Hey everyone, I am using simplexml to pull data from an external xml source. I have got values even for limiting the number of results to display. I thought I could paginate with a simple query within the URL, something like "&page=2" but it is not possible as far as documentation shows. I downloaded a pagination class intended to use w...

only show tables with certain patterns in mysql "show tables"

there are too many tables in a db. how can I only show tables with certain patterns? or is there a way I can do paging like "| more" in shell command ... 4.0 dynamic data GridviewPager specifying number of pages

Hi, I am currently using Dynamic Data Linq to SQL for a project. I was wondering if there is a way to change the available options for the number of items to display on a page for the GridView. Currently the "Results Per Page:" drop down list only gives me options for 5, 10, 15 and 20. I want to add 50 and 100 options to display 50 or ...

Paging with datagridview in works only from 2nd time

Hi, I have datagridview with paging enabled. But when I want to move from page to another page in the grid, then it only works when I press the 2nd time on some other page. I read some on the internet that I need to bind the data of the gridview but the thing is, I cant bind the data again because the gridview was filled with data in t...

GridView Paging, unable to get the correct Datakey value

GridView <asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" AllowPaging="True" AllowSorting="True" PagerSettings-Position="TopAndBottom" PagerSettings-Mode="Numeric" PageSize="40" CellPadding="4" DataSourceID="dsEquipmentGridView" ForeColor="#333333" GridLines="Horizontal" Style="font-size: x-small" AutoGenerateColumns="False" ...

what is the page table size for a 32-bit process?

If the page size for a process is 4096 bytes what should be its page table size that it keeps for mapping virtual addresses to physical storage? ...

Page and page file

A page is a contiguous of block of 4 kb and so what is page file? how it is used by 32 bit processes? ...

Is using a JDBC scrolling strategy for paging of tabular data going to result detrimental performance?

We currently have a system that displays a page tabular data on the screen without any paging support in the user interface. It is running on Java 1.5 / Spring JDBC / T-SQL stored procs / SQLServer 2000 stack. In the absence of the ability to skip rows in the result set (limitation of SQLServer 2K without using dynamic SQL); I am explo...

Java Object and array memory location

I'm writing an array-backed hashtable in Java, where the type of key and value are Object; no other guarantee. The easiest way for me code-wise is to create an object to hold them: public class Pair { public Object key; public Object value; } And then create an array public Pair[] storage = new Pair[8]; But how does the j...

Nested UIScrollView like photo apps having issues when changing orientation

Hi, I have implement a nested UIScrollView based on apple developer website sample. It works fine until I turned on the orientation change. When it rotates, there will be some white color coming out during the rotation animation. And it will go away once the loading is completed. I have tried to set the backgroundcolor to black for bot...

SilverLight PagedCollectionView Groups Headers And Paging

Hi I've started working with dataGrid,PagedCollectionView and DataPager for dinamic sorting and paging. I have noticed that the summary in the group header only refers to the group-items in the current page (the summaries are mostly wrong). I tried to override the groupheader text via converters, but again, the converter only knows the...

implementing paging logic in DB2 SQL

Hi, Is there a way to implement paging logic in DB2 SQL, where records can be fetched page wise. The following query works only for queries with no joins. When queries with join are used the ROW_NUM is returned as 0 and paging cannot be done. SELECT * FROM (SELECT ROWNUMBER() OVER() AS ROW_NUM, Results.* FROM (S...

Paging in ASP.NET without a database

Hi, I have a page on my ASP.NET site that has a Repeater control to show posts from members of the site. At the moment I am storing the data for the posts in an XML file and then caching it within the site inside custom objects. So I have: public class MemberPost { public string Title { get; set; } public string Text { get; s...

ASP.Net MVC checkboxes in filter

I'm creating an action that will retrieve database records and filter these results based on one or more industries selected by the user using checkboxes. The form method is set to "get" and each checkbox has the same name. As a result, the querystring has a key/value pair for each selected industry id and I'm getting these IDs into the...

jqGrid: Enable paging while converting HTML table to grid

Been googling all this while on how to convert an html table to something pagable and sortable, and I have stumbled across jqGrid jquery plugin. I've learned so far that we have to call tableToGrid() to convert the table (which we pass as a jquery selector string to the method). I've also tried a host of other things, like for e.g: tabl...

iphone: How to do kCATransitionPush without any fade??

I want an animation of push between two sub views, just like ScrollView paging mode. I know I can use UIScrollView directly, but the logic there is not so same with my program. Anyway, I can use kCATransitionPush animation, but the bad thing of that is it does fading while pushing. I really hate that fading, can anyone pls tell me ho...

Loading first page of data quickly over HTTP

Pretty normal scenario: I have a report with a large number of rows (>2000) to be rendered as an HTML table. I am paging the results on the client (browser) side. I want to render the first page as quickly as possible, the rest will continue to download as JSON (about 1MB total) I want to use a single request to the server because th...

Create dynamic paging with javascript

I am calling a SQL search query and based on the number of results, generate pages with a set amount of results on each page. I want to be able to generate a drop-down menu to select which page to navigate to. How would i go about doing this using javascript and cookies? Any help pointing me to the right direction would be great. (links...

RIA paging with custom data layer

We're using a custom data access layer to read our domain objects (customers, orders, etc) from a database. This data access layer does not support paging or sorting. We want to publish parts of the data (for instance customers) to a Silverlight client, using WCF RIA Services. In the client, we want to display a data grid with paging. ...

Magento resource model filter and limit

Hi when getting a resource model in magent using Mage::getResourceModel i can add filters no problem but how can i limit the result set to say 5 or 10? ...