How to remove a specific file in Rails public folder?
User in my web app are able to upload file. I use Paperclip to handle file attachment issue. Is there any method if I would like to remove any specific user-uploaded file programmatically? ...
User in my web app are able to upload file. I use Paperclip to handle file attachment issue. Is there any method if I would like to remove any specific user-uploaded file programmatically? ...
Image Paperclip::CommandNotFoundError I am getting this error. Installed Image magick, rmagic both specified path in developement.rb Paperclip.options[:command_path] = "/opt/local/bin" Using Snow Leapord ...
If i allready have a photo in my filesystem how can i save it without submitting a form? I would like to do that in a controller when some action occurs. I am using paperclip to save my photos. so if you have any idea how to make paperclip save it it would also be very helpful. Paperclip: I allready have a photo saved with paperclip. ...
Hello, I am currently running a Ruby on Rails application with Imagemagick and Paperclip and have a problem with PNG transparent images. They show with a black background and I'd like to know how to do to make that background show white. I found some resources but unfortunately only in PHP. Would be great if you could share with me a so...
I need to upload files and then parse them using paperclip? Currently it is uploaded in the /system folder, which isn't allowed in heroku. I don't need the uploads to be persistent...I parse it and then store them. So I'd like to be able to save into /tmp and then parse, and then let it get blown away later. Thoughts on how to do thi...
I'm trying to upload a Dynamically generated file from Flex (PNG image) to Ruby on Rails Server back end using the following code (from Flex on Rails book): public function save():void { var bitmapData:BitmapData = new BitmapData(width, height); bitmapData.draw(this); var ba:ByteArra...
I am using Heroku for my production environment so I need to load the paperclip files into different directories. For development I want it to continue in the current /system default, and in production I want to pass the :path variable to a /tmp directory per Heroku. How do I do this? Am guessing maybe set something in the environment...
I would like to read the geometry of a photo off of my S3 container. When it's on my local, this works : def photo_geometry(style = :original) @geometry ||= {} @geometry[style] ||= Paperclip::Geometry.from_file photo.path(style) end But it doesn't seem to work when I switch my model over to S3.. Any recommendations? The bigger s...
Is it possible to enforce a 'content type' validation in paperclip without enforcing a 'presence' validation (i.e. allow blanks)? I currently have: class Person < ActiveRecord::Base has_attached_file :picture validates_attachment_content_type :picture, :content_type => ['image/jpeg', 'image/jpg', 'image/png'] end However, this fai...
How do I tell Paperclip not to save the original file when it is uploaded? Or even better, to store a scaled version of the file as the original? ...
I have a Picture model in my app that uses Paperclip to attach an image to it. The model: class Picture < ActiveRecord::Base has_attached_file :image, :default_url => "/system/:attachment/missing.png", :styles => { :small => "100x100#", :medium => "460x460>", :large => "1024x1024>" } validates_attachment_presence :image validate...
I'm using paperclip to handle image uploads to rails. it worked fine on my dev OSX machine, but now on my web server I get this error: [paperclip] /Users/marky/bin/identify '-format' '%wx%h' '/tmp/stream,16451,2.JPG[0]' 2>/dev/null [paperclip] An error was received while processing: #<Paperclip::CommandNotFoundError: Paperclip::CommandN...
Hi there, I'm using Paperclip and accepts_nested_attributes for. I'm wondering what is the best way to discard photos (i.e. not save them in the db), if they have {model}_file_size == nil. This could be done using attribute_fu like in the example bellow, using the discard_if option. The Photo class uses Paperclip. However, I don't want ...
What is the difference between using > or # when cropping a thumb: example: has_attached_file :image, :styles => {:small => "100x100#"} has_attached_file :image, :styles => {:small => "100x100>"} How do get a thumb that has the maxium height of 100px but variable width (to preserve the aspect ratio)? Thanks Deb ...
I have a page where I can view a product, and directly from this page the user can add and remove multiple images associated with the product. I'm using paperclip in a form to upload new file. Because multiple images can be saved for a product I created an image model belonging to the product model. It's not possible to use the default...
I feel like this will end in a facepalm moment but I've been banging on my head on it for too long. I have a Rails seed.rb file that gets all the files from a specific directory creating a new object for each file and saving the file via Paperclip: Dir["./**/*.jpg"].each do |f| ... p =, 'r') { |photo_file|...
I'm having great difficulty in finding a bug preventing some uploads to my rails app through Uploadify. Here is the error I'm receiving: The thing that's making this difficult is that it's not at all consistent. Sometimes the images will upload perfectly fine. Other times they won't. Th...
how can I make my rails app to receive images from clients through an API using paperclip plugin. I know how to use paperclip using the ordinary form to upload the images, but i need to send images from a mac client. thanks in advance ...
I am using paperclip to save photos to my users' profiles. Rails is saving the paperclip attachments multiple times every time a page loads. Any ideas on why this is happening? ...
I have model Person that has many Images, where images has a Paperclip attachment field called data, an abbreviated version displayed below: class Person has_many :images ... end class Image has_attached_file :data belongs_to :person ... end Person is required to have at least one Image attached to it. When using FactoryGi...