
How can I resize a Paperclip image after it has been added to the database?

I've added 2000 pictures to my images table and I'm using the Paperclip plugin to create thumbs. I'm wondering if there's a way to go through the database and add another :styles element. For example, when I added the images I had the following in my model: has_attached_file :image, :styles => { :medium => "300x300>", :thumb => "100x10...

rails paperclip batch processing

How can I use paperclip to move files uploaded using ftp to a server, create thumbnails and then move it all to aws? Using paperclip as part of an upload process is no problem, and moving the files to aws as part of that process is also no big problem, but how can I use paperclip as part of something running entirely using cron and rake...

Store image in database using rails paperclip plugin

I have an application that uses the Paperclip plugin for image upload. Now that app should get deployed to an host(heroku) which has a read-only file system. Can I somehow tell paperclip to store the images in the database? ...

paperclip + gravatar

Hi all. I've found this tutorial ( about implementing gravatar as default image to the paperclip-enabled model, but on implementing i see message "undefined method `match' for [:format, :png]:Array". Whats wrong in this articl...

Error with Paperclip / FasterCSV Processing for optional csv upload

Hi, I have a page where a user can import data to the site. either in the form of copy and pasting into a text area from excel, or by uploading a .csv file. The controller checks if a csv has been uploaded - if so it processes this, else it will process the pasted content. (working on the assumption the user will only choose one option...

What is the best file upload/attachment plugin rails?

What are the pros and cons between PaperClip and Attachment_fu ? Are there any other plugins that would you recommend ? Is possible to support multiple file uploads and progress feedback on upload using these plugins and Passenger + Apache ...

Paperclip / Passenger NotIdentifiedByImageMagickError:

When I try to upload a photo in Ruby on Rails using Paperclip on my local machine it works perfectly. When I try to upload a photo in Ruby on Rails using Paperclip on our Linux (CentOS 5.2) server with Apache and Phusion Passenger, I get: 2 errors prohibited this user from being saved There were problems with the following ...

using paperclip to get list of style/geometry pairs, even without valid object

I am working on maintaing an old code base and I'm migrating attachment_fu to paperclip. I migrated one thing but now I'm having a small issue. There's a partial that renders images given the type of image and a thumbnail style. I fixed the part to render the image and that's fine, but the "else" assumes that there actually is no photo ...

getting global s3 bucket name while using paperclip in rails

This is probably a silly question, but is there a way I can pull out the root bucket name out of the YML s3 file I have? Other tutorials I've seen just assume that the buckets are named development/test-(whatever). I just want to pull exactly what is in the amazon 3s yml out of there, or else I'll have to hard code it... I've tried like...

Paperclip - images duplication

Hi, I would like to not duplicate the image if it's the same that is posted, Like: user1 post an image user2 post the same image 2 # images in the db Is there a way to handle that ?? Thanks, ...

probem with paperclip accepting jpg and png on production

Hi, I'm using PaperClip plugin in my Rails application as follows: has_attached_file :photo, :styles => {:small => '64X64>', :medium => '250X250>'}, :url => "/assets/user_photos/:id/:style/:basename.:extension", :path => ":rails_root/public/assets/user_photo...

initializing copy of photo in a different model with paperclip plugin for rails

Here's my question. I have a user model with one attached avatar. This model has many personal photos (with accepts_nested_attributes_for). I want to be able to initialize a personal photo automatically after saving a user object with whatever the user avatar turns out to be. So say Bob uploads his avatar, bob will automatically have on...

Using Paperclip to Process .tga (targa) Files

I've run into an annoying problem with Paperclip. Paperclip is working fine for uploading jpg/gif files but it's choking on .targa files with the error "not recognized by identify”. Just to confirm, it's working 100% with jpg/gif/png files and I have imagemagick installed and working, this error only occurs with .tga files. The general ...

How to display images in Rails without plugins like Paper Clip?

I'm trying to display images using my web application written in Rails. I've come across solutions like PaperClip, Attachment Fu etc; but they modify my data model and require to save the image through UI. The problem is that, the images content is not stored using Rails, but a Java Servlet Application. Is there a way to just display the...

Saving files using Paperclip without upload

Hi, I had a quick question. Is it possible to save a file without actually uploading it through a form? For example, lets say i'm looking at attachments from emails, and i want to save them using paperclip. How do i do this? Do i manually have to call a save_file(or something similar) somewhere? Any help would be much appreciated! ...

Uploading to Ruby on Rails from iPhone using ASIHTTPRequest

Hi, I've really hit a wall and am need of some help! Thankyou for reading this far! I'm in the middle of writing an app that talks to my ROR web-server for database requests and works great thanks to ActiveResource. But I now need to also upload files to the server, and I plan to use ASIHTTPRequest which looks great, my problem thoug...

Paperclip validates_attachment_content_type for mp3 triggered when attaching mp3

Hey everyone, Struggling to workout when i add the following validtion to my Voice model using paperclip, it is being triggered when i try and upload an mp3: class Voice < ActiveRecord::Base has_attached_file :clip validates_attachment_presence :clip validates_attachment_content_type :clip, :content_type => [ 'application/mp3', ...

git not responding to my rails vendor/plugins directory

My git works fine in my app, except it doesn't respond to my vendor/plugins/paperclip directory. I can make a change in vendor/plugins/whatever and git status will show it, but not in vendor/plugins/paperclip. My .gitignore file only gas log* and public/system in it. I'm pretty stumped...searched google & asked in IRC, but nothing. Any i...

rails paperclip default image with S3

I'm trying to use the default_url in my application but I store the images using S3. I'm not sure what URL I need to put in there or if I have to create a fake image just to get everything up there. Since my images always render through S3, I don't know if it would work if I just put in some default images in my public folder. It doesn'...

How does the Flash Player know when you have successfully uploaded a File?

I am using Ruby, RestfulX, and Paperclip to upload a File, using the FileReference class. I get the response from Paperclip in the terminal that says I've successfully saved the file, but it appears Flash never gets what it needs to know the upload has been successful. I'm getting this error if I try to upload again while the CursorMan...