
How do I read paragraphs at a time with Perl?

Hi! When I write #!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; while( <DATA> ) { print "\n-------------------------\n\n"; print; <>; } after each "return" I get one line. Why don't I get with the next script after each "return" one paragraph? #!/usr/bin/perl -w use strict; local $/ = ""; while( <DATA> ) { print "\n-------------...

Turn off enclosing <p> tags in CKEditor 3.0

Is there a possibility to turn off the automatic enclosing of all written content within <p></p> in CKEditor 3.x? I tried CKEDITOR.config.enterMode = CKEDITOR.ENTER_BR; but this just changes the inline linebreaks to <br /> while leaving the enclosing paragraph. Currently writing "Test" produces this output <p> Test</p> but...

Formatting sentences in a string using C#

Hi All, I have a string with multiple sentences. How do I Capitalize the first letter of first word in every sentence. Something like paragraph formatting in word. eg ."this is some code. the code is in C#. " The ouput must be "This is some code. The code is in C#". one way would be to split the string based on '.' and then capital...

Should I put paragraph tags around images?

Hey guys, I have a web page where I have text with images. I write some text (in a paragraph) then put an image, then another paragraph. Should I put p tags around the image too, or should I just leave it in between with just the img tag? The reason I ask this is because up until now I was just plopping images in between paragraphs, ...

Highlighting long sentences using jQuery

I'd like to highlight long sentences (say, 50 words or greater) contained in an array of paragraph objects on a page, ie $("#content p"). I'm not sure how to tackle this. I originally tried to highlight all sentences, but ran in trouble when they contained HTML tags (example highlighting code on the net seem to be for individual words o...

Paragraph-based diff program?

Does anyone know of a diff viewer or comparison program that can do paragraph-based differentials? My repos has a large number of LaTeX files that are formatted into 80-character wide paragraphs (for easy editing with vim). It's currently very difficult to interpret the diffs between various versions, because any edit that caused the pos...

paragraph "<p>" padding not applied

The following three pieces of code behave exactly the same: <p {padding: 0 15 0 15}> A paragraph of text here... </p> <p> A paragraph of text here... </p> <p style="padding: 0 15 0 15"> A paragraph of text here... </p> How do I get the paragraph indented on both sides? (I tried 15px instead of 15 (EDIT - but only on the first tw...

How can I work with paragraphs in Wordpress?

Wordpress has a filter that automatically add paragraphs to posts. I can remove this by adding the followin code: // Remove the <p> tags which WP automatically inserts in psots. remove_filter ('the_content', 'wpautop'); The problem is that i removes <br /> tags as well. So I'm not removing this filter at the moment. My problem is t...

Paragraph spacing in the Silverlight 4 RichTextBox control

I am using the Silverlight 4 RichTextBox control which works really well. The problem I have is that the paragraphs are displayed within the control with no spacing between them, so it just looks like a newline. I've tried setting some styles on the Paragraph type but the Silverlight version seems to have no Margin or Padding properties...

make an image and a paragraph sit next to each other.

I have a box with an image and some txt and I want the txt to be horizontal to the image. I know this may be a pretty easy question but I can't seem to find a good answer on the interwebs. thanks for any help. <div id='container'> <img src='someimage.jpg'/> <p>some text</p> </div> ...

How to use BeautifulSoup to extract from within a HTML paragraph?

Hello, I'm using BeautifulSoup to do some screen-scraping. My problem is this: I need to extract specific things out of a paragraph. An example: <p><b><a href="/name/abe">ABE</a></b> &nbsp; <font class="masc">m</font> &nbsp; <font class="info"><a href="/nmc/eng.php" class="usg">English</a>, <a href="/nmc/jew.php" class="usg">Hebrew</a>...

CKEditor prevent the <p> at the begining

Hello! I am using CKEditor and what it does is add by default a at the begining of the content. Even if I set enterMode to be , it will only affect what the Enter key does, and keep the starting . The problem I have with that is that if a text starts with an tag, it will wrap the around that and the float:left on the image has no e...

nl2br for paragraphs

$variable = 'Afrikaans Shqip - Albanian Euskara - Basque'; How do I convert each new line to paragraph? $variable should become: <p>Afrikaans</p> <p>Shqip - Albanian</p> <p>Euskara - Basque</p> ...

How to Awk Paragraph in complex text file?

Hi there! I have a simple log file which is very messy and I need it to be neat. The file contains log headers but are all jumbled up together therefore I need to sort the log files according to the log headers. There are no static number of lines that means that there is no fix number of lines for the each header of the text file. And I...

How to pass AWK output into variable?

Hi there! I have a small bash script that greps/awk paragraph by using a keyword. But after adding in the extra codes : set var = "(......)" it only prints a blank line and not the paragraph. So I would like to ask if anyone knows how to properly pass the awk output into a variable for outputting? My codes: #!/bin/sh set var = "(awk...

How to collapse a paragraph?

How can I make a Paragraph collapsible in a FlowDocument while keeping its text selectable? ...

How can I grep a paragraph in Perl?

Hi there! I have a log file which needs to be properly formatted into a readable format. However the text file has no static number of lines or fixed primary values and has random number of spaces but has only a log file header which can be used to pin point the start and end of each time the application logs. An Example of the log file...

IPhone: Change line spacing in UITextView?

I've been looking all over the 'net for information/examples... I'm trying to change the line spacing of text inside a UITextView object to double spaced. I thought you could do it via Core Text, but haven't found a solution! Any example code or information would be greatly appreciated! Thanks! ...

blackberry paragraph formatting labelfield

im having a label field that contains text value exceeds the screen width, i want to format the labelfield as paragraph to display inside specified width and height.. how to format the text in blackberry?? ...

How to use NSLineSeparatorCharacter and NSParagraphSeparatorCharacter?

I wonder how I can use the constants NSLineSeparatorCharacter and NSParagraphSeparatorCharacter as a parameter to a function instead of hard coding \n. - (id)initWithSeparator:(id)separator { m_separator = separator; } What would be the correct parameter type and what conversion needs to be done? Depending on the file contents I wish...