
Paging using Linq-To-Sql based on two parameters in mvc...

As two parameters i say currentPage and pagesize .....I thus far used sql server stored procedures and implemented paging like this, GO ALTER PROCEDURE [dbo].[GetMaterialsInView] -- Add the parameters for the stored procedure here @CurrentPage INT, @PageSize INT AS BEGIN -- SET NOCOUNT ON added to prevent extra result se...

DataGrid in UserControl --> Paging problem

Hi, I have a DataGrid in a USerControl. Somehow the paging doesnt work, the paging has the right amount of pages, but clicking the numbers does not work ... it stays on page 1. This is my Grid: <asp:DataGrid ID="DG_Grid" runat="server" AllowPaging="True" PageSize="10" EnableViewState="True" AllowSorting="False" DataKeyField=...

Client-side caching/paging of *Large Hierarchical Data* (Large Tree Data)

Background: I am developing a client-server based WPF application which displays large result sets (millions of rows) from related ad-hoc SQL Server queries in a custom UI Tree/Grid View. The ad-hoc SQL queries, which are generated on the client through the user interface, are essentially nested 'master-detail' (related) queries which e...

paging php error - undefined index

i've a search form with paging. when the user enters the keyword initially, it works fine and displays the required output; however, it also shows this error: Notice: Undefined index: page in C:\Users\user\Documents\Projects\Pro\search.php on line 21 Call Stack: 0.0011 372344 1. {main}() C:\Users\user\Documents\Projects\Pro\search.php:0...

textbox disappears in paging - php

i'm calling the search.php page via ajax to search.html. the problem is, since i've implemented paging, the textbox with the search keyword from search.html 'disappears' when the user clicks the 'Next' button [because the page goes to search.php which has no textbox element] i'd like the textbox with the search keyword to be there, when...

Entity Framework 4 - Calling a Select / Paging Stored Procedure

Hi guys and girls, I am just starting out with the Entity Framework 4.0 and ASP.NET MVC 2 and have a few questions regarding the use of stored procedures and paging. You can map the Insert, Update, and Delete actions to stored procedures and I have already done this. However for my paging to work I need to map the Select action. Now ...

Click event not registering on second page.

I'm using tablesorter and tablesorter.pager. Here is my code. $(document).ready(function() { $("#peopletable") .tablesorter({ widthFixed: true, widgets: ['zebra'] }) .tablesorterFilter({ filterContainer: $("#people-filter-box"), filterClearContainer: $("#people-filter-clear-button"), filterColumn...

css of pagination links

i'd like a basic idea of how to go about formatting the following paging of the search result. this is the paging code: //Create and print the Navigation bar $nav=""; $next = $page+1; $prev = $page-1; if($page > 1) { $nav .= "<div class=\"search_mainpg\"><div class=\"searchpage\" style=\"width...

pagination in css/php

two questions: --1-- it displays all the number of pages. but i'd like it to display as: << Prev . . 3 4 [5] 6 7 . . Next >> --2-- when i hover on the current page no, it should change color or increase the font-size, but when i modify the css of a:hover, all the page nos change color or size instead of the one which i'm pointi...

user-kernel address division

In ARM linux, the user-kernel virtual address range is divided in the ratio 3:1. But in MIPS linux, this is usually 2:2 Does someone know what motivates this design difference ? I have a faint idea that this has something to do with the fact that in MIPS, the TLB refill is managed in s/w and the kernel TLB entries are kind of hard...

How to apply paging to a dataset?

How can i apply paging to a dataset? I have a method in wich i dynamically build a table from a dataset. Querying the database from wich i get my dataset from is not an issue but iterating the datarows from the dataset is slow. To increase performance when loading a page containing a lot of datarows i wanna apply paging ability. A feat...

Ajax enabled sorting and paging on grid in ASP.NET 3.5

Is there any good solution for ajax enabled Grid with pageing and sorting which only brings the required data from database? I mean it should only bring the data from the database which is to be displayed on the particular page number of the grid. I looked at this. It looks good. But I just thought if anyone has created something better...

Need Help with Jquery TableSorter Pager plugin.

Hi I am using the tablesorter plugin: with jquery 1.4.2 Now my problem is this. The user can dynamically add rows to the table. But this seems to mess up the paging. Like first it gets added to the first "page" of rows but if you would go to the second page and you go back to the first page. You newly recor...

Navigate through .Net Grid

is there a way to navigate through gird found on this page by passing parameters in query string?;ed=12/31/2008&amp;bt=O&amp;lb=1000000&amp;ub=1000000000&amp;d=5/6/2010&amp;pt=-1&amp;dt=D,%20MTG&amp;st=consideration Or any code suggestion? All example could i need in C...

ASP.NET Gridview and SEO friendly paging

Hello, I've started a topic ( a while ago about the default ASP.NET Gridview vs XSLT paging. The conclusion was that XSLT paging should be used if you can because it's SEO friendly. In some situations I need to use the ASP.NET Gridview, but I'd like t...

How to do paging in master-detail report(SSRS)?

I want the paging of master-detail report (SSRS) in detail table, i have joined two tables for datasource. I have given the expression in table group like this '=Int((RowNumber("list1_Details_Group")-1)/12)' but it breaks the page after every list instead of rows???? ...

What run-time issues are present when using thread-level memory-protection/paging?

Okay, so we support per-process memory paging/protection today. I've been wondering for years what sort of benefit is gained by offering page-level protections to what is arguably the smallest execution unit our OSes support today: threads. This question on Software Transactional Memory brought it back to the forefront for me. Benef...

How does SmartGWT paging work?

Can someone please explain to me how paging works in SmartGWT? I see it working in the showcase, but I just can't find it documented anywhere. (The information in the javadocs far from sufficient to understand what's going on.) I have a ListGrid, and a custom DataSource that interacts with my server. Let's say I want to set a page siz...

paging helper mvc

Hi, I have implemented a paging html helper (adapted from steven sanderson's book). This is the current code: public static string PageLinks(this HtmlHelper html, int currentPage, int totalPages, Func pageUrl) { StringBuilder result = new StringBuilder(); for (int i = 1; i <= totalPages; i++) { ...

How to implement paging in both directions in GAE-J with cursors

Hello all, I'm trying to implement paging in my GAE-J/GWT app. Paging forward with a cursor is straight-forward, but I'm wondering if there's some best-practice for paging both forward and backward with cursors. Thanks! ...