
Custom paging in datagrid

Hey, I was wondering if it is possible to create a new page in the databind process. I need pages that a different sizes. A new page should be created each time a particular object is bound. If not, I would def be open to some suggestions on a way to attack this issue. Thanks! Edit: I am trying to add paging to my datagrid. This datagr... datagrid custom paging with pages of various sizes.

I am trying to add paging to my datagrid. This datagrid stores hierarchical data. So the top row has several children rows that need to go beneath it. When a new top row type is going to be added I want to make a new page. This way all related rows will be displayed on the same page. So, I think the tricky part might be making pages with...

Looking for jquery text paging component.

Basically it should be comparable to jquery-ui tabs, without the tabs (on top) but with navigation buttons (below) instead (first, prev, next, last). Do you know of such a plugin? I googled around a bit, could not find anything. It shouldn't be too hard to write myself but it's better to copy something good than too implement something ...

MMU and TLB miss

Suppose the following. I have a system with virtual memory with one lever paging, I have a MMU and the TLB thing is controled by software. Ok.. so imagine I'm a process, and I want to read a word in RAM of virtual address vaddr. So, the CPU gives the MMU vaddr, the MMU checks in the TLB if there's an entry with the (suppose) 5 most sig...

what kind of approach should I use to implement pdf thumbs ?

Hello I have to implement kind of the below design : In the above image I have kind of thumbnail of a pdfbook pages and there are two next and previous buttons to implement the functionality of paging . i am thinking of two options to do this 1) Do the designing with IB find the page thumbs and set them accordingly . 2) The second ...

How to style tables on successive pages of a paged media output?

I have an html table like this: <div class="report"> <table> <thead>...</thead> <tfoot>...</tfoot> <tbody> <tr class="row-to-style">...</tr> </tbody> <tbody>...</tbody> </table> </div> Note that all tbody's above are identically structured. I want to style the very first tr....

Is the data in a memory-mapped file guaranteed to flush sequentially?

I'm trying to implement a file storage mechanism which holds a number of variably-sized records in a single file with the guarantee that the set of records will always be recoverable into a consistent state, even if the system failed at a hardware level. So far, every scheme I've come up with pivots on writing data sequentially. Some pi...

GridView, ObjectDataSource, and Custom Pagination with MySQL

I am trying to hook up custom pagination with an ObjectDataSource to my GridView. However, this thing renders no data, but does render the column headers. The debugger clearly indicates a populated DataTable being returned: <asp:GridView ID="GridView1" runat="server" DataSourceID="ObjectDataSource1" AllowPaging="True" /> <asp:ObjectDat...

Paging in Gridview, can't access another page

I have a web app where everytime I upload an Excel file, its contents appears in Gridview, which is binded with a DataTable. Using the properties, I have set paging and sorting to true. When I input a file using fileupload and a submit button, the web app has page numbers at the bottom appear. It also correctly sorts it, (my page size ...

Nested UIScrollViews: horizontal scrolling

Hello, I'm trying to scroll horizontally through a set of pages, where pages are grouped by two (and can be zoomed both together). So far, my view hierarchy is: One outter UIScrollView that scrolls horizontally. Several inner UIScrollView that contains two pages each, scrolling horizontally too. The problem I have is that swiping qu...

Oracle stored procedure to return paged resultset

Is there a way for an Oracle stored procedure to return paged resultset (as refcursor) back? For example, I would like to pass to the stored procedure the number of records to return and the page number interested. Then I only want to see those number of records back to my client. How is that done on the Oracle side? i.e. var v_numreco...

SSRS Url Access and Paging

I have an app that executes and displays reports from SSRS retrieved through URL Access ( Unfortunately, one of these reports is HUGE, resulting in a lot of generated HTML, causing the WebClient to timeout during the call, or the browser to choke on the amount of HTML coming back. I...

php paging problem

i have one php page with paging option i use follwoing sql statement to generate total number of pages $rowsPerPage=25; $pageNum = 1; if(isset($_GET['page'])) { $pageNum = $_GET['page']; } $offset = ($pageNum - 1) * $rowsPerPage; $query = "SELECT COUNT(id) AS numrows FROM TableA" ...

In cakephp,layout calling two times when i use AJAX

Please see below code snippt: <?php //Sets the update and indicator elements by DOM ID $paginator->options(array('update' => 'content','indicator' => 'spinner','url' =>$this->passedArgs)); echo $paginator->prev('<< Previous', null, null, array('class' => 'disabled')); echo $paginator->next('Next >>', null, null, array('class' =...

ASP. NET C# GridView Paging

Hi good day to all. I have this web application for a certain company. In this web application there is a part that uses GridView to display records from the database and the way it is being displayed it is hard coded. I'll display my codes bellow. string SQLCommand = "SELECT LastName +', ' +FirstName + ' '+MiddleInitial AS '...

GridView: Can I implement client-side paging?

Regarding ASP.NET's GridView server control: Can I bind to a datasource in the code-behind, load the entire resultset, and then implement client-side paging without postbacks? If this isn't possible with GridView, I'm willing to implement a custom solution. EDIT: My GridView instance sits inside of a nyroModal (jQuery) pop-up div,...

Best way to do paging in a .NET page

Hi, Hope you are having a great day. I have a page where I let users browse related items (photo albums) posted by other users. I show the album thumbnail, title, author, ratings views and category for each albums. Now the number of related items can get large say 500 photo albums is related to a album user is viewing. I just show firs...

paging xml data

how do i implement paging on xml data which is being called through php. i've been trying various jquery pagination on the xml file with no luck. html/php code reading the xml data: <div id="display"> <?php error_reporting(E_ALL); ini_set("display_errors", 1); $xmldoc = new DOMDocument(); ...

passing parameters in xml

i'm trying to implement paging in xml using this code and got around to making it work. while it works perfectly, there is a small issue, that when i click on the NEXT button, it keeps reloading the page with the same initial records. it does not take the user to the next page. i came across this link wherein the poster had a similar ...

Repeater control paging

I've got a repeater control containing comments. I'm about to implement ajax paging to it. I was opting to use the updatepanel (conditionally) for this thing, but I guess it's going to get kinda slow in production environment (Each time about 20 rows will be visible). Do you guys have any other ideas on how to do this? I want to keep th...